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Archived Report: 76561198063913412 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by GmodBrah, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. GmodBrah

    GmodBