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Why is there no official method to report SteamRep Partners / Friends?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by BigMac187, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I do, it brings transparency to things, people there don't seem scared to post as they are here as they can remain anonymous and voice their concerns and not worry about Butane and other partners banning them.

    You should type in SteamRep into the reddit search bar and see what the community thinks of SteamRep.
  2. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    Just like it's ok for SteamRep and their partners to monitor and judge the community, the community is also entitled to monitor and judge you.
  3. Captain Unicorn Smiles

    Captain Unicorn Smiles r/dota2trade moderator Partner Community

    Yes, because reddit is known for it's levelheadedness and non-reactionary responses. You're obviously just baiting now and trying to get admins to say something you want to generate more negativity towards SR.

    Also I'd note that affiliates and other traders are the community, people who barely know anything about trading then post about "how shitty those guys sound" are not. A crystal clear example is the guy who claimed Mattie was trying to "poach" or "get something" from the admin of one of the community's who had applied to be an affiliate. It completely confuses the actual affiliate process. SR does not stand to gain any more than having a collaboration for fraud prevention and people construed it like Mattie was shaking the guy down for money.

    We have disagreements with SR and we work together to set policy, that's how collaboration works.
    Roudydogg1 and Chimi like this.
  4. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    IMO It brings nothing but drama and that is what your posts are really about. You create a seperate Reddit thread for every single thing that you can make sound controversial. I do not know much about Reddit, maybe that is what Reddit is about. Whatever floats your boat.
    I know what I can find there.
  5. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    It's handy to say talk down people as circle jerks or what ever when they speak out against you. But fact is reddit and other non feared forums allows for honest feedback, fact is you don't have the community support and the community fears you, If you had the respect of the community then the respectful comments will outweigh the rest. Just have a read through this thread, partners have said they they will ban for what ever want, their defense has been it's our property and SteamRep has backed those claims. This isn't something you can say and expect to be respected at the same time.
  6. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I'm just trying to bring transparency to the community that is all, If you think that's wrong so be it.

    I hate that people fear to come in threads like this post their concerns... take a step back and put yourself in a community members shoes and read through who is posting here and read what has been said,
    if you were a community user looking to keep your trade privalges do you think it's wise for you type your concerns here.

    This is your current system, the community is scared to engage you in fears of being banned.
  7. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    What you seem to be ignoring is this:
    SR is only here to warn users about people who have committed scams etc. They partner with communities that are willing to assist them in this goal. They are not here to dictate how communities run their servers or forums. They only have input in how partner communities handle scam reports and appeals for scammer tags.
    Roudydogg1 and Chimi like this.
  8. Captain Unicorn Smiles

    Captain Unicorn Smiles r/dota2trade moderator Partner Community

    I'm literally a mod for /r/dota2trade. And yes, we allow for honest feedback, but your blatant baiting and strawman nonsense is simply disingenuous.

    And thus you defeated your own point. IF this did occur and partners were banning willy nilly with no regard for rules or regulations of their own site, how much longer would the community be respected and used? Probably not very long.

    Also saying the respectful comments will outweigh the negative on reddit? And on a non-trade related sub? Yeah, I don't see how you think that's going to happen with your sensationalized titles and selective posting of information. You're pretty much generating a Buzzfeed article saying "You wouldn't believe what these SR moderators say next!" Then act like it's some sort of omen when people say "Wow, that thing that sounds shitty w/ context must be indicative of a shitty group of people!"

    Lastly, communities RESERVE THE RIGHTS to ban for w/e they want, just like Steam, EA and any other ToS wielding group evah. Notice however, that for these groups to function they actually ban around a certain set of rules and regulations. At /r/dota2trade we ban people who break rules and also ban people who may not exactly break rules to the T but are acting in a disagreeable manner, etc.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  9. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    What are you talking about? What SR or its Partner Communities have to do with anyone's trading privileges?

    Only Valve can play with your trading privileges and SR is not affiliated with Valve in any way.
  10. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I am not ignoring that, as mentioned earlier which I agreed with Mattie had spoken to Bob and highlighted his concerns with D0 being a head admin.. this is a rightful concern and was highlighted before partnership status was granted. A SteamRep admin has said here that if a community had a history of deleting rep thread before they got partnership then this could impact them from getting the partnership. What I am saying that this should continue, the community should be able to report this. How is what I am saying incorrect? You should remain as trustworthy to the community after you receive your partnership as you were before you received it. Your eligibility should be monitored and you shouldn't be comfortable with a continued partnership even if you began doing wrongs, like banning Gays and deleting rep threads.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  11. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    The SourceOP trading section has taken a big hit over the years, many traders have fled and it's no longer respected by many but they still have their partnership status.
  12. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Can you please prove that PPM (as far as I understand that is the community you are talking about) is a Partner Community now?
  13. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I guess It was worded wrong on my part, as stated in this thread partner communities can ban you for any reason which will impact your trading, SourceOP deleting my rep thread affects the higher level of trading privileges I once had as It had shown the community that I was very safe to deal with, yet due to Butane deleting my rep it is much harder, that mixed in with my outpost ban which was based off assumption, then corrected by Helen but then reissued after I highlighted some outpost issues.
  14. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    They are not, I didn't say they were. Mattie has said that he was considering them for partnership but had concerns with D0 acting as a head admin. I was in favour of these concerns but what has been highlighted here is that once the partnership status has been completed then going off the strong words of butaine and echoed by the rest of the partners then it is none of SteamReps business how you conduct your business as to do what you want as long as you your not scamming.

    My issue is that you should be aiming to keep your community as legit as it was when before you applied for the partnership, not feel like once you have your partnership then you are free to start deleting Rep Thread and then saying SteamRep has no say in it. SteamRep should be enforcing you maintain the same level of integrity both before and after you receive your partnership. How can you not agree with this?
  15. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Partner and Friend communities can ban you FROM THEIR WEBSITE/SERVER/SERVICE for whatever reason they want. It does NOT affect your SR status. It does NOT affect your trading privileges. It affects your use of the specific website/server/service.
    I think you did.
    IMO Your reply indicated that the partnership status was granted after the concern was raised.
    As far as I know Mattie's Reddit account is thorax.

    So quoting him again:
    Full version: http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/326b9c/steamrep_has_no_official_method_on_reporting/cq8hklg
  16. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    You really don't need to quote Mattie again, it's been quoted here and I read it when he posted it and replied to it.

    the majority of everyday issues don't fall into anything they've agreed with SteamRep as a partner.

    Key word is majority, which is try but what about the rest?

    Even if I disagree with their decision there, all I can do is voice my concerns like you. It's not something SteamRep has control of. Reporting that to us isn't very helpful. I can add my voice to those who say they should at most lock rather than delete legit rep threads, but it's not a violation of anything they agreed when joining SteamRep.

    He is implying that he disagrees and that he has no control but if had the concerns before partnership he would have voiced them, his concerns shouldn't stop after partner status.
  17. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Please quote the approriate part of his reply. I cannot see him implying anything like that. What I can see is the point of view of a former trader (making it italic because I think it implies he is stating HIS point of view).

    I cannot see any part that could have implied:
  18. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    "If had the concerns before partnership he would have voiced them"

    The way he questioned Bob before looking to organize partnership as he had a concern with D0 and how he highlights that he can see concerns in rep being deleted makes me think that he would have questioned this, I could be wrong but Read though this thread, I'm not going to dig for you but the SteamRep admin who posted here has implied he would have questioned it.

    Do you think SteamRep should question partners who were deleting rep threads with no reason before giving the partnership? A simple yes or no will be great.
  19. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    Well it's bed time for me, just a heads up in case you ask me a question and you were waiting for me to reply.
  20. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    That is the difference between you and me. I am quoting things to support what I am saying to you and you are replying to me based on your delusions. Sorry but that is what it looks like to me.

    You are mixing 2 things together:

    1. Raising a concern about an admin having a caution/ban tag prior to making any form of relation with a community the specific admin represents.

    As far as I understand, if you wanted to summarize what a relation between SR and X community is supposed to be based on, you would say it is supposed to be based on being ANTI-FRAUD/ANTI-SCAMMER. Therefore, making a relation with a community the admin of which has a caution/ban tag would be awkward. That is why Mattie has raised his concern.

    IMO That was a valid concern since it is quite weird to claim that your community is ANTI-FRAUD/ANTI-SCAMMER, yet you associate your community with a person who is cautioned/banned on SteamRep by making her/him an admin.

    However, based on the screenshot of chat @Lava uploaded to his reply http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...rep-partners-friends.97426/page-2#post-268640 I am not able to tell whether Mattie raised his concern as Mattie or SR Admin Mattie. I could have dug into Mattie's Reddit replies to look for an answer but I do not see a need for that since I fail to see connection between d0 (or whatever his name is) case and deleting rep threads case. d0 case's nature is fraud, deleting rep threads case's nature is community management.

    Regardless of whether Mattie has spoken in the name of SR or not, I see a valid reason why SR could have been concerned about d0 etc. since it was fraud related case.

    2. Raising a concern about rep threads being deleted.

    Deleting rep threads does not clash with being ANTI-FRAUD/ANTI-SCAMMER. It was also explicitly stated by Mattie (or Reddit user thorax) that deleting rep threads is not a violation of anything communities agreed to when joining SteamRep. Therefore, I do NOT think SR should get involved in such issues between members of X community and X community.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015