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Invalid 76561198027902955 Quakeman00 [UHC]

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Q̧̕U̡͠A҉KEM҉̡A̴Ņ̨͘, Jun 2, 2012.

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  1. Profile -
    steamID: Quakeman00
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33818613
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027902955
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/quakeman00
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198027902955

    The changes on my profile to a scammer have been made at 2011-07-31 according to steamrep

    First: Sorry about my bad English... I’m native French
    and will do my best to be understandable.

    The reason why I have not been worrying about my steamrep until now was due to the fact that
    I did not know what it was until a couple of months later when a friend called me scammer
    because of the site. So, the delay between the uhc server being closed and the appeal date
    is passed from a long time and I am aware of this.

    Concerning the reason why I’m banned... Well, I haven’t got many times from an unusual server
    in 2011, but when I did, I was banned for trying to sell a big kill. The guy I was going to
    sell it to told the admin I was over pricing a “simple weapon.”

    The only other incident I can think of that might get me banned was when I was in an unusual
    server. There were heavies in a box ring and I stabbed one of them.

    I don’t know which one of them was the real reason, but I do not have a lot of bans in my
    history (not counting the one I recently received on tf2r for spamming "°"
    on the chat to make it scary. I know it does not help my cause to mention this,
    but I would rather be honest and have a chance for my name to be cleared than to lie
    and be refused anyway.

    Now, for the reason I want to be appealed.

    I want to be able to trade in peace without entering a server and having it write in big red
    letters [SCAMMER] near my name. There is not even a reason on my profile about why I was marked
    but I remember about my bans and those are the only ones to my knowledge.

    Nobody complained about me and my trading service since that date and nobody will ever have a
    reason to because I respect the spreadsheet and I mostly use tr2tp for it.

    I also tried to trade on tf2outpost, but soon found myself being banned without having even
    committing any offence or trouble to that community. I where trying to buy some keys
    that someone where sellign for 1.50 each and he where a trusted seller on tf2rep.
    tf2outpost automaticly ban people who are marked and i think i didnt deserverved that ban.

    I have tried to collect some +rep on my profile for my trades and my raffles and I have
    given a lot (and even created a group about giving items to people.) I have also given
    about 2 unusuals and 5 big kills and a huge amount of keys worth in items.

    I hope you will consider my appeal.
    Regardless, thank you for your time.

    a friend of mine tryed to say some word to an admin

    here whats he pasted me

    16:23 - [PUG] psychockey: 4:19 PM - [PUG] psychockey: Why?
    4:19 PM - Public Array: He had plenty of time to appeal his ban when we had all the ban details
    4:19 PM - Public Array: He didn't, he lost his chance to appeal
    16:23 - [PUG] psychockey: 4:22 PM - [PUG] psychockey: So in basic terms, he will remain marked for the rest of who knows how since there is no way to get unmarked?
    4:23 PM - Public Array: Yes4:23 PM - Public Array: He had months to appeal
    4:23 PM - Public Array: He chose not to.

    might be true that i had plenty of time .. but i wasnt even knowing about steamrep
    and didnt knew i where marked since then

    also anounced my group i where trying to appeal myself regardless of the time limit expired
    here the comments

  2. TotallyRandomPerson

    TotallyRandomPerson New User

    Considering that Quakeman00 has been banned for unbeknownst reasons, by a community that no longer exsists, listed on a third party system to TF2 that 'sadly' isn't known to every player on steam, seems a bit unjust for the said circumstances. The first thought that comes to mind here is "Innocent until proven Guilty" which seems to not be upheld in this particular case. For whatever reason? If the UHC community couldn't register the reason for his ban/scam then that's the fault of UHC, not Quakeman.

    I'm not sure how the administration for SteamRep works, but surely it can't be that difficult or consequential for someone to remove the mark?

    And ignoring quakeman for a minute, assuming some F2P noob cries scammer when I sell my big kill for 15 keys and then an admin of GamersUN* bans me, after which my house gets flooded and I lose my computer and can't afford another one for several months. I'd scream bloody murder when I can't appeal.

    Or alternativly, if I rock upto a boxing match on the BigBangServer** and get banned for that.

    *Not that I doubt the GamersUN admins. I love you giuse!

    **Not that it ever happens anyway, griefers love to grief...
  3. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Invalid, this is simply not the place to appeal your tag. You already have an active appeal at UTC.


    This is the online realm. The viscitudes of real life really don't have a bearing on the actions of the account. We take precautions as to the activity of the account (not the person). Whoever you are (nothing suss as the appellant is your only friend), I will not address each of your comments but will simply say, the adage of 'Innocent until proven guilty' isn't the type of procedural equity we adopt when approaching scammer reports and tagging. It inhibits the response time in which we can tag an account (floodgate issues where equity is in ensuring protection through efficient tagging practices with a high evidence threshold). Additionally the equity is found in the tag appeal process where this can be amended if new evidence comes to light or the tag is unjustified due to a variety of circumstances.

    I can safely say 99% of traders avoid such situations to give them a ban or a tag. It really is quite hard to put yourself in the position of a ban or tag unless you've done something stupid. The onus is on the trader to avoid such situations. And it really isn't hard to simply trade without any fear of these processes.
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