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Why is there no official method to report SteamRep Partners / Friends?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by BigMac187, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Chimi

    Chimi New User

  2. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    I fully support whatever lifestyle my members choose; gay, straight, transsexual, transgender, ect... does not matter. Your example is completely distasteful and borderline insulting to those members as it was done just for effect.
    99/100 banned user rep threads are fully accessible to members. Rep threads use to be completely private, out of the best interest of the community, we now have content from those threads public and show up in search results, something that currently multiple other communities dont do. You however, are not a member and have no rights to any of our content.
    Then you have no reason to continue crying over a removed thread.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  4. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    A SR admin has stated here that it would have been a concern before a partner had gotten partnership, with this in mind I believe it should still be a concern after.
  5. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    When did you change that? When i first highlighted my concern all of my rep thread wasn't viewable? If you have changed it post my complaint, even if my Rep thread comments are still deleted out of spite then I think all this has been worth it.

    I am not crying over the deletion of the thread, I am point out that it is not in the best interest of the community for you to be doing it and for SteamRep to support it.

    You should be the last person in the TF2 community calling something distasteful with the way to talk to people.

    That's good you support Gay people, I have made it clear that it was an example and it wasn't an accusation. I said that because it's a possibility, there are communities that are against specific groups and there are large groups that exclude Gay people (Christians as an example)

    What it did was highlight a point, a point that SR has opening said that they will continue to support you if you were to start banning Gay people, this is the issue here not you thinking I am being distasteful.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Been like that for at least a year, but a banned user would not know that.
    Yes, you are.
    Cry more.
    No, you specifically used it as an example with the intent of inciting/provoking your hate of SOP by implying it in such a way, they just weren't the reactions you were expecting and now you look like a bigot.
    No, what you did is slur SOP because you are butthurt over a ban and a deleted thread. While a few users do not agree with every decision I make, none backed up your claim that SR should micromanage other communities. This thread just sums that up and showed what a cu.nt you are and you fully succeeded in that respect. Congratulations!
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  7. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I'll appreciate it if this discussion continued minus the conflict of interest and just between
    No this thread highlights all my concerns...

    1. You have the community scared to post and speak out... why? because they will get banned
    2. There is a massive conflict of interest issue within SteamRep, I am asking why there isn't a formal process for me as a community member to post issues against partners and then Partners with a SteamRep backing then comment in this thread
    3. No I am not looking like a bigot, read through it again, SteamRep has said that they will support you if you started to ban Gay people.... that there highlights some serious issues. Call me a Bigot, Cu.nt and what ever you like this was said and is a massive concern

    I made it very clear it was a example and in no way accused you of banning Gays... I have no reason to accuse of that but if you or any other partner decided to ban Gays, Blacks, Asians, Muslims or any other minority then SteamRep will continue to support you.

    If anyone is salty it's you, reverting to name calling... I have been civil and factual. The community doesn't respect SteamRep (Read through SteamReps recent AMA), they hate you and they are scared to speak out due to bans... these are all facts, deal with it.
  8. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    A question for SteamRep only admins (Non Partners)

    Is it possible for me or anyone else to have a discussion on these forums about the possibilities of having a reporting functionality to report practices of your Partners with them being excluded from the conversation? I ask this avoid any conflict of interest.
  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    The Partners ARE SteamRep.... without us there would be NO STEAMREP!
    I and a few others have tried to explain this to you a few times..I said I'd stop replying but damn I just don't understand why you have a hard time following what we are saying. You want to report Partners for doing things that have nothing to do with SteamRep - TO SteamRep for whatever dumb reason??!? WE OWN THE SERVICES..we can do whatever we want so long as it doesn't cause issues within the core purpose of our partner ship with SR and the other Partners such as going on some internal scammer tag fest or tagging without evidence provided stuff like that which can effect everyone cause we all use the same Database.

    So I can ban you from my servers/site/services for being stupid and there isn't NOTHING SteamRep or anyone here can do about it cept perhaps laugh and like my posts.
  10. WarNev3rChanges

    WarNev3rChanges New User

    Too many things here I'd love to quote, but I can't find them.

    We've banned other reddit moderators from some subreddits and reprimanded others - follow the rules of the site. Is it really that hard to read these days?

    Your entire argument is really, really flawed. It's completely unreasonable for one site to follow the rules of another site. The overlap is not as large as you think/want it to be.

    I also love that you posted your cherry-picking nonsense to a subreddit that doesn't give a s✿✿✿ about this issue. Probably because you know the trading subs would laugh you the f✿✿✿ out of town.
    You Are The One likes this.
  11. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  12. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I respect that you don't try to PR it so to speak and just get straight to the point.
    Saying Without the partners there will be no SteamRep does not mean that you own or part own SteamRep, Do you have any ownership of SteamRep? My questions are a question to SteamRep, not to their Partners. I see it as a pretty crumbled group if they have Partners speaking on their behalf. I can understand they they have no right to tell you who to ban, what I can't understand is that why once the partnership status has been given, then they can't they pullback if the group has changed the way they conduct their services. SteamRep has always had the approach from what I believe is to safe guard the community, is this no longer the case? If it is then why don't they have a system where they can remove Partnership status?

    That's where my question specifically is. You can't answer that, only a SteamRep spokesperson can. This is why I keep saying this is a conflict of interest.

    I also think it's a bit cocky to say the Partners are SteamRep, the community belongs to the community more then it does the partners... they drive it by building the reports, without them SteamRep doesn't exist fullstop, without your specific partnership SteamRep goes on. I am not saying you are dependent on SteamRep to exist as a community but in the same token they aren't dependent on you to exist, like they exist without PPM which highlights this.
  13. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

  14. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    How long am I supposed to tell you that there is a difference between raising a concern about things that clearly clash with being ANTI-FRAUD/ANTI-SCAMMER(1) and raising a concern about things that do NOT clash with being ANTI-FRAUD/ANTI-SCAMMER(2)?

    Number 1 is covered by the SteamRep policy Partners/Friends agreed to. Number 2 is NOT covered by the SteamRep policy Partners/Friends agreed to and that was explicitly stated by Mattie (or Reddit user thorax) who AFAIK is Head-Admin of SteamRep, therefore I assume he knows what he is talking about. What is more, I used to be a SteamRep admin and I know what the policy was back then. I haven't heard of any changes made to that policy.

    If you really want to refer to what was said by SilentReaper:
    They can question whatever community they want about anything they want. The same as I could go to @HorseDick_(ЩĄ)_Dot_MPEG and ask him why he banned X from his community/website/server/service and tell him how I disagree with it AND he would be within his rights to reply:
    I do not have any say in how @HorseDick_(ЩĄ)_Dot_MPEG manages his community/website/server/service. The same with SteamRep, they have nothing to say in how XYZ manages his community/website/server/service non-fraud issues.
    SteamRep does NOT support deletion of rep threads. They do NOT give any approval to actions related to non-fraud issues. They simply do NOT care because non-fraud issues are NOT a subject of the partnership/friendship.

    Not to mention, if SteamRep was about to start supervising how partner/friend communities manage non-fraud issues, I am quite sure some partner/friend communities would start thinking about dropping the partnership/friendship. Believe me or not, being a partner/friend community of SteamRep is NOT an ultimate goal in the entire universe. Most if not all of those communities which are partners/friends of SR were established before they become partners/friends of SR.
    Can you please prove what you wrote?

    I do not know of every denominations' opinion but I can tell you that e.g. Catholic Church does NOT consider being homosexual a sin. Homosexual practices are considered a sin, being homosexual is NOT. Catholic Church decry a sin, NOT a human being who commited a sin.

    There is a thing called excommunicatio in Catholic Church, in general it is an exclusion from Catholic Church. As far as I know being homosexual OR/AND participating in homosexual practices canNOT be a reason to exclude anyone from Catholic Church.
  15. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    No mostly because if I post it on a community website they fear an incoming ban from that community so they are censored in a way. Read though reddit without your bias glasses on and with the mindset of the community, read the actual comments and stories.. some might be just some band wagoner posting some hate comment buts a lot of people, alot more then there should be voicing their concerns.
  16. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I'm not even going to bother read all this, I feel like I'm the new lawyer in town and your trying to down me in work but in this case it's to avoid the core issue. Any time a Partner posts I am going to reply with the following..

