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Evidence Provided Report: 76561198075706457 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by tomskeeZ, Nov 30, 2014.

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  1. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198075706457

    Victim profile: 76561197961942991

    What happened? Description:
    I posted on csgolounge that i was looking to buy a knife via paypal as i was hoping to get it for cheaper due to it being real money and not steam funds. This person added me and spoke to me about selling a karambit slaughter minimal ware for $250usd, i had him on my steam account for about a month we spoke every few days trying to come to an agreement but kept giving excuses such as oh my trade is locked out for adding new device, my computer broke etc this all went by then eventually on wednesday 26th he said to me ok i will sell you the knife, 315$usd i said ok, by this stage we had been speaking for quite awhile and i thought he was okay to deal with as his profile had alot of +rep, his steam account is level 41 and nothing was suspicious.. he gave me all his info and told me to send via money transfer to family friend, at first i refused and said no, will use an invoice then he was telling me about how i could reverse the payment rah rah even though i had no intentions of doing so, i just wanted a good knife as i have played CS since the beginning and only recently started csgo and am addicted again! i eventually caved due to his credentials seeming legitimate, transferred the funds and then he said he got the funds, wanted to make sure i wasnt going to reverse the payment or that it wasnt from a stolen paypal account and made me wait 15-20minutes, so i did. he then said he didnt want to trade me the knife and that he would refund my money.. so i was annoyed at first but said ok, thats fine just refund the payments then. He never reversed the payment or anything like that, he then started being a smart ass to me and telling me hes already done it when clearly he hadn't. i then kept asking for my money back and he just ignored me, my friend added him and then he messaged me saying - no one is going to help you - so by this point i figured that obviously hes scammed me taken my money and wouldnt be returning it, i lodge a steam support ticket, i immediately call paypal and put in a dispute and now we are here - he has blocked and deleted me from steam, paypal are currently investigating. Nothing like this has happened to me before as i do not trade online and probably never will again which is unfortunate for genuine players like me who are just trying to trade legitimately without having to go through steam.

    I requested my money back via paypal - he cancelled both times and i left it with paypal to try and sort out.

    I just want some sort of justice brought to this guy and others to be aware of him so they don't make the similar mistake to me. im out of pocket $315usd and i dont want this guy to get away scot free.​

    Provide Evidence:
    steam support ticket image attached, paypal images attached, screen shots attached.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    This is a false scam report if I've ever seen one.

    This kid has gone from forum to forum trying to harass me and get things out of me.

    He has made fake steam accounts, constantly trying to call me on Steam to grab my IP and DDoS me, he found me on Facebook harassing me, and now he comes to these forums making a fake scam report.

    He payed me for an item outside of steam to ship to his house, which we discussed through PM's on a different forum.

    He also saw I was selling a knife on csgolounge, through which he gave me his steam. After a few weeks I talked him and I said I wanted to discussed a price, we agreed on a price and something fishy came up, some random name to which he called his "Wife". He tried linking me some fake facebook that was just brand newly made and I called him out on having a stolen paypal, as to which he conviently didn't show in his screenshots. I said I wanted to refund that money, which I did, and just sell my other item I was already selling to him and move on with the other deal.

    He then chargesback on the main deal, while I already refunded him for the knife, and that put my Paypal in a negative balance.

    The entire deal was suppsoe to be 630$, 315$ for the knife and the real life item, as to which both are now in his possesion. Except the knife, that I never traded him because I refunded the money.

    The name he sent on Paypal was "Skye Lowe" when apparently his real name is Tom something, and he's supposively married. That's why I didn't trust him on the knife deal, but the other deal was goods and had already gone through so I couldn't do anything about that.

    This guy has been a huge pain in the ass, he has 0 rep on Steam, he has a brand new Steam account, barely any friends, nothing in his inventory. His word is dirt. He is using a stolen Paypal and is trying to drag more money out of me as well as my knife, and now that he is in the wrong he's trying to get my Steam account flagged, which it shouldn't be.

