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Archived Report: 76561198074748355 - (Gimli / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by MomGoblin #Scrub, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. MomGoblin #Scrub

    MomGoblin #Scrub New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198074748355 (Gimli)

    Victim profile: 76561198081056514

    What happened? Description:
    He runs a Fake raffle group. it's all set-up. im not the first report and sadly, i doubt i'll be the last. he tried to convince me a max's was a 5 bud item when i acted like i didnt know, but that was after he took a 7 bud unusual for a houwar raffle, even though the houwar wasnt in his backpack ._. yes, i know, next time I'll do my research, HOWEVER i recently had him say he would rather be reported and keep my unusual than give it back and have a clean rep so, he also decided to admit that he indeed scammed it off me, so here we are. i have multiple screenshots and the full chat copied in a word document as we speak.​

    Provide Evidence:
    MinecraftBoi2773: ahaha well. last chance, still gonn ignore me?
    MinecraftBoi2773: hello
    Gimli™: hi there
    Gimli™: again
    Gimli™: -.-
    MinecraftBoi2773: so.
    MinecraftBoi2773: how many people have you gotten, exactly, just curious
    Gimli™: you
    Gimli™: only
    MinecraftBoi2773: think you can give me back my bomber, ill give you a bud and a bills and we can forget about it?
    Gimli™: Um, no.
    MinecraftBoi2773: and why not?
    MinecraftBoi2773: ?
    MinecraftBoi2773: honestly its that easy, id even give you 2 buds for it, i just want my het back and ill forget about it and let you do your thing
    Gimli™: hahah, you think im that dumb?
    Gimli™: Im not stupid
    Gimli™: you'll take the unusual
    Gimli™: and then report me
    Gimli™: i dont even care
    MinecraftBoi2773: i have no reason to report you if i had my hat
    Gimli™: id rather have the unusual and get reported than giving it to you
    Gimli™: here you can have some proof
    Gimli™: Yes, i Gimli scammed your unusual.
    Gimli™: you'll just get it back from steam support if your report is good enough
    MinecraftBoi2773: i know, but frankly id rather get my original hat, it was my first valueable unusual
    Gimli™: Well im sorry
    View attachment 70322
    MomGoblin #Scrub: i see theres anothe houwar raffle

    MomGoblin #Scrub: any entrees yet?

    Gimli™: yes

    Gimli™: a guy bought 86 spots

    MomGoblin #Scrub: ah, then nvm

    Gimli™: yeh...

    Gimli™: i can remove some

    Gimli™: if you'd like

    MomGoblin #Scrub: naw, i was just gonna buy out the pot

    Gimli™: oh oki

    Gimli™: still playing tf2 arent you? :p

    Gimli™: lol its hard quitting :p

    MomGoblin #Scrub: actually giving the account to my brother in a few hours, last few hours of play

    Gimli™: aaaawww, i want some items xD

    MomGoblin #Scrub: you already got yours lol

    Gimli™: well i also gave away a houwar

    Gimli™: which i lost like 3 buds off

    Gimli™: xD

    MomGoblin #Scrub: i lost 7 lol

    Gimli™: Hello

    MomGoblin #Scrub: howdy

    Gimli™: did you give your account to your brother?

    Gimli™: or is this the brother? :p

    MomGoblin #Scrub: yeahh, this is the brother aha hows it going?

    Gimli™: Its good

    Gimli™: So i guess you're the owner of this account now.. :p

    MomGoblin #Scrub: yeah buddy

    Gimli™: okay cool

    Gimli™: You like raffles?

    Gimli™: I have some really good ones

    Gimli™: taht you might find like-able

    MomGoblin #Scrub: ahah well chris said thats why he quit was because of some raffle, but i mean, i dont see the harm

    Gimli™: Well im raffling a houwar worth 12 buds

    Gimli™: and there are only spots worth 10 buds

    Gimli™: so if you buy them all you get a houwar for 2 buds cheaper

    Gimli™: which is a pretty good deal i guess

    Gimli™: i accept unusuals

    Gimli™: and items

    Gimli™: just whatever comes

    MomGoblin #Scrub: so i mean, if i give you 10 buds you'll give me a houwar?

    Gimli™: yeah

    Gimli™: but some guys have already entered

    Gimli™: so all of the spots are not empty

    MomGoblin #Scrub: ah, so i'd be risking my 10 buds?

