1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Why is there no official method to report SteamRep Partners / Friends?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by BigMac187, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

  2. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    If a partner started a scamming ring, you report them on SR, and SR will handle the report a lot quicker than most reports because of the fact that it is a partner admin scamming people. Its already been stated by lava: Reports are public so that the accused can defend themselves, so why wouldn't an admin be allowed to defend themselves just like any ordinary member?
    Also if a community started banning one group, SR again wouldn't care, they might not approve but they won't take any action because it wouldn't break any of the rules that we follow as a friend/partner of SR
    Hitman Sparky likes this.
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    One is called SaveTF2 who is posting on reddit with his alt.
    Yes, exclude from the conversation Partner Admins who would be directly involved in your delusional scheme that tasks SR to micromanage its partners communities. Also, still waiting for you to get any community owner who would willingly go along with this.... ohh right, you requested that they have no say.
    Butthurt [X] Not Butthurt [ ]

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  5. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    SaveTF2 isn't an alt, I made it obvious who I was when I first posted and I don't have a main I use to post on Reddit. I've had an account b4 but I'm not even sure if I posted with it and I don't even remember the password. I created that account it to voice my concern with the direction the community has gone in. Have a read here and see what the community consensus is http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2zzuol/i_went_from_having_one_of_the_best_safest_trading/

    My concerns are clear, in this community your reputation can be deleted for no reason, SteamRep is not operating with Conflict Of Interest at it's highest level and people are scared to speak out in fears of bans. These are my concerns, I am entitled to address and you are not entitled to censor me on other groups you don't own.

    Reddit is the only place that I can see where users can post without these fears so it was the logical place for me.

    I have made it clear that I am not saying they should micromanage, I am saying that if a community starts acting in a manner which would have had SteamRep questioning if they should partner up with that group then they should have processes in (one of which involved community feedback) to monitor that that group is still acting in a way that they will still receive partnership if they were applying.

    Why will I ask Partners if they are happy to be micromanaged when I have made it clear that I am not asking for them to be micromanaged, I am asking SteamRep specific questions which you can read many times on this thread.

    I am asking Partners not to respond and for me to keep this discussion with SteamRep staff only so I can avoid this conflict of interest this group has created.

    What gets to me is that SteamRep sits under the banner of "Online Fraud Protection" you are operating in a state of fraud, highlighted by the "Conflict of Interest"

    "Conflict of Interest"

    Conflict of interest occurs when an employee, manager or statutory body member has an undisclosed economic or personal interest in a business transaction, which is concealed from his employer and which may have an adverse impact on the employer. The employee exerts his influence and efforts to the detriment of his employer.


    Once again, SteamRep admins is it possible for me or others to highlight concerns of partner groups without the involvement of partners?
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    SteamRep does not have anything to do with Reputation threads on any community either a Partner or not with SR. So therefore there is no conflict of interest as those threads can be removed at any time by the owners of that site/service. You are mad cause SourceOp a SR Partner deleted whatever rep thread you had but SR has nothing to do with that and will not endorse that at all so there is no conflict of interest, no reason to continue to be mad over the situation - its gone, never going to be returned, never gonna give you up..never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye...never gonna tell a lie or hurt you.
  7. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    That is not the conflict of interest I am speaking of and is not a conflict of interest, I am speaking of the conflict of interest where the Partners / Admins are responding to a thread which questions a process about the partner.

    SteamRep or www.ofpf.org is it possible for me or others to highlight concerns of partner groups without the involvement of partners?
  8. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    No. We have a right to defend ourselves, and also if we can join the discussion we can help come up with a solution. Just like with reports, the accused gets a chance to defend themselves.
  9. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    It's not a matter of defending yourself, you obviously don't understand The Law. It's a matter of keeping the business decisions free from Conflict Of Interest.

    Conflict Of Interest isn't a game you should be playing it's a serious matter for corporations, but feel free to keep posting it's just highlighting my issues.

    SteamRep or www.ofpf.org is it possible for me or others to highlight concerns of partner groups without the involvement of partners?
  10. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    Last response before I stop replying because you clearly just want to ignore reason, if you care so much about keeping complaints hidden from partner comms, an admin already stated that you can PM them.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  11. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I am only discussing reason... I am looking for a transparent solution, thanks and good buy.
  12. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I should be able to post on these forums free from conflict of interest which has been demonstrated here.

    SteamRep or www.ofpf.org is it possible for me or others to highlight concerns of partner groups without the involvement of partners?
  13. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    For the record, I never actually checked the status of butthurts thread, but when I did, noticed it was NEVER DELETED AT ANY POINT IN TIME, but moved to banned/invalid rep section where any logged in user could view it, this also allows the thread to be found via search engine. And to prove the thread was not tampered with:
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
  14. Inu

    Inu TF2Bazaar Owner Retired Staff Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    What you need to understand is that you may report any partner at any time just like you'd report an average user and the report will be given high priority since it is a partner community admin accused of fraud.

    What you can NOT do is to try and tell a partner how their site is run. As I replied to you on Reddit, we all agreed to a Code of Conduct here but nowhere in it does it state how I have to run my own community, otherwise I would never have signed such a thing. We do not gain anything from a partnership aside from more voluntary work, and we do said work to help the community stay a little bit safer.
    What you seem to imagine us as is a club of suit wearers smoking cigars and riding our green tags of fame and fortune, which is not even remotely true.

    To make this clear for you:
    Randomly tag people -> SR will act
    Do anything pro-fraud -> SR will act
    Ban a user from your site for the reason "lol u need 2 leave" ->SR will not act and is not allowed to act as per the CoD

    Once again, we are their PARTNER communities, SteamRep does not own us nor will they pretend to do. I and all other Partners still reserve the right to restrict and remove access to whatever we please on our own sites and as stated a hundred times, no site owner would ever be okay with having a third party take away their freedom of decision(except maybe Sneeza lol ZAM).

    Oh by the way the Code of Conduct does not prevent us from speaking badly about SteamRep so I can safely say that partner posts are 100% free from PR before you are going to make a Reddit post about that as well. Jadajadaconflictofinterestjadajada
  15. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    Butaine, it's pretty much hidden from everyone that doesn't have a SoureOP account. I'm not sure if that's by design or just how the system works but yeah it should be viewable to all. But yeah feel free to delete it from all, It doesn't bother me.. either way I won't be pointing people to your site.

    Read through my posts here again, I have made it very clear that I don't think they own you or should micromanage you. You are separate entities. So everything you have said I have posted before that I agree with.

    My issue is with the SteamRep process not allowing a transparent discussion between the community and SteamRep that does not involve the partners, the fact that the partners have an official role within SteamRep to be able to respond to these questions is both unprofessional (especially as a group called the Online Fraud Protection Foundation) and illegal. The system in place opens up SteamRep for Conflict Of Interest, Fraud & Corruption.

    Some people has said that there is a process which is to PM staff if I want to discuss concerns minus the Partners, I have attempted this previously and got shun, I provided examples and had no replies. http://i.imgur.com/xUiikf8.jpg

    My issue in the above screenshot was a concern that FOG was giving out Scammer Tags to users for single high profile trades, some of which could have unknowingly known.. the SteamRep rules state that

    First offense:
    • Item/Game trades: You will receive a one-time warning for any high-value item or game trade with a BANNED account or an obvious scammer alternate account. (This warning will be a temporary CAUTION tag that will be removed when you contact SteamRep admins.)
    FOG were acting outside of this.

    Now there could have been a change of rules, there could have been some sort of explanation but going through the channels which has been suggested (PM Mattie) I was first pushed away and then never gotten back to. If there was an explanation it should have been provided. Now as I see it there's a bunch of people which have been incorrectly marked according to the Steam FAQs.

    If I was able to highlight this via an official and transparent process then 1 of 2 things could have been done:

    - Either Update the FAQs and reflect that you could receive a scammer tag on a first trade in dealing trading with scammers
    - Or it could have highlighted that FOG has been accidentally incorrectly marking users and then those bans could then have been corrected.

    As I've pointed out before I am not here saying SteamRep should manage you, I am saying that there should be an official means of communications between the community and SteamRep highlighting the community concerns in which SteamRep can then either provide an explanation to the community, reiterate agreed rules with the Partners. If the case against the partner is one of fraud / something SteamRep doesn't feel that Partner ship can continue then they can look to question that.
  16. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    If you have any issues with the tags we issue, you can contact me or any other trade mod and ask us to look it over and say whether you feel like we've made a mistake, your problem is, you haven't even tried contacting us about it. We all make mistakes, but we can't improve or fix problems unless they're pointed out to us, you obviously haven't tried to. Like I've stated, if people have concerns about FoG I'm happy to have an in depth conversation with them where we talk about how FoG can improve. But we can't have those discussions unless you speak up about it in the first place.

    (I know I said I wouldn't post but seeing as how FoG was brought up I thought I had to)
  17. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Completely obliterated on his SOP complaint, now on to FoG.

    Tune in next week for an all new episode of some baseless unfounded complaint against yet another community on The wonders of BigMac187...

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  18. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    I understand what your saying but if your acting against the SteamRep policies then I should be able to highlight this to SteamRep for it to be transparent. I just don't see why you will all be a

    On another note what if I am banned on SOP and have concerns about their practices being banned I have no channel to discuss this and even if I did their staff (butaine) isn't exactly welcoming.
  19. BigMac187

    BigMac187 New User

    You must not be able to comprehend if you think it's all baseless.

    My concerns with SOP are strong and many others agree (even Mattie hinted out) that banning deleting rep is a joke, you being protected doesn't mean your right. All partners are protected but hey I'm not going to stay quiet to make you feel better, I'm more than happy to call out all the bullshit I see.
  20. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    Im just gunna say this: if we were to ban you from the FoG servers for whatever reason, we'd be within our right and tbh then I don't see much up for discussion. We'll explain why you were banned and leave it at that. However, us banning you from our servers and forums is well within our rights. Just like SOP banning you, they were within their rights, and like with every banned user they moved their rep thread to a section of the forum only viewable by people logged in, as is normal procedure for them. This has nothing to do with SteamRep.
    If you have issues with bans we issued on the SR database, then you are within your right to contact an admin of SR and state your issues, but I'd also recommend contacting the community you have issues with, and if they blatantly ignore you, then you can at least say you tried. Again like I've stated, the best place to have these discussions about bans you think were issued wrongly is in the general discussions. I'm fairly confident in saying that there is at least one admin from every partner comms that visits SR semi-regularly and mods and admins read the majority of threads in the general discussions. This way everything is out in the open and completely transparent.
    n0:name, Roudydogg1 and Hitman Sparky like this.