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Rejected 76561197996548232 Marshazzle (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Marshazzle, Jul 4, 2012.

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  1. Marshazzle

    Marshazzle New User

    steamID: Marshazzle
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:18141252
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996548232
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Marshazzle
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561197996548232

    Hello Steam Rep. Today I will be discussing a very important event that has destroyed my Team Fortress 2 experience for years.

    Recently, I was reported by Fat Penguin, also known as Metapoodle now. She claimed I had sharked one of her unusuals by falsely pricing Super Monday Night Combat. In this thread, I time and time again explained my uncertainty of the trade that she later followed through with.

    However, this isn't the issue. Later in the thread, Diego had marked me for giving my middleman services to fellow marked scammers. I have been a middleman/pricechecker/server admin for years and have given my hard earned services to players and traders alike out of shear gratitude towards the communities. I have never once checked to see if whom I am middlemanning for is a marked scammer, because I am the trusted foundation in the trade. Though I may have reputation from marked scammers, this does not ensure I am one myself.

    I have over 250 Steam friends, all of which mean something to me. A majority of them are server admins, close friends with Steam Rep officers, overall important people and people who make Team Fortress 2 a worth while game. I wouldn't waste my time scamming or sharking rather than tending to my community and giving my services to people who ask for them. I am also a competitive player, who simply enjoys every title VALVe has released. My friend, Moo I'm A Duck is currently in Washington State right now, getting a tour of the HQ and DigiPen College, which I hopefully will be able to do my senor year.

    My point is, I have unrightfully been marked and have physical proof that I am a trusted buyer/seller/trader/player on Steam as a whole. I have many friends and aquaintences that have experienced the events and giveaways I host and wish for me to be able to enlarge my availibility, if only I was able to. I joined Team Fortress in 2007 as a youngster and moved onto my main account in roughly early 2008. I've seen the entire community change and never once was tempted to take away the freedoms and amazing qualities of the game.

    Later on, the person who reported me added me and since we have been good friends. They admit their faults and I have admitted mine, but we both agree it was a misunderstanding and not a shark. I will provide confirmation of this statement later on.

    The report thread can be viewed here: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561197996548232-marshazzle.2357/

    Also, I am very open and welcoming to any questions a moderator or appeal helper would like to know. I am also going to be very open in demonstrate the gratification towards my many hours dedicated to helping users and my trustworthy acclaim. My profile is a perfect example. None of the reputation was asked for, but a number of the users who have posted are marked scammers. This is not my fault.

    Thank you all for being generous and taking the time to read.

    Hopefully I can play Team Fortress as it used to be without the troubles.
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    That's not an excuse. As a middleman, you're supposed to help honest traders by providing a secure mean of transaction, not help scammers sell to people they normally wouldn't be able to.
  3. Marshazzle

    Marshazzle New User

    I can easily change my function of middlemanning if that is the issue. Learning as I go is always helpful and I'm willing to improve under moderation.

    Thanks for replying so soon.
  4. A Box Of Noobs™

    A Box Of Noobs™ New User

    To be honest, he's an honest trader, I've seen him do so much for the =USE= community, he's donated so much, as well as mm'd for big events when no other admins were on. He's a good man, and certainly not a scammer.
  5. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I middlemanned hundreds and hundreds of times. (if you are interested here is my MM rep http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=433929#433929 )

    I always checked for scammers in advance before trades took place and would warn the other trader of the other guy being tagged, and would refuse to middleman for any scammers ever. As a trustworthy middleman that is part of your job! By middlemanning for a tagged scammer, you are, in effect, exchanging with a scammer and that is a violation of SR policy alone. That also is part of the process of aiding and abbetting to scammer activity. Trade happens and scammer goes back for more.

    No where in your post do you indicate that you would start checking or that you made any kind of mistake, saying you were unrightfully tagged. In summery, it is everyone else's fault but your own. Sorry, but as an experienced middleman I have to strongly disagree with how you middleman - with you still thinking it is ok to support scammers...
  6. Marshazzle

    Marshazzle New User

    I do not in any way support or wish to appear as if I support scammers.

    It was a simple idea that slipped my mind when middlemanning.

    Also, in a previous response I promised to begin checking user's reputation immediatly to better live up to my middlemanning job.

    If I could be monitored heavily if that's what it takes, I would agree.

    All I want is a safe, friendly, community, where I can do my job right, which I agree to doing, now that I know the intricate methods.
  7. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    If it slipped your mind and you middlemanned for scammers - that is a responsibility yyou messed up in then. So why to you claim that you were unrightfully tagged?
  8. Marshazzle

    Marshazzle New User

    Unrightfully tagged in the sense that I have admitted my fault and wish to be forgiven and counted on for changing his ways.

