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Archived raffle scam.

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Edmond The cool cat!, Jun 26, 2012.

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  1. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

      1. steamID: Edmond The cool cat!

        steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43836692

        steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047939113

        customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/baconlust

        steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198047939113

        I was new to tf2 and I wanted to take the easy way out, by scamming. The scam incident happened 3-4 months ago and I have never scammed again. I will still not scam trust me if i get reported as a scammer which will probably never happen, you can ban me from tf2 and steam. That is how you know I wont scam. So please take that scam badge off. On top is my Id and everything.

        I put this URL on top because This is my steam rep and as you can see I only have an incident for raffle scamming which happened to be about 3-4 months ago. Thank you for your time. I am not reporting myself also, I have seen people do it by mistake.

      2. I am also giving back the metal, or any items I have taken from the victims. I added them and soon as they are on I will give it to them. Their id's are:

        steamID: UnZungzer013

        steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47599627

        steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055464982

        customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/raymu

        steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055464982

        steamID: The Lone Wanderer

        steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41863381

        steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043992490


        steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043992490

        Thank you for your time.
  2. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

    I gave both of them there metal back here is the proof for lone wander and unzunger.

    Attached Files:

  3. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

    I gave unzunger a extra item, for demi I forgot i am if I have the chance though.
  4. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    Your original appeal thread got locked until an Admin take it.

    But you admited the scam, and the scammed persons are against your tag removal.

  5. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

    Why do you think people make these so they can get their scam badge off. Ok Evavn, just because you were marked does not mean you are going to make the same mistake, once a scammer always a scammer is not true. So I cant say i did not do it, but like I said earlier people can change, you should know that.
  6. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    You admit the scam, there's so many scammer, it's impossible to believe anyone, you should have thinked about this before.

    If you rob a ban and you give back the money, do you think they will let you go? No because that would be too easy.
    As a thief, IMO you need to pay for your crimes.
  7. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    sorry for the typoo i wanted to say rob a bank*
  8. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

    It is ok and I know what you are saying, but if you say no to all those scammers than the ones that would never do it again would never have a second chance, if you do more than one scam than never take their badge off. You have to trust me. That is all am saying. I have done one scam and that is the only scam that I am ever going to do.
  9. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    There's NO WAY to know who will not scam again and those who will.
    If you say you won't scam again with your second chance, then why you scammed at the first place?

    You admit the scam, people you scammed are against your tag removal.
    No one can trust you again on the net.

    You scammed, now pay for it.
  10. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

    I scammed so I can get some scrap metal because I was new and I did not know about these consequences, if I did than I would have never scammed. You brought up robbing a bank, the person serves his time in jail, and serves his time as a scammer so you should give people second chances. I do not think you understand that if you scam again you can get caught again, so never remove that badge again. I have a good point you have to admit that. People have trusted me actually, they look at my steam rep, and you know what they say........... I understand I will give you a second chance I will believe you. I ask a lot of people would you give someone a second chance in tf2, they say yes but only 1 more chance. So you and the victims vs over 15 tf2 and steam users, people would prob take my side. Just saying, in real life and tf2. Take your choice, what if you scammed, what would you say?
  11. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    Because i won't scam in the first place?
    I never scammed in any game i played. If you are new to the game or young Change nothing at all.

    Yeah robber serve time in jail, but if you want to compare your case to a real life robber, he server years in jail, removing your tag no wouldn't look like a jail sentence. Pay for your crime.
    Yeah "if you get caught again", the risk to scam again is still there. No one want to see a self admitted scammer in their server.

    No one take defense of scammers if they aren't scammersw themself.

    About the bank robbing example, if you rob a bank, the police ask for the money, will you really ask them for a second chance. NO, they'll give you some soap and they will put you in jail.
  12. Edmond The cool cat!

    Edmond The cool cat! New User

    Yeah it will cause you pay for your crime having your tag forever is like a life time in prison. Im not saying when you give the money to the police they will give you a second chance, this is a game not a life or death situation. So people do deserve second chances or they never change. WTH they do not give you some soap in jail. What are you talking about? Are you even an admin jw?
  13. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    No he isn't an admin.
  14. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

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