1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Pending Report: 76561198046604349 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by {Knobs}{NnR}rawrnosaures, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. {Knobs}{NnR}rawrnosaures

    {Knobs}{NnR}rawrnosaures New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198046604349

    Victim profile: 76561198051355955

    What happened? Description:
    So basically I was selling my Unusual Dread Knot and he asked me to trade the hat to my friend to make sure it was not a duped hat, so basically I went along to make him happy to show him its not duped. Then basically he asks to add my friend to check the item (my friends backpack is private) so I assumed that was okay, then basically what happens next is that he somehow changes his entire profile to be the same as mine, so my friend believes it was the scammers profile, the my friend freaked out because he could not find the Unusual in my backpack and then I did not have the hat anymore, Now I checked the history of my unusual, and this guy I came across bought it from the scammer for 5 keys, So then I got him to give me the profile of the guy who sold it to him. As you can also see on his profile it shows him selling another unusual for 5 keys which I believe was mine. The people who helped me are: Starman(friend who traded hat): http://steamcommunity.com/id/Earthbound909/ Phoenix(helped me track down man selling my hat): http://steamcommunity.com/id/PhoenixPlayzz/ Evidence: http://imgur.com/m2SA2T1 http://i.imgur.com/C12tWeh.png http://i.imgur.com/iKTRZ77.png http://i.imgur.com/6UFt3wO.png http://i.imgur.com/hwOi9r5.png http://i.imgur.com/WToit0K.png http://i.imgur.com/rMuFDSU.png

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

    • RAWR.png
      File size:
      265.2 KB
  2. {Knobs}{NnR}rawrnosaures

    {Knobs}{NnR}rawrnosaures New User

  3. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    Just to clear up the fuss incase his explanation was a tad unclear:
    I did not buy the hat after I was aware that this person may have scammed the reporter.
    He did not have a steamrep report or mark at the time, and had no ban with backpack.tf, bazaar, tf2op.
    He contacted me after researching the item history, the accused here did sell to me for 8 keys. I can confirm that, I checked his steamrep, Outpost, and other reputations to ensure that he was not a scammer before buying the unusual.
    I can't get in trouble if I didn't know he was a scammer originally correct? The reporter only contacted me and the steamrep report for the accused/seller was created after I had traded for the hat (this report here). I had no idea this man MAY have been a scammer, even if the report is still pending. Everything looked clean. Thats just a quick questions Ive been wondering :)
    I hope this helped in confirming some info :)
  4. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    Oh and I have the trade history as well to confirm his claim (screenshot)
    I hope if his claims are really correct that the accused gets banned.

    Attached Files:

  5. Sir Klenex- [⇄]

    Sir Klenex- [⇄] New User

    Hi ok so i stumbled upon this i can clarify this. I didnt scam him i did however buy it off of a scammer which at the time i did not know. I was in a rush when he came to me with this hat that i just bought it and left so with that being said that is my fault that i bought it off of him if i would have took the time to look at his profile and such i would have seen that he was a scammer and not have traded with him.
  6. Sir Klenex- [⇄]

    Sir Klenex- [⇄] New User

    it didnt register the guys name that i bought it off of that idk why but like i said i was in a rush when he came to sell it to me so i made the trade with out thinking i can go back and find the trade history if needed
  7. TheBowWowers

    TheBowWowers New User

    Well first of, i suggest you upload the images onto steamrep itself Via the upload button. Link to images are generally not going to be accepted. Also if possible, explain what each images is meant to show (Dont edit it though, just a short explanation under the image or on a comment)

    Second, your explanation was fairly... messy? Or at least it's fairly confusing in my opinion. I assume you meant that:
    1) You're trading an Unusual Dread Knot
    2) You trade Unusual Dread Knot to YOUR friend to confirm it is not a dupe item.
    3) Scammer changes his profile to match yours.
    4) Scammer contacts your friend and ask for the Unusual Dread Knot back.
    5) Friend gives the Unusual Dread Knot to scammer (Under the misguided knowledge it was you).
    6) Scammer attempts to "sell" hat.
    7) Scammer "sells" hat to someone.
    (All that basically though :p)

    And one other note. Scammers tend to take an item then transfer said item to another account (or few accounts) before reaching the official account rather than keeping it on the scamming profile. Or he/she may decide to sell the item ASAP so as to leave as little trace left and making it harder to "undo".If it isn't clear yet, im just saying you should watch out for who you think is "helping" you. No offense intended, just a word of warning.
  8. TheBowWowers

    TheBowWowers New User

    Oh and another thing, you should take more care when trading between 3 or more people but i guess you figured that out by now.
  9. gRAVE

    gRAVE New User

    @Sir Klenex- [⇄]:in ur friend list u have some of the scammers crew that tried to scam me 3 times in the last 4 days, so its obvious u are suspect, no sorry, a SCAMMER and u should have nothing to add, just be reported and banned.

