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Declined Report: 76561198049428816 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by LegoTonix, May 12, 2015.

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  1. LegoTonix

    LegoTonix Banned on SteamRep

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Accomplice] Alternate account of hijacker or scammer
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198049428816

    Victim profile: 76561198076020691

    What happened? Description:
    pain is the scammer alt of MagicFrog Steamrep of MagicFrog here http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198081322461

    Provide Evidence:
    pain is the scammer alt of MagicFrog Steamrep of MagicFrog here http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198081322461

    i got too many proof

    1. proof

    All 144 keys you can see here go on pain backpack 1 mar


    2. proof

    All keys / buds / max you can see here go on pain backpack 27 Feb


    3. proof

    All 7 buds go on pain backpack


    4. proof

    Keys have got scammed by MagicFrog is not in the history but i can give proof for never have trade with pain


    4. proof

    Keys Willy Hotdog get scammed MagicFrog is not in the history i can ask to him if need

    5. proof
    Keys and max {HR} urvianoob get scammed MagicFrog he not in history i can ask to him if need

    6. proof

    We can see backpack up a lot 26 feb to 2 mar and bp donw 5 mar

    Start scam 23 feb end 5 mar

    i can give more proof if need​

    Attached Files:

  2. Mr. Pain

    Mr. Pain New User

    Just saw this. You're a bit late to the hate train i'm afraid, someone made a report on magicfrog a while back and claimed I was his alt. On which I've provided my paypal and trade history screenshots. http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.94224/#post-259645

    As for why my bp history near stops it's because I started playing GTA V near non stop since it came out It's just too addicting and I've pretty much stopped bumping my trades on bp.tf and tf2-t XD
  3. LegoTonix

    LegoTonix Banned on SteamRep

    How can you get gta v on march, the game is publied on april...And moreover it's isn't possible to trade with paypal more than 300key in less than 5 minute. And even if you are not the altacc of magic frog you are not a good trader that totaly anormal a man who quicksell 150key on paypal and the day after he quicksell again 150 key and this during 5+ days, for me that totaly a trade with scammer and you doesn't check the steamrep and paypal rep before trading ?
  4. Mr. Pain

    Mr. Pain New User

    Before I was doing GTA I was addicted to BF hardline lol. Just got a nice gaming laptop so I've been playing the newest games :p Guess I didn't fully read your post as I just assumed you'd meant up until recently. Also, what do you mean by saying it isn't possible to trade more than 300 keys in 5 min? If you're trying to say I can't add the keys to the trade that fast it's because I use a chrome plugin called steam inventory helper. I've made trades as large as 1,500 keys at once without a single issue and they took less than 5 minutes. Also, I do check rep.tf and steamrep before trading with anyone. He was completely clean when I was trading with him. As soon as I was added by someone he had just traded with and he alerted me to what he thought was happening I stopped trading with him.
  5. LegoTonix

    LegoTonix Banned on SteamRep

    1_ You say i use the chrome addon...WAIT a sec YOU? Only one possibility magic frog is you're alt because YOU use the addon, and on a normal paypal trade the seller send the trade offer not the buyer.

    2_ Why the scammer (or your alt) sell only at the same person ? if we look on outpost we can see many other paypal buyer with best price than your, only 2 possibility 1 is you're alt, 2 all other key buyer know magic frog is a scammer.

    3_ You say when i buy the key is not market as a scammer but it's easy to see it is a scammer guy a man with 0$ bp sell to you 150 key on paypal the day after he resell 150 key from a 0$ bp without any item in inventory except the key... Any honest trader gonna say no to the trade because it's a 0$ bp, and this guy(or your alt because you speak for him and using "I") have scammed the key because he get the key and 5 minute later he sell it that an instant retrade...

    4_ it's really easy to make fake paypal proof when it's you're alt, you got 2 paypal account you sell 300$ in you're second account and after you resell it on you're first account proof is not a fake trade with a screenshot of you're transaction history.

    5_ Play game is not a proof...
  6. Mr. Pain

    Mr. Pain New User

    I tend to always send the offer on anything larger than a 10 key transactions as I know I can send the offer and get the trade done way faster than anyone else can. Most people actually appreciate this.

    A lot of people sell to me because I have a huge rep thread and have been cash trading for a long time. I've even had people chat to me after a trade saying how the people who have good prices always looked fishy so they took the small price hit to sell to someone who is well repped.

    Assuming you mean marked and not market, I always check the rep, not the history of all the keys, as that's absurd. If I took the time to check the history of every key I buy from of everyone I trade with I wouldn't have a life outside of trading as a single days worth of trading would take a week. Also, if I remember correctly he had several knives and a couple high tier skins.

    This is my only paypal account. If you'd like I can provide my full paypal history going back to the times of these trades.

    I only mentioned playing games as it counters your statement of a dead backpack for an extended period of time.
  7. LegoTonix

    LegoTonix Banned on SteamRep

    outpost ban 15 days

    Attached Files:

  8. LegoTonix

    LegoTonix Banned on SteamRep


    Attached Files:

  9. Edward.

    Edward. SteamRep Admin Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    No evidence of any scam or scam attempt here.

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
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