    Below are screenshots showing all my rep, compared to his.

    If your having trouble telling which screenshots/steam accounts are which, his are all empty, my actually have information.

    His inventory has nothing. He doesn't even have 1 rep on his entire profile. He has 11 games compared to my 200, and has barely any friends on his Steam.

    It's obvious he made this account to scam, and now he's trying to make me look bad and ruin my steam account by having my link all over this.

    This needs to be dealt with asap, because it's getting out of hand and I'm done being harassed by this 12 year old.

    Attached Files:

  3. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    Lol at this kid, my steam account was made in 2003.. i use steam for 1 game and 1 game only and that has only ever been Counter-strike, i played counter-strike since it FIRST CAME OUT, not csgo but the original... i used to be sponsored to play Brisbane lan, i stopped playing a few years ago and started playing the new csgo around 4 months ago.

    YEp you have good rep, thats why i thought you would be trusted but you are full of s✿✿✿. There is no item outside of game he is sending me - what item is that bro?

    I cant chargeback funds that have come directly from MY bank account especially if you see in my screen shot that was taken today that the status is COMPLETE. electronic funds are instantly transferred - you have my $315USD in your UNVERIFIED paypal account. You think cropping and editing your paypal balance is going to actually prove anything? would you like me to photoshop you one with -$10,000,000,000,000 ?

    YOU were the one who contacted me as YOU found me on csgolounge wanting to buy a knife for real life money, i sent you my fb and my partners fb to show you that it came from my actual partners paypal account.. i dont even have your fb you said you didnt have FB..... Happy to provide anyone with mine and my partners facebook info so you can see that we are together and have been for years thank you very much.

    YOU said you didnt wanna trade the knife, you then and still have not refunded my money.

    You are hoping that because you have rep you are going to get away with this? - I created this steam account so i could still trade/bet on csgolounge without having any troubles of being locked out of market place you spastic.. happy to provide information for my OTHER 11 year old steam account which i also used to play with if you like?

    I also changed my name to suicide to try and add your friends to talk to me so i could get info on your scammy ass.

    and this 'kid' is 25 years old with his own 5yr old kid who i would beat the s✿✿✿ out of if he ever tried to pull some bull s✿✿✿ like you are right now mate.
  4. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    Brand new steam account with nothing in my inventory apparently ? see screen shots below.

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  5. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    Also i see your balance shows minus money which is easy to fake especially since you have cropped nearly every screenshot you have?, but it also doesnt show where that money went to... notice my paypal - which was taken today... even has the time stamp ... you can see there is no payment made to my account..

    lol please also explain to everyone why your account would be $315 minus IF the total WAS $630, and i charged back the amount, why would you be minus? that would mean i charged back $945 ?

    Give me my money back, im sick and tired of your games, also ban this wank from steam - these scum are the people that need to be removed from the community.
  6. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    See? This is the kind of toxic attitude that I get from this guy constantly. He changed his alts steam name to fake more proof on me, nothing he says is valid.

    Also, I'm negative Paypal balance, I can gladly get on TeamViewer and show any SteamRep moderator proof of this.

    This guy needs to be stopped spreading lies, and I don't want to have a pending report by someone who is trying to rack in money from me.
  7. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    Toxic attitude? - You have SCAMMED $315USD off me which is $400AUD.... so im not going to apologise for being pissed off by this?

    You should really do some research before you try to lie about something.. heres a fun fact for you directly from paypals website about a chargeback.

    What is a chargeback?
    A chargeback, also known as a reversal, occurs when a buyer asks a credit card company to reverse a transaction that has already cleared.

    Cannot charge back from a SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT which if you look at my screen shot from paypal states directly from my st georges savings account.. and even if i COULD of chargeback and 'DID' then why would i waste my time posting on here? how does that benefit me in anyway shape or form? these people are here to help stop pathetic scammers like you from being able to do illegal and unethical acts in the steam community.

    I think there is more than enough information here for an admin to make a decision.. and i too will happily go on teamviewer to show to an admin all of my evidence in a nice uncropped view showing everything on my desktop in all of my accounts.
  8. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    Update, found some new information regarding his report, his chats are photshopped.

    Regarding the first image, he said he transferred the funds and haven't gotten the item, and after I apparently said "yes were good, I 100% believe you". How much sense does that make?

    The second image, everything circled I never said.

    Nothing this guy says is reliable. He charges back on every payment he's made to me, and now reports me.

    To the SteamRep admins that are going to review this, I know me having tons of rep means nothing, but I urge you to look into this and not believe this guys lies. He's really persuasive, but I don't want my steam account getting flagged because of a false report.

    Attached Files:

  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    It is best that you not crop or alter any images when you upload them for evidence against the accused or if you are the accused trying to prove you are innocent.

    Provide the whole screen shot... more so to the accused - provide clear screen shots of the whole paypal transactions you have going on is my suggestion.

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    @tomskeeZ ,I need a picture of your all activity screen from Paypal for the past month. In that picture I need to see the url bar at the top of the page.
    @Suicide 2 , I need a picture of your all activity screen from Paypal for the past month. In that picture I need to see the url bar at the top of the page.
  11. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    Here is the screenshot, the negative balance is his chargeback that he apparently never did.

    Also, please check the pictures, because he photoshopped his information. We never agreed on our deal over Steam, it was over forum PM's. He's been photoshopping his screenshots, the 2 screenshots I supplied above are proof of that.

    Also, one of the screenshots shows his alt faking my name.

    Attached Files:


    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    I need the all activity screen from Paypal for the past month in a full screen browser.
  13. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    This good? Also, do you need the dispute he filed on Paypal?

    Attached Files:

  14. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    Happy to oblige.

    Lol - nfi what hes on about with this forum business.

    Attached Files:


    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    Hello @tomskeeZ, Evidence reviewed and ready for admin to process.
  16. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    So I'm confused, his photoshopped steam chat evidence was approved and allowed?

    Please tell me I'm wrong, because that's outrageous if his proof was accepted and not further anaylsed for photoshopped evidence.
  17. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    Not sure if any of this is relevant, but it definitely should be reviewed before going any further with this report.

    Attached Files:

  18. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    Also, here is the charge back that he said he never did.

    He claims he never chargedback in his posts on this thread, right above.

    Here's the chargeback right here. Busted once again?

    Hopefully this is my last post on this thread, I hope the admins see that no scam was done here.

    Also, regarding these screenshots, I DID NOT tell PayPal to refund him because this report was made, he was suppose to get a refund ALONG time ago, I did NOT want to deal with him.

    He chargedback before I could refund.

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  19. tomskeeZ

    tomskeeZ New User

    How naive do you think these admins are Suicide?

    Wasnt going to bother replying to his fraudulent chats he posted but the stupidity of this guy knows no bounds.. he hasnt been on my friends list since the incident on the 26th-27th, he obviously realised the jig is up and had a chat to himself/got a friend to chat with him.

    You did not tell paypal to refund because this report was made? yet in your screen shots you say refund however those notes is taken in free text and not actually submitted and was written yesterday?
    FOR ADMINS: My paypal shows no update on this dispute and i would not be able to see his notes.

    There is no chargeback info there Lol you really have no idea what a chargeback is do you?.. it is only for credit cards.. the funds were transferred directly out of my BANK ACCOUNT..
    It also would come through your resolutions centre as a dispute since i was disputing the charge?
    FOR ADMINS: Provided screenshots of my cases history to prove there is no chargeback dispute like he is claiming.

    Attached Files:

  20. Suicide 2

    Suicide 2 Unconfirmed Reports

    They aren't naive at all, which is why they'll see you edited your chats.

    Now your going to lie about saying any of that in Steam, yea, okay lol. Nothing was fraudulent.

    And yes, you were suppose to receive a refund, but since you couldn't wait and you chargedback the payment, I had to tell Paypal to refund you.

    You must not know what a chargeback is.
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