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Accepted Report: 76561198060561462 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by PoeExperience, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Accomplice] Alternate account of hijacker or scammer
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198060561462 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198135329434

    What happened? Description:
    Ok i may be formatting this wrong and if so please let me know so i can fix it. The first account is the account of lone knight who i believe has an alternate account steal and phish for his items. The victim is where i put his alternate account. Basically The ti4 championship guy has never played tf2 before yet the screenshot i have of his backpack on outpost shows multiple tf2 keys and unusuals. Checking the history of the brother hood of arms the person who traded ti4 championship has a name implying they were recently scammed. this also occurs in the history of a sunbeams hardcounter in lone knights backpack on backpack.tf. Someone who has changed there name to recently scammed traded ti4 who then traded lone knight. I checked the history of a few keys in ti4s backpack and sure enough they were traded from lone knight. There are also a pair of tough stuff muffs in lone knights backpack that came form ti4 championship. As shown in ti4s friendslist lone knight is there along with other potential alts/scammers.​

    Provide Evidence:

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2014
  2. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Alright, I have went over this, I am not a main account or owning any kind of scamming alt. Simply just IP Check me, yes the guy added me and offers me quicksells but no I do not scam. I can actually provide screenshots showing me pay for the hats and I actually know someone else who buys from him (penek).

    | steamname: penek Quickselling for pure!
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:21026124
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002317976
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/alezzzz11
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198002317976
    Here in this trade: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/20125378 it shows the first hat and last hat both leads to ti4. We just get offered the hats for quicksell and had not known if he was scamming or not.

    I don't see why you're so upset for nothing, I have proven myself multiple times and if you wish for more proof, just ask.
  3. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    something else that may be of interest the brother hood of arms went through tif then lone new evidence.PNG
  4. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    That doesn't show anything because he basically auctions off the hat with the people and I offered the most and paid the most pure. If I was the scammer, I would have all of the hats and he isn't even marked when that had happened.
    You don't even have enough proof as to I just shut down all of your "proof".
    ~ Oh look, these went from ti4 to penek.
  5. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Oh, also there is more hats that didn't went through me and they went to Kyuubi, Penek, V.I.P, and maybe some others.
    ~ Expensive hats from ti4 to V.I.P.
    | steamname: V.I.P
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:58146560
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076558849
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/valveE
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198076558849

    You don't even have proof.
  6. Julia Gillard the Honest

    Julia Gillard the Honest New User

  7. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    Here is where i will dispute the claim that lone knight actually pays for his quicksells. In cp.png above, you can see that ti4 had the hardcounter on saturday may 31st. Also shown in cp.png, on june 1st lone knight ends up with the hat. Compare that information to these evaluations of ti4s backpack for may 30th, 31st, and june 1st. On may 30th ti4 has nothing. On may 31 he ends up with $819 worth of stuff. On june 1st it drops down to $5. it would appear that ti4 does not sell the hats that he steals but that he gives them away. Why would you give stolen hats away, unless you were working with who you are giving them to. Or you are the same person on an alternate account. Now I know not all of the $819 went straight to lone. I believe there are more people in on this and that the $819 was spread to multiple accounts to keep suspicion down. An argument can be made that these hats were bought with paypal money. If that is the case then it should be easy for both of the accused to send a screen shot of payment history.

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  8. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Fence? I just get offered the hats and if he was a scammer, I had not of known, he has other people competing to buy them too. Yes, I am not the scammer (take note -- PoeExperience) but he isn't marked and had decent deals and its basically auctioning.
    Why jump on this case? It's not like anyone has ever bought a quicksell for about 33% off before.
  9. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Poe, you aren't even apart and in any taking of this. I pay for the hat with my pure buds and keys only. I do not buy crap with paypal as I am only 15. As I have said multiple times, I am and wasn't aware of the fact he was a scammer as he isn't marked. If you see on his friends list, other people with s✿✿✿ loads of pure buds and keys. Which means he offers them for decent quicksell prices so everything seemed normal.
  10. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    If you paid in buds and keys then why is ti4s backpack valued at $5 with 3 items in it on june 1st? This would mean at best he had 2 keys and an unpriced unusual in it. But you say you pay in buds and pure only. So the unpriced unusual wouldn't factor in. You claim to have bought it in an auction. There is no way other bidders in a legitimate auction would let you get that hat for 2 keys. Maybe 10 keys, but 2 keys is insanely low.
  11. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Lol, you know what, look.
    ~ More keys to the page

