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SteamRep needs to start reaching out to people to mod...

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by Enstage, Sep 29, 2014.

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  1. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Ursus and jameless like this.
  2. jameless

    jameless Guru Retired Staff

    Your quote below this shows that you don't understand that.
    What you're recommending is allowing those less experienced with determining if evidence is accurate and sound to mark people with the same exact caliber of punishment as if it were a 'more difficult' category. It's taking a haphazard approach to the problem that will result in more issues and thus a much larger appeal queue, which takes even more time.
    All people have told you is that you're wrong. No one said that nothing will be done about the issues. They continue to try to discover new ways to solve the 'hiring crisis'. In fact they responded and told you they do reach out to some people.
  3. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Ursus and SilentReaper(SR) like this.
  4. Ursus

    Ursus New User

  5. Ursus

    Ursus New User

  6. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    Admins aren't the same thing as mods, I believe that this year only Clive was made admin, however 2 mods have been added to the team (if Im remembering correctly)
  7. Ursus

    Ursus New User

    How about you check out for yourself how complex ans sophisticated are those "steam wallet" scam attempts that I've posted and after that come back and tell me that I'm wrong.
  8. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If an admin has to look over the same work anyhow, how is that beneficial? ;)
  9. Ursus

    Ursus New User

    Well, he's not admin anymore and is claiming that it's so sophisticated that almost super power is needed to judge whether it is scam or not.

    With such approach as he is proposing every restaurant in the world would hire only Chefs instead of one Chef and bunch of aids that are less qualified and lower paid...
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    line cook
    gencobra and jameless like this.
  11. jameless

    jameless Guru Retired Staff

    You're wrong.
    I never said a super power was needed. I simply said it takes a certain amount of learning to be experienced enough to handle things appropriately. A lot more goes into marking someone than just reading a report.
  12. Ursus

    Ursus New User

  13. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I kinda like behind the scenes work in the restaurant like taking out the trash.

    Edit: Yeah even gave myself a customized title for that!

  14. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Not sure how much longer I will leave this open, please no more fish jokes dick.
  15. SevenStars

    SevenStars New User

    Hello fellow steamrep users! I've been reading through this thread as it has interested me and I see a lot of interesting ideas. While I do agree that it would be better if there was more steamrep staff, I also understand that its not an easy job and not necessarily anyone is cut out to make decisions that could lead to the banning of a user on a number of trade websites as well as marking them as scammers. My point is, while there is a bulk of reports that are often left unchecked or responded to I'd much rather have it this way than with an inefficient staff team or poorly chosen users who wouldn't be able to monitor a forum as big as this properly. I think everyone can agree that the steamrep staff team works awfully hard to put as much effort into collecting sufficient evidence and making non-biased decisions on open reports. Which bring me to my next point, if we were to have an "overwatch" type system on steamrep, it wouldn't be nearly as efficient as the current moderation team simply because of the fact that most of the people who use this website are here filing reports or helping other users file their reports. These people absolutely hate scammers, which could potentially lead to false assumptions and accusations and cause false results. People could be banned wrongly and that would be a whole much bigger mess.

    Besides, if there was some sort of overwatch system, wouldn't having to handpick people to use it be just as difficult as finding potential moderators and admins? The way I see it is that with an idea like this it would be far more difficult to moderate reports and it would be a whole load more trouble to integrate too. I've browsed through many moderator applications and I think I can definitely agree with a lot of the staff that review that most of the people that aren't accepted, aren't accepted for a good reason. While I would urge more people to apply if they qualify at all, it seems that some people just aren't cut out for it (I'm not speaking for everyone here, just from what I've seen so sorry if this comes to offense to anyone). Regardless, myself and a number of other users have been trying to help people complete and add evidence that is required in reports with good intention. That, with the staff team hopefully makes a difference. Thanks for putting mostly positive thoughts into this thread everyone, feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes or poor judgement in this post!
    Clive likes this.
  16. Warshooter

    Warshooter New User

    While I do respect this whole collaboration I think mods should go more over applications too. I for instance made a nice application which I found worthy but wasn't approved because I didn't have a mod to vouch for me.
    So what are you supposed to do then?

    I know there is a huge backlog and I have my best interests for the whole community. Ofcourse this is no job to take lightly and comes with big responsibility.
    Maybe if mods had a teamspeak/skype conversation to get to know their applicants and test them there could be much more progress made.
    Currently I have no idea where to fish for mod approval. I think this method is very steep and confusing.

    What should I for instance have done? be an extremely active forum member? Be friends with a mod? Add mods and introduce myself (which I would find intimidating)?

    Many applicants out there are willing to give their best. But there is currently no ideal system for recruiting yet I think.

    PS: These are all thoughts. I have no information on anything going on behind the scene.
    Ursus likes this.
  17. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    The lack of vouch was from a Partner Community not by a Mod. Getting this type of vouch just applies character to you and how you interacted within the community, the same community base that drives SR to what it is.
    I've had a few of those that apply to be mod just add me on steam and appear to have added a bunch of others in this circle to either kiss up, look good with so many green community tags showing on a friends list that it lights up like an xmas tree or to try and get more involved which for this purpose alone is too late and is something I don't care for.

    Personally I'd love to see ALL communities get ONLY 2 Community Admin tags, there is no viable need for more than 2 and the excuse that they were used to prevent impersonations doesn't fly no more as that still happens. That is just my 2-cents added in with that regard.

    So when you say ya gotta "be friends with a mod, add them and intro yourself.." just remember for what purpose are you doing this. Also being active on these forums is just funny on its own.. sure being active and helpful is good but to do so to make yourself look good and feel the part isn't what it should be applied to.
  18. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I could see some communities needing more than 2 tagged admins; it really depends on the size of the community, their staff, their workload, and how competent said admins are.

    I'd just like to say I was not active on the forums before I got accepted as a moderator. Your post count won't necessarily be the deciding factor.
  19. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    The tags are getting used for all the wrong reasons basically abused, but I'm not gonna sit here and argue that in this thread.
  20. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Mod application does not really require activity here. Although we do like to see that for various reasons. In some cases it can even overcome the lack off a Partner admin vouch on the application thread.
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