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Rejected 76561197984073003 big gay french fry (SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by EdFromHumanResources, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. EdFromHumanResources

    EdFromHumanResources New User

    steamID: big gay french fry
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:11903637
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984073003
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561197991851337
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197984073003

    One night back in late 2010 or early 2011 (I don't know the exact dates, memory is a bit fuzzy) I was being more of an idiot than I usually am (it was one of those nights :rolleyes: ), and decided to try without success to scam someone out of their Max's Severed Head. I was mostly just trying to entertain myself and a couple friends by coming up with some ridiculous half baked schemes to try and get a really cool hat for free. Nothing was working so I gave up after 30 minutes. This was a one time thing though. I haven't been involved in any other incidents of scamming/trickery since. I have two flags but I would bet they're both really close to each other time-wise.

    I wish to appeal the judgement because I just can't imagine myself pulling those shenanigans a second time. I'm a pretty straight guy who just acts stupid from time to time in a halfhearted free-spirit kind of way.

    - Ed
  2. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    UHC ban can no longer be appealed. You'll probably remain tagged to matter what.
  3. EdFromHumanResources

    EdFromHumanResources New User

    Then couldn't I attempt to appeal my UHC ban by approaching the UTC people? I mean I just discovered my scammer tags earlier this evening. A leader of Wicked Afterlife pointed me to your site. This incident happened over a year ago its sort of a shock. I mean I understand I did something wrong I just wish I was aware of these things. See I don't even play on Trade servers, it just happens that today I tried to join a payload server run by WA. If I'm gonna be banned from Trade Servers, that's okay. I never scammed anyone before this incident and never again after it. It isn't like before this incident I felt the need to go around and inform people of my positive rep for not ever having scammed. Furthermore, I'm chatting with the lead admin about a completely different subject looking forward to server setting chit chat, I join his Payload and I'm banned instantly. I'm confused cause I've never played on his server before and then immediately afterward he shows me a link with my two infractions and I learn about all this. Talk about first impressions...

    - Ed
  4. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    Just to be clear, it's not my website, i have no control over it, i'm just a normal user.

    And since you admit your scam attempt, and you are over a year late to do the appeal, good luck but it's surely impossible.
  5. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    uhc ban was also for "trying to scam buds with a private profile"

    looks like there were multiple incidents here. unfortunately the UHC tag stays; this appeal is denied.