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Pending Report: 76561198040868351 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Nibelhim, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Nibelhim

    Nibelhim New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198040868351

    Victim profile: 76561198045599618

    What happened? Description:
    He attempted to insert expensive items into a trade with a lot of cheaper items while making it seem that he was on the losing end of a trade. Afterwards, he laughed about it and actually admitted that he was trying to scam people.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Screenshot of chat log below, here is chat without traders:
    9:56 PM - Nibelhim: Hey Let Me Burn Your Bra
    9:57 PM - Nibelhim: Let Me Burn Your Bra
    9:59 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: +
    9:59 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: yes?
    10:00 PM - Nibelhim: You think you are smart? trying to hide an expensive item in a bunch of cases?
    10:00 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: ?
    10:00 PM - Nibelhim: the trade offer you sent me
    10:00 PM - Angle_of_Death: i din send u anything
    10:00 PM - Nibelhim: you need a screenshot as proof?
    10:00 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: ha
    10:00 PM - Nibelhim: not you, bra
    10:00 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: my bad
    10:00 PM - IndayLancer: screenshot and send to steamrep
    10:00 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: fail
    10:00 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: xD
    10:00 PM - Nibelhim: you trying to scam me is your bad?
    10:01 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
    10:01 PM - Nibelhim: you f✿✿✿✿✿✿ tried to scam
    10:01 PM - Angle_of_Death: whut did she send u
    10:01 PM - Nibelhim: http://gyazo.com/dfbf2f8e00eb311a8672ec9bec8c7b50
    10:01 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: ofc i try LOL XDDDDD AHHAHA
    10:01 PM - Nibelhim: you all saw that
    10:01 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: ofc like i sayd my bad ahhaha
    10:01 PM - IndayLancer: screenshot that too
    10:01 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra: LOL
    10:01 PM - Let Me Burn Your Bra left chat.
    10:02 PM - IndayLancer: ^ guilty​

    Attached Files:

  2. Nibelhim

    Nibelhim New User

    Pretty much instantly after making this, he changed his name.
  3. SirLiony

    SirLiony New User

    That is it not a scam, he is just lowballing you. Invalid
  4. Nibelhim

    Nibelhim New User

    he admitted to trying to scam though, followed by leaving chat room and instantly changing his name.
  5. SirLiony

    SirLiony New User

    inserting expensive item isnt a scam, its called sharking. there is no way of getting ban sharking