    I have hereby sworn to live up to the perfect ideal of a helpful middleman:

    1) Middleman people who aren't tagged, have more than 10 tagged friends
    2) Not middleman for bribes or people attempting to use another method of transfer
    3) I'll start providing and saving screens or bits of information to have better proof of transfers

    These are things I wish to do and promise to do if unmarked.
  9. hamie96

    hamie96 New User



    Traded with (PRTF2) Polartop on June 1st

    Chat Log when he added me:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Hamie96 |OG|: hey
    Marshazzle: Hey
    Marshazzle: You were the one who evidently got me marked as a scammer on SR
    Marshazzle: Now, I know Fat Penguin
    Marshazzle: And she appologized
    Marshazzle: And admitted it was a misunderstanding
    Marshazzle: So all I'm trying to do is appeal the tag
    Marshazzle: We're good friends now
    Marshazzle: And I'm just a middleman
    Marshazzle: I was wondering if you could have some grace and mercy
    Marshazzle: Maybe post or help me out?
    Marshazzle: Not to bother.
    Hamie96 |OG|: link?
    Marshazzle: I've gtg in several moments, it's 1 am.
    Marshazzle: But here, and thank you.
    Marshazzle: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561197996548232-marshazzle-sr-scammer.6686/
    Marshazzle: I explained I'd change my ways. The reason I got tagged was for middlemanning for tagged people.
    Hamie96 |OG|: Sorry
    Hamie96 |OG|: IMO, it was your own fault you got marked
    Hamie96 |OG|: I can understand slipping once, but you slipped multiple times
    Hamie96 |OG|: Sorry and I hope your appeal goes well and you have a nice day
    Marshazzle: I wasn't checking people's Steam Rep every time
    Marshazzle: Because I never knew I had to
    Marshazzle: I just wanted some reassurance my tf2 isn't ruined forever
    Marshazzle: Maybe some help
    Marshazzle: I slipped twice
    Marshazzle: But one time it wasn't my fault
    Hamie96 |OG|: how?
    Marshazzle: The other client misunderstood my convorsation
    Marshazzle: Nothing to do with my faults
    Marshazzle: Fat Penguin and I agreed
    Marshazzle: We talk lots since
    Marshazzle: I'm not a scammer
    Marshazzle: I'm a server admin and middleman
    Marshazzle: It's all I want to be
    Marshazzle: I just want to help
    Hamie96 |OG|: That still doesn't make up for you not checking steamrep
    Marshazzle: I never knew I had to
    Marshazzle: Until I got marked
    Marshazzle: So I'm asking for a second chance
    Marshazzle: No one ever told me
    Hamie96 |OG|: Well you were an admin weren't you?
    Marshazzle: I've mm'd like this for years
    Marshazzle: I played since 2007
    Marshazzle: And yes
    Marshazzle: But no one gave me a heads up
    Hamie96 |OG|: You did unusual trades correct?
    Marshazzle: yes
    Marshazzle: I did them mostly for non makred people
    Marshazzle: Until one day
    Marshazzle: And no one told me...
    Marshazzle: Hundreds of mms
    Marshazzle: I thought I was doing good
    Hamie96 |OG|: Now being someone who has done some unusual trades before, I see people asking for my Steamrep all the time
    Marshazzle: I see
    Marshazzle: I want to start over
    Marshazzle: See if I can start asking for it
    Marshazzle: You know?
    Marshazzle: I never knew
    Hamie96 |OG|: I'm just saying, you need to accept that it's your own fault that you got marked. You don't seem too even say once in your appeal, "I will check Steamrep for now on"
    Hamie96 |OG|: Considering how you say how you were unrightfully marked, I don't want to vouch for you
    Hamie96 |OG|: have a good day
    Marshazzle: I said
    Marshazzle: Unrightfully marked meaning I want a second try
    Marshazzle: You're just going with what other admins said to not have to bother for me
    Marshazzle: I said in a post later on I will check from now on
    Hamie96 |OG|: It doesn't just mean a second chance. It also means you really believe you were marked for wrong reasons
    Marshazzle: I know I was marked for not being correct at mm
    Marshazzle: I admit my fault
    Marshazzle: I wasn't marked corerect because my report was for something else
    Marshazzle: And randomly Diego said, hav e a nice day, you mm for scammers
    Marshazzle: I will change my op
    Hamie96 |OG|: well considering how they mark tons of people a day for trading with scammers, you were not marked unrightfully
    Marshazzle: Okay
    Marshazzle: I now understand
    Marshazzle: And I ask for guidence
    Marshazzle: And help
    Marshazzle: Because I now understand your point of view
    Marshazzle: If I can in any way edit this out
    Marshazzle: I was thinking wrong
    Marshazzle: I promise to begin being a good middleman.
    Marshazzle: I'll begin background checks.
    Marshazzle: Record data and provide screens.