    God, actually do research if you're willing to report for nothing. I get these for about 38-40% and that's it. Plus you just prooved yourself wrong. In one of the proof it clearly shows that there was keys in his backpack. So Boom.
    such smart, very gud
    + You see that electrostatic conquistador in his BP? Yeah I don't have it and never had one. Basically you're wasting your time here.
  12. DoktorDiscord

    DoktorDiscord New User

    Would you mind showing uncropped versions of your inventory history, also including the trade involving the Hard Counter? Just helps admins verify the authenticity of the evidence.

    As it has been pointed out, this ti4 person joined Steam only a month ago, has zero hours on TF2, and yet is already trading very high value items. That could constitute what one could consider an "obvious" scammer alt/fence, and in some cases, trading with such a user can warrant a Caution or Scammer tag. The deals may seem extremely tantalizing, given that the items are generally cheap and come across as really good deals. However, it's vital that you verify the identity of the person you're trading with, and the history of the item in question, to be sure that you're dealing with legitimate trades and not quick liquidations of ill-gotten gains.
    Mattie! likes this.
  13. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    Lone with the inventory history you just provided why didn't you snip in your steam community profile id?
  14. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Lol, that does nothing but okay

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  15. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    I bought three hats off of lone and on the third I decided to question where they came from. This is why i made this thread. So it would be nice if lone could prove what he paid for these using inventory history. If these trades i have with him get me marked as a scammer accomplice then so be it. Pay close attention to the pencil pusher and letchs lid histories. The pencil pusher came directly from a scammer to lone. And on the letchs lid history, the Chinese letter guy that lone got the hat from is one of the suspected alt as shown here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tf2outpost/discussions/0/540743212639710497/

    Attached Files:

  16. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    You're just wasting time and keep on posting unnecessary stuff, The trades were way back in may and I've gotten for about 40-45% each.
    This isn't doing anything.. I have and already did show that I am not an alt nor scammer. I buy them at regular quicksell prices, plus there are other people buying from him like penek.. just today recently.
    penek buying form ti4.PNG
    plus http://www.tf2outpost.com/item/440,2646241047,318,5
    Therefore shows, we actually pay for unusuals with pure keys. Penek currently has the unusuals just posted above that he had bought. It's not just me obviously.. How many times must I state this to get this through your head and prove I AM NOT A SCAMMER, just a dude with an outpost trade buying at around 40%.

    You're getting no where with this.. Never had this happen.
  17. PoeExperience

    PoeExperience New User

    I'm not worried about Penek I think hes equally as sketchy but that's not what this report is about. I'm asking to see screen shots of the steam inventory history of the 3 hats you sold me. Who you bought them from and what you paid. You were quick to provide evidence of the brother hood of arms, why cant you provide evidence on these 3 hats? Steam inventory history goes back pretty far i'm sure you can find it.
  18. Lone Knight

    Lone Knight New User

    Lol, Poe you're so smart thinking I get these hats for like 2 keys each. Who is seriously that dumb and if it was 2, that's scamming.
    Anyways, here. Here's the screenshots that is going to lead to nothing.. You proving nothing. lol.
    poeissosmartLOL.PNG poeissosmartLOL2.PNG poeissosmartLOL3.PNG
    There, As I said 40-45% off approximately. God going no where with this, pointless. Proved all of your points. I am not a Scammer.
    I've done nothing wrong.. I should've never have sold you unusuals for about 35% ish.
  19. Julia Gillard the Honest

    Julia Gillard the Honest New User

    He's not a scammer so he's not going to be tagged here. However, for the record, I'm going to post this. http://imgur.com/a/Erv6W (Begone, backseat moderators. I'm not filing a scammer's report. This is for the original poster here.) He's simply an enormous fence. He will happily buy from scammers repeatedly while justifying it by saying that others do it too (nowhere near as much as he does). He's not going to get a scammer tag for that. He will, however, get in trouble on Outpost and with anyone else who hates fences. He'll repeatedly deny any evidence because he's too inept to even understand what a scammer is.
  20. OmniPotency

    OmniPotency New User

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