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Rejected Appeal: 76561198069615119 - (Hank Hill's Sexy Propane / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by GIJewARealAmericanHebrew, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. GIJewARealAmericanHebrew

    GIJewARealAmericanHebrew Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198069615119 (Hank Hill's Sexy Propane)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    (note, I am sorry if some of this sounds worded wrongly, english is not my first language.)
    I love tf2 trading. It is one of my favorite things to do. I have loved it for almost 2 years now. Back when I wasnt so well at tf2 trading, I made mistakes. I tried to run a key scam, when I would go and buy a key from tf2 store and say it was untradeable when they asked for it. It was a very immature thing for me to do, and I completely regret it. Now that I have learned trading, I realize what I did was a complete and total mistake. I moved on and started trading better, I would do my best and try to help everyone's backpacks grow richer. I started getting into unusual trading more and more, and I was about to make a deal with a guy for one of his unusuals. He said I couldn't buy it from him because of my steamrep. I asked him what was wrong with my steamrep? I didnt know that I had a report against me from over a year ago. I never got the unusual, and I felt terrible. I then made an account, but I could not figure out how to comment on the thread against me. I decided to put it off and hope it would go away, but no such luck was found. After a month or two I decided to go and find out how to try to take care of this. I commented and I sincerely apologized, I even offered him more than triple what he had traded me (he had given me 4 ref, 1 scrap, and a strange fire axe). Even though it was a small amount, I felt completley terrible about what happened. I offered him a key just to close everything. I decided to make some guidelines that he would have to follow, so he couldnt just take the key and run. When I sent him the trade offer, he refused. He refused my apology. All he wanted was for me to end up where I am now, and I did feel pretty helpless. I do admit, I got kind of angry and ranted, but I feel like he deserved the rant, he would not let me try to get out of this mess. I tried contacting admins to see what I could do, but I had no luck, they said I was basically boned. I have felt terrible over this whole thing, I just want to make things right. I really do WANT to repay the guy, I just wish that he would accept my offer. An admin said that if he refused it would still count as me repaying, so that is why I listed it above. I really do just want to get back to the world of tf2 trading, and being banned by steamrep will make that impossible. I will do anything it takes to be unbanned, I just want to put all of this behind me and move on. Feel free to ask me any information, I will answer to my wellest capability of what happened. I am not hiding anything, you can ask for any evidence whatsoever and I will try to provide you the best I can provide.​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Your repayment intent was just to get unmarked, not because you genuinely felt sorry. I cant recall any other case/appeal I have come across where a user was that callous and even above continues to pass off the blame to the victim that you are tagged when it is actually your own fault for fraud in the first place. I see no reason to overturn the original admins decision to tag you.
  3. GIJewARealAmericanHebrew

    GIJewARealAmericanHebrew Banned on SteamRep

    Wrong. I wanted to pay him back because I did feel sorry. I scammed him and I felt really bad about it, please do not tell me my feelings for me. The guidelines were there to simply make sure that he didnt just take the key and try to push the claim that I scammed him even through repayment, and since he refused, it does count as me repaying him. That came straight from the other admin on the case (I forgot his name). I am not sure what callous means, and I am not blaming the victim. I tried the to the best of my capabilities to do what was right, and he refused to even let me attempt to do so. I do feel bad, it really is a terrible feeling to know that you put someone through the harsh reality of being scammed. This happened well over a year ago and I have not scammed since that incident, I have only done real trading.
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If you felt sorry, you would not have cared about the report and just would have repaid no questions asked.
    Since you did scam and attempted to make the repayment conditional upon removal of the report (previously told as well, does not have any actual impact on the report) I am going to decline to grant your appeal.
    Edit: Your poor attitude towards the other users in the report also hurt your creditability that you are actually remorseful for your actions.

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