    My questions are a question to SteamRep, not to their Partners. I see it as a pretty crumbled group if they have Partners speaking on their behalf. I can understand they they have no right to tell you who to ban, what I can't understand is that why once the partnership status has been given, then they can't they pullback if the group has changed the way they conduct their services. SteamRep has always had the approach from what I believe is to safe guard the community, is this no longer the case? If it is then why don't they have a system where they can remove Partnership status?

    That's where my question specifically is.
  17. WarNev3rChanges

    WarNev3rChanges New User

    LOL not taking the bait any further than this. Good luck with the rest of this bs.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  18. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    The only thing I actually tried was to force you to put some intellectual effort in your replies instead of repeatedly creating them based on delusions. If you do not bother to read what people reply to you, why do you even reply to those posts?
    I do NOT speak in the name of SteamRep.
    As far as I know, partnership/friendship with SteamRep can be withdrawn by any side for any reason at any time. The thing is... Being a partner/friend community to SteamRep is about being ANTI-FRAUD/ANTI-SCAMMER. That is what a partnership/friendship was estabilished based on. Therefore, if you are professional about this, you are not going to let non-related issues affect the status of the partnership.

    If a representative of X community came to SteamRep and said:
    I would expect SR to say:
    Because it is NOT professional to condition upholding partnership/friendship based on the things that have nothing to do with what you agreed to when joining the partnership/friendship.
    SilentReaper(SR) and Roudydogg1 like this.
  19. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    As I said I I am no longer Reading SteamRep partners posts the reason for this is as below.

    My questions are a question to SteamRep, not to their Partners. I see it as a pretty crumbled group if they have Partners speaking on their behalf. I can understand they they have no right to tell you who to ban, what I can't understand is that why once the partnership status has been given, then they can't they pullback if the group has changed the way they conduct their services. SteamRep has always had the approach from what I believe is to safe guard the community, is this no longer the case? If it is then why don't they have a system where they can remove Partnership status?

    That's where my question specifically is.
  20. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I am not an admin (or even mod) in any trading community except SteamRep.
    To answer bluntly, no. That'd be like reporting someone as a scammer without the accused being allowed to defend themselves or try to clear their name. If you intend to privately report abuse - which to be clear, banning you from their community is not abuse - then you can PM an admin here or submit a scam report. If it's not trading/working with scammers, committing fraud, or abusing tags, your report will probably get thrown out.

    You keep crying out a "conflict of interest" but you've yet to legitimately point one out. Admins here are sometimes admins in other communities, and in the rare cases where a conflict of interest arises (report against their friend usually) every SteamRep staff member knows to recuse themself.
    Partnerships can be pulled back in cases of abuse. Nothing you've pointed out thus far can be classified as such. We have official policies that all partners are expected to follow, and if they aren't breaking that policy we probably aren't going to revoke our partnership.

    I don't understand why you think there's a conflict of interest here, but I'll bite. SteamRep can survive without certain partners, and can refuse/retract a single partnership with one community if they were found to be engaging in fraud. Without any partners though, I think SteamRep would become irrelevant. Partners are absolutely a crucial part of SteamRep's existence. SteamRep's mission is to protect the community from fraud, not from unjust bans, potty mouths, micspam, or cheating. If you're not banned in our database, and you're not scammed by their staff, it's not relevant to us. SteamRep is only concerned with fraud in the trading community, and that's not going to change. Hurting your feelings and banning you from a forum or website because the admin/owner hates you (if that's even what happened) is not fraud.

    If you don't like SOP or TF2OP, or their rules, or community, then you don't use them; nobody is forcing you to stay with them. Similarly, if they don't like you for whatever reason (or no reason), they can also remove you from their community; we don't force them to keep you around. If they tag you for something that isn't fraud-related, then we may get involved. They aren't defrauding you, and they aren't abusing tags, so we aren't getting involved.

    Since you seem to want my opinion as a SteamRep admin who is not an admin in any partner community, including TF2OP and SOP, here you go. I feel like I would be out of place telling them whether their decisions are justified. Their site, their rules. This may blow your mind, but admins have final say over what happens in their own respective communities, just like you have final say over what goes on in your own home (unless you're a child).
    SilentReaper(SR) and Roudydogg1 like this.