    Gimli™: no you can enter with as many spots as you want

    Gimli™: you dont have to go all in at once :p

    Gimli™: you can enter with like a bills

    MomGoblin #Scrub: how much is one spot? like just a single spot? aha

    Gimli™: or a bud

    Gimli™: 1 key

    Gimli™: well

    Gimli™: 1/200

    Gimli™: xD

    Gimli™: not the biggest chance

    MomGoblin #Scrub: ok, well, ill do that haha if i win, i personally promise to donate it back to your group! frankly idk what a houwar is but hey, it would be a ncie donation lol

    Gimli™: wow nice!

    Gimli™: relly tho?

    Gimli™: really*

    MomGoblin #Scrub: yup lol if i win i'll donate

    Gimli™: wow cool

    MomGoblin #Scrub: tis a game of luck tho haha

    Gimli™: well maybe i wont have to use my paypal money that i have earned from working

    Gimli™: maybe you could just donate the unusual of yours worth the same amount?

    Gimli™: it would be easier for me

    Gimli™: and it would help the group like a ton

    Gimli™: everybody will know you :p

    MomGoblin #Scrub: ahaha well, if you want, you can give me the houwar if i win, and ill buy it off you with paypal xD then you get your donation and i get whatever a houwar is haha

    Gimli™: sure

    Gimli™: so you wanna enter with your unusual?

    Gimli™: that would give you all remaining spots

    Gimli™: like 180

    Gimli™: out of 200 :D

    MomGoblin #Scrub: naw, i like my unusual haha i'll enter one key, just one spot. if i win, you trade me le houwar and i'll either donate it back or donate the cash valu eback

    Gimli™: well

    Gimli™: im sorry but i really really doubt that you'll win with one key xD

    Gimli™: by the way

    Gimli™: your unusual is worth 7 buds

    Gimli™: and i'll give you spots worth 9.5 buds

    Gimli™: so you get like a 6 bud profit

    MomGoblin #Scrub: eh, well, i mean the whole reason i got this account was because of a raffle loss lol i wouldnt donate more than a key, and thanks! i actually didnt even know what it was worth

    Gimli™: oh well

    Gimli™: wanna enter my other raffle then?

    Gimli™: my max head raffle?

    Gimli™: a max head is worth 5 buds

    Gimli™: and i'll give you spots worth 4 buds for the 2 buds you've got in your backpack

    MomGoblin #Scrub: a max head is worth 5 buds? wow. expensive

    Gimli™: yeah i know

    Gimli™: it raised cause of the game

    Gimli™: so?

    Gimli™: you have a really big chance

    MomGoblin #Scrub: mkay, and now i know your a scammer, thanks for the proof, cheers

    Gimli™: hmm?

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

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    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

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    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    MomGoblin #Scrub: indeed

    Gimli™: ff

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    Gimli™: f

    MomGoblin #Scrub: what exactly are you trying to achieve right now?

    MomGoblin #Scrub: ?

    MomGoblin #Scrub: so how many people exactly have you tricked?

    MomGoblin #Scrub: still got my bomber by any chance?

    MomGoblin #Scrub: hellooo?

    MomGoblin #Scrub: cmmmon gimli, drop the s✿✿✿, do you still have my bomber? i would like it back and we cna forget about all this crap

    Gimli™ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Gimli™ if they invite you to trade.​

    Attached Files:

  2. DoktorDiscord

    DoktorDiscord New User

    Hello. Could you provide a screenshot of your inventory history showing you traded the item to the accused?
  3. MomGoblin #Scrub

    MomGoblin #Scrub New User


    and i have a section of the chat saying that the bud and the 3 keys are extra. i mean obviously i wouldn't sell the bomber for a bud :b
  4. GambiT

    GambiT Banned on SteamRep

  5. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
  6. GambiT

    GambiT Banned on SteamRep

  7. GambiT

    GambiT Banned on SteamRep

    what do you mean by that? My friend who got scammed ?
    the pictures?
  8. GambiT

    GambiT Banned on SteamRep

    Here is what ive talked with Gimli and how he tried to scamm me.
    My friend talked with a friend of Gimli (Ace) and he gived his keys back but gimli is still a scammer.

    Attached Files:

  9. SP/\RT/\N

    SP/\RT/\N New User


    Attached Files:

  10. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Unfortunately there is not enough evidence here to further process this report, so I am archiving it. Note the accused is currently trade banned.