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Accepted Report: 76561198037134959 (okey)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Theangryvideogamekid, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    steamID: GM
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:38434615
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037134959
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198037134959

    steamID: iFuzz ½ Cashing out
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52139166
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064544061
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064544061

    Screen shots are downthere

    Well im doing this behalf a friend and he said that he been scammed out of a bud and a refine from okey and he said that he changed the password of origin and everything even on the hotmail so scammer doesnt changed it but he got scammed and yeah and i know he is a scammer but i read the rules and any form of scamming is offending the rules and here is the whole chat log and my friend provided the screenshots and everything

    Chat log

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: Battlefield 3 :3?
    okey: hi
    okey: yes
    okey: you speak spanish
    okey: ?
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: no me fine
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: Battlefield 3 account =bud?
    okey: ok
    okey has accepted your request to trade.
    okey: wait
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: let me get orgin
    okey: wait
    okey: yes
    okey: 5 seg
    okey: go
    okey: :D
    okey: i playing dota 2
    okey: :p
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: im gonna download orgin
    okey: yes
    okey: you download origin
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: ok how do i change the password
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: yeah
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: can i see if your account works
    okey: ok
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: email and the password and let me see if it works
    okey: user: drowers
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: and i have to change the pass and techincaly i need to have your email
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: cause 2 reasons
    okey: pw: buddha
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: you can contact origin and tell them to change the password and i wont know it anymore
    okey: next email
    okey: =)
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: account currently in use
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: ......
    okey: i loged
    okey: sorry
    okey: xD
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: do you have reputation?
    okey: no :7
    okey: 1+
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: i dont know if i can trust you
    okey: Iconfie in my
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: and you got different games
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: mass effect
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: bad company 2
    okey: yes
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: but i dont know if you gonna change the pass
    okey: Me there do not serve me the games for my PC
    okey: my pc is s✿✿✿
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: You speak spanish?
    okey: yes
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: No sé si va a cambiar la contraseña cuando se hacen con este comercio
    okey: Agamos the change and I him dare the e-mail
    okey: no hare eso
    okey: :)
    okey: lo prometo
    okey: reporteme si ago eso
    okey: yo no uso esta cuenta origin
    okey: no me sirve
    okey: solo juego dota 2
    okey: y counter strike global offensive
    okey: :p
    okey: confie en mi
    okey: no lo estafare
    okey: nunca e estafado
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: bien que hacemos el comercio, entonces dame tu email y contraseña y me va a cambiar su contraseña en su correo electrónico se puede?
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: I need to get your agreement
    okey: pero es muy riesgoso
    okey: si yo le paso el email me puede estafar con my cuenta
    okey: primero deme los items y yo le mandare el email
    okey: ?
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: soo
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: you telling me this
    okey: seria un negocio justo =)
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: i give the items and then you give the email?
    okey: si
    okey: y le mandare el correo
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: Ok lets do this
    okey: la clave es la misma
    okey: email is : [email protected]
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: dont delete me
    okey: pw is:thevourirer
    okey: ok
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: cause if you do then its a scam
    iFuzz ½ Cashing out: first i have to change everything
    okey: no
    okey is now Offline.

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  2. Scalia

    Scalia Retired Staff

    I need screen shots of your friend's trading history without any redactions, deletions, or modifications.
  3. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    Thats what he gave me

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  4. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    There he gave me the screen shot
  5. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User

    I got some more proof i decided to add him my self and he was still selling battlefield 3 but scamming with it and this what i got
    Chat log:
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): Hello
    GM: ?
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): Are you selling battlefield3?
    GM: yes
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): ill give 3 buds for it
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): but can you make your Backpack unprivate?
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): nevermind
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): well?
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): 3 buds can trade you battlefield 3?
    GM: yes
    GM: earthquake men
    GM: ><
    GM: wait
    GM: omg
    GM: ya
    GM: go
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): can you give me the info first?
    GM: si
    GM: yes
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): are you a scammer?
    GM: asept
    GM: no
    GM: :S
    GM: you?
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): why is your profile on private anyway?
    GM: not pivate
    GM: my profile is friends
    GM: =)
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): mhmmm
    GM: account is: drowers
    GM: Show me the articles
    GM: ?
    GM: wtf
    GM: you ban?
    GM: trade ban men
    GM: :S
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): i been telling you that i have alternate to trade
    GM: OMG!!!
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): i got 5 buds in there
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): i can trade you them
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): can you show me your link to tf2outpost plz?
    GM: Not confio in you
    GM: :S
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): ?
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): i gotta ask you was your password buddha?
    GM: wtd
    GM: wtf
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): If you delete you are reported to valve and you well get banned
    GM: you ban men
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): I know what you did
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): you delete me you well be banned
    GM: you crazy
    GM: bye
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): lol
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): wait
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): here
    Mr.Sir (I <3 Derpy): reported http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198037134959-okey.5348/
    GM is now Offline.

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  6. Theangryvideogamekid

    Theangryvideogamekid New User


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