    Marshazzle: The full 9 damn yards.
    Marshazzle: No problem.
    Hamie96 |OG|: That's cool. I just don't trust you
    Marshazzle: How come?
    Marshazzle: Because of my mark?
    Marshazzle: Also, why should I gain your trust?
    Marshazzle: What do you want me to do?
    Marshazzle: I've always been trusted.
    Marshazzle: I have over 300 friends to know that.
    Marshazzle: I'm only 15.
    Marshazzle: All I wanted was a neat job.
    Hamie96 |OG|: because you traded with another scammer 4 days ago
    Marshazzle: And I blew it by not being told.
    Marshazzle: Which scammer?
    Hamie96 |OG|: PRTF2
    Marshazzle: I trade with them alot and don't know it.
    Marshazzle: I can't check everyone I trade with.
    Hamie96 |OG|: so you still don't check steamrep?
    Marshazzle: That's annoying.
    Marshazzle: No, I haven't started.
    Marshazzle: Once I'm unmarked I will.
    Marshazzle: I have no reason to until then, I'm hopeless.
    Marshazzle: I haven't done anything WRONG.
    Marshazzle: No one died.
    Hamie96 |OG|: so you're admitting that even when you trade again after being unmarked, you're not going to check because it's annoying?
    Marshazzle: No one got scammed because of me.
    Marshazzle: Nope, I'm going to check afterwards.
    Marshazzle: Just for now, I don't know where this is taking me.
    Marshazzle: So I haven't been trading much.
    Hamie96 |OG|: You are doing something wrong. You're helping people who scam stuff trade it off for money.
    Marshazzle: But I'm willing to do steam rep checks every time if that's what it takes.
    Marshazzle: Right now even.
    Marshazzle: I'll make my good moves RIGHT NOW.
    Marshazzle: Every trade.
    Hamie96 |OG|: as opposed to not giving a care 4 days ago?
    Marshazzle: Yes, before my appeal.
    Hamie96 |OG|: That's not believeable and I honestly doubt you will change.
    Marshazzle: Before really understanding and grasping the severity and knowledge of what you need to do as a professional mm.
    Marshazzle: I will change if that means being unmarked.
    Marshazzle: You can believe what you might, but if I don't prove it in several days of hardcore mm and trading, I can be marked again.
    Marshazzle: I want to show I can do my profession.
    Marshazzle: A job.
    Marshazzle: Mm
    Hamie96 |OG|: I just think you want to do it so more people will trust you
    Hamie96 |OG|: I don't view you at all as a changed man
    Marshazzle: I am creating a server soon
    Marshazzle: What would it look like to be a changed man?
    Marshazzle: I want to give services to my community
    Marshazzle: It's how raffles and events are hosted
    Marshazzle: It's what I always used to do
    Marshazzle: I don't do it for myself
    Marshazzle: Last year I collected 10 Steam games and freely gave them away with events and buyins
    Marshazzle: I had to middleman for that
    Hamie96 |OG|: Well in order to be a changed man, you have to actually change
    Marshazzle: But I never once made profit
    Marshazzle: I know
    Marshazzle: I want to change right the hell now
    Marshazzle: It's 12 am, but tomorrow I can start
    Marshazzle: I actually want to do this
    Hamie96 |OG|: and since your marking, you still haven't checked to see if you're trading with scammers
    Marshazzle: And I know I can
    Marshazzle: I'm not trading with anyone from this point
    Marshazzle: In each person I do trade with
    Marshazzle: I'm looking the heck up
    Marshazzle: Because that's not going to ruin my future
    Marshazzle: And entire history in tf2
    Hamie96 |OG|: considering how you've been trading even with a tag, I doubt that's allowed on SteamRep either
    Marshazzle: It's because I haven't bothered appeal
    Marshazzle: I felt like I'd never get through
    Marshazzle: Otherwise, I'd have known what to do from the start
    Hamie96 |OG|: Good day to you sir, I wish your appeal the best of luck
    Marshazzle: Well thanks
    Marshazzle: I suppose
    Marshazzle: If this is what you call help
    Marshazzle is now Offline.

    Just thought this should be known.
  10. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm quite sure this is a place to appeal a wrongfully placed tag, not for scammers to be given a second chance.
    DataStorm likes this.
  11. polyvore

    polyvore Retired Staff

    Your offense is 'middlemanning for marked scammers' - of which there is extensive proof, and you have admitted to not checking.

    Why does this matter at all????

    If your point is 'I have unrightfully been marked' you had best show some evidence showing that the mark is incorrect.
  12. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    As a "trusted middleman" it is your responsibility to know who you are middlemanning for.

    Appeal denied.
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