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Accepted Report: 76561198092480288 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Twofish, Mar 27, 2015.

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  1. Ghetto ROBIN

    Ghetto ROBIN New User

    I am not suggesting that you are a a scammer. I am saying that some of your actions are scam-like. You got items in return, and your welcome to the 84 cents at any time. Just put up an item and notify me.
  2. Spam

    Spam New User

    Two fish, I'm not sure where you got that from, but sharking is not bannable. From what I understand, you and him had an agreement, and half of it was finished. Before the other half was though, you spammed him so much that he removed you. You then follow him around and start harassing him (which, in fact, is bannable) and he removes and blocks you. Not sure how much of that I got right, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. Twofish

    Twofish New User

    Well what happened is that I though we agreed on Dollars, so I traded him the hat. He then told me that the money was pending on steam. I proceeded to wait for 2 hours, then I did spam him. After about thirty minutes of no response he said "You see the thing is I didn't agree on dollars. You can report me, but all I'll say is that I didn't know it was dollars." After which he removed me. Then I readded him to ask him for my unusual back or to pay me the money, since a refund was in order because we both agreed on different things. He said no, and mind you he had already sold the unusual for about half the price(something scammers typically do). I then proceeded to tell him he had 24 hours to come up with some way to pay me or I would report him. I went to the movies and when I cam eback he had blocked and removed me. After about 3 days my friend go him to add me again in which he told me that he had a 15 key unusual that he could repay me. I said it was fine and that I would accept like 30 dollars (under half what i was asking for originally). He then told me that it was fine if I took the unusual because he didn't acquire in a fair way. He said he didn't have the money proceeded to give me a sob story. About thrity minutes later I relised that i wasn't getting any money and I told him I would accept the unusual, he told me he had lost it in a spycrab, but some how a bud appeared in his inventory. I ask if I could just have the bud, he said it was his friends and gave me another sob story. About 3 weeks ago he pretended to act as a moderator on a scam report (which is a bannable offence). I never claimed he sharked me, which he didn't. He outright scammed me. Sharking is defined by me not knowing to price of my hat and taking an offer from him which causes me to lose profit, and him to gain profit. I never claimed I didn't know the price of the item I did it was 4 buds at the time.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  4. Black Burn

    Black Burn CSGO/DOTA2 Lounge Friend Community

  5. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    Locked again until I have time to look into the report.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Accepting report - multiple notes in the chat where dollars was clearly noted by both users.
    I don't see where cents was ever mentioned therefore I wouldn't say this was a sharking of any sort.
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