    @PhoenixPlayzz: sorry dude u have no excuse, if the unusual had a good effect, u should be aware that if the price is so low its surely mean thats is scammed or duped, no excuse for u sorry, u should get a report too!
  10. Sir Klenex- [⇄]

    Sir Klenex- [⇄] New User

    look grave i have no affiliation with them and what they do.like i said previously i accidentally bought an item and just cuz i had them added doesnt mean im with ive had a couple of the ones which im asuming are the ones who tried to scam you they also tried me and well i played around wasting there time and eventually forgot to delete them s==
  11. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    @gRAVE It was 2 keys off, and it does not violate rule 6 of outpost in anyway. Therefore it is not considered a "shark" because I followed that rule, and not a "scam" because I did not make any promises I didn't fulfill. It was a discount, by 2 keys. It was a perfectly acceptable price and in no way was "exceptionally low" that I would've suspected that he may or may not have been a scammer alt. He had no red flags at the time in terms of SR, or any other major trading sites. The ONLY info that speculates that he (potentially) is a scammer is from the claim of @{Knobs}{NnR}rawrnosaures, which once again, is just a claim. I just posted for supporting evidence mate. I wasn't affiliated with this at all.
  12. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    EDIT: You see many people quickselling/discounting cancerous unusual hats for a few keys off in hopes that they do not have to spend a long time selling it.

    "Good effect" Cancerous effect you mean?

    "Price is so low its surely mean thats is scammed or duped"- A common amount of keys people tend to discount for unusuals, in no way was it unusual (no pun intended)

    "no excuse for u sorry, u should get a report too!"- For trading with a person with an absolutely clean SR, backpack, outpost, and bazaar status? Keep in mind, that this person only may be a scammer alt because of this report claim, this report claim was only brought to my attention AFTER reviewing his rep and trading. He originally added me claiming that I was the last one in the current history of the hat, asking me where I had bought it from; because he was possibly scammed by the accused account. Once again, I had no affiliation of this at all. I just bought it from the accused; believing he was not a scammer because: A: He had a clean rep and B: The "Possibility (Claim by the accuser and report of the accuser of this incident) of him being a scammer" was only brought to my attention after I had made the trade with the accused account (which was not marked at the time). Everything before the accuser had added me was reasonable. Keep in mind my statements are in place because this person is accused; and not yet marked. I traded with him when he was NOT YET MARKED.

    I hope this cleared some blur up.
  13. Sir Klenex- [⇄]

    Sir Klenex- [⇄] New User

    So let's just clear this up the report knobs made to me first of all this report is falsely claiming me as the scammer and if he wanted to make a report on me it should have been for buying a scammed unusual. As I had bought the unusual from the scammer with out looking at SR or even there profile and then went on to sell to pheonix for a profit and I will take the blame for buying the unusual and have already been banned off of outpost for 2 weeks. I hope that this report can be redirected to the right person ie the scammer who scammed you or changed to be submitted as a scammed unusual bought by me
  14. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    Not really helping him, it was just a unclear wording. He added me and told me what possibly happened. I suggested to him to report the scammer on SR; therefore "helping" him.
  15. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    EDIT: Reccomended for him to report, gave him the id of the man I bought the unusual hat from, gave him my id. (He asked for these details). At this point in time I've sold the hat and I am not the current owner FYI.
  16. Sir Klenex- [⇄]

    Sir Klenex- [⇄] New User

    But he ended up falsely reporting me as the scammer I can go back and find the trade if needed of me buying it
  17. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    To be honest I don't know whether you scammed him or not. I had nothing to do with this other than buying the hat for a fair price from an account which was clean and had no evidence of previous scams until a claim appeared after;ergo not being able to say whether you did scam him or not. I just gave him the suggestion to report him just in case his BASED accusation was correct.
  18. Sir Klenex- [⇄]

    Sir Klenex- [⇄] New User

    I understand that and I'm obviously trying to clear it up and I'm sure a scammer wouldn't take the time to do that and also I would not scam on my account because it's my only account and I do not want to lose it.
  19. gRAVE

    gRAVE New User

    Bullshit, u are here, like all scammers for post and post and post, to make more difficult the work of admins anc confuse the evidences!

    If you wasnt a scammer your answer to this shloud be: " i will wait mod decision and look for evidences, trying to not post like hell in this report for make easier their job"

    So or you post somes evidences that you wasnt a scammer or there is enough proof for get u banned, no ones cares if it is tour only account etc.

  20. PhoenixPlayzz

    PhoenixPlayzz New User

    Sir, just because people word their sentences differently does not mean that their language represents their actions, at all. You can't assume anything just because he writes a sentence in a different way, people have different perspectives. This forum is to report and discuss scammers and potential threats to the trading community and mark them as a warning to others, not to flame and make derogatory statements of others.

    I believe you just proved yourself wrong sir, your outpost ban on your main account says ban evasion, and links to an alt account. That alt account that was linked of the desc of your banned main is banned because it says it is an alt of your main account, which is currently banned on outpost for ban evasion. So I believe you have 2 acccounts, 1 main and 1 alt. Correct? If so the statement quoted above is false. And you were lying.