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Accepted Report: 76561198092480288 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Twofish, Mar 27, 2015.

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  1. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    this is my revised offer. it's 13.5 keys and 1 ref not much to ask to cover the cost of my hat. I would also like a little of the money that you still owe me, but this is way discounted from your original offer of $70.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    First of all, you gave me the price so accepting it would be the nicer thing to do than to reject it. (Not even categorized as a shark) I am sending the definition of a scam. It doesn't matter what the items are, not getting something in return is a scam. A scam report against me is inaccurate. Unethical yes, but depending on how you look at it you could you your the one trying to scam me out of 13.5. Going back to the sharking idea, the cost of buds are going down anyway at a super fast pace so 6 keys total is not perfect but again you made the offer with the 84 (cents).
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  3. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    Going to lock this until I have time to look into the report. Please keep the thread clean, if anyone was adicional information send them thru Pm and I will open the report. Thanks.

    Edit: Gonna open the thread, keep it clean!
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  4. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    I would like to describe what my counter defense is in one reply. Two Fish offered ME the trade of 6 keys(Including B.M.O.C, 36 refine). In the trade offer itself I told Twofish exactly what he was getting, however their was an error. Me and TwoFish had two totally different thoughts on who was receiving what. Because of all the items I had to give , I thought he meant cents not dollars. We figured this out 5 minutes after the trade was accepted. This transaction was not a scam for two specific reason. The first is he received 6 keys in return. The second is he can receive the 84 cents any time he wants. I eventually ran because he was spamming, calling me names, harassing me (joining my server), and threatening me (which is illegeal). Soon after he began trying to shark/ scam me with other trades such as ones listed above. This pretty much wraps up my counter reformation.
  5. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    why does outpost have you under a ban for being the alt account of a scammer who has been steam rep banned for 2 years. Just saying and if we had a disagreement you could have traded back but you sold my unusual within hours of the trade and just before you stated that it was in cents. Also why would i sell my unusual for 70 cents thats just bad trading and you also made the initial offer and stated it's worth at $70 (shows in screenshot 3).
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  6. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    Unknown Darkness and Pikachu are my friends. I have friends that log into my computer sometimes. Tf2 Outpost just lacks materialism for common sense.
  7. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    Also it was a while before you stated that you had trade in cents. There also was no reason for us to not trade back, but you sold my unusual basically right after the trade.
  8. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    Why would you unfriend someone that logs into your computer.
  9. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    trade offer #4

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  10. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    As much as $70 may have been too much for that unusual if you look in screen shot 3 on http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...eam-fortress-2-items.96108/page-2#post-265419 he is the one that offered me $70 in the first place and then when i asked to be repayed he gambled the unusual that he was going to repay me with away, resulting in me getting nothing. Then when i asked for coverage for the hat he basically sharked out of me he declined all my trade offers. Leaving me now with a worthless inventory ( i lost around $50 you can check my backpack.tf profile).
  11. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    He also never offered me a trade back since he traded the unusual way before he stated it was cents.
  12. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    I declined the trade because I felt he was trying to scam me out of an act of aggression. I can somewhat understand why he is angry but he has no one to blame but himself. If he wanted 84 dollars he should have put that in the trade offer chat to agree to. Leaving it at just -77- opens discussion. Again he is welcome to the 84 cents at any time.
  13. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    Well were is my 84 cents I haven't seen anything yet.
  14. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    It's also been like 5 days I gave you the chance to get me the money that you owe me, because you were the one that made me the offer (shown in the screenshot) and you didn't remove me because i spammed you or any of that you removed me after I went to the movies and you had the opportunity you hoped of evading me. You even stated your self that "My claim to not knowing it was in dollars will hold up, your claim will fail." Now you can say I made that up all you want, but you stated it. I would hope this isn't the future of steam rep mods. I also gave you an ample amount of time to give me the money, but you didn't. then when i made you an offer that was worth what you owed me (it was way less), you decided to ignore it. Now if you accepted it we could both go on with our lives and not play he said she said, but you want to drag this thing out. In the evidence you said that you offered me 31 keys in cash, now last time I checked keys weren't 1 cent each, so your claim to not knowing becomes invaid, and furthermore you stated that my unusual is worth, and i quote, "77 dollars", not 84 cents. So you tell me admins who do you believe.

    Attached Files:

    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  15. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    If Twofish wants his money, all he has to do is list a weapon for 84 cents in the market, I will buy it, and I will give him the weapon back. If he wants to get paid all he has to do is list an item for 84 cents in the market. I am sending proof I still have him added on steam.

    Attached Files:

  16. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    The original amount of money was decided in the trade offer and the extra 4 in the steam chat. It seems I was not specific enough. The money I talked about before was a suggestion as stated in "scam proof 3" as I stated: "so 70 dollars" This was before the trade for the unusual itself therefor only being a suggestion.
  17. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    In a recent shark someone tried to pull on me the admin rejected me because prices were not enforced in steam rep. In this trade prices are the problem not a scam. I will screenshot where an SR Admin wrote it. Shark.png
  18. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    I agreed to 70 dollars not your items. I wanted them on top of the money I was getting, the like of which I haven't seen. So your statement has just become invalid. I never said this was a shark, but a scam.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  19. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    Dollars was never agreed to first of all. Secondly it was not a scam because he received items in return. As the SR Admin stated, prices are not in forced therefor categorizing it as a shark. He agreed to it and all he has to do is put up an item for 84 cents and I will buy it. Therefor this is not a scam.
  20. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    Look back at screenshot 3 for your proof. If the admin had categorized this as a shark this form would be closed by now. In the mean time feel free to post all the proof against me claiming I'm the scammer. If I was trying to scam you why didn't you post a scam report against me 2 weeks ago. My friend i have forgiven you all i ask for is a little repayment for my now 4 bud unusual (due to recent price changes), that's all I ask. It's not much to ask, but you still won't give that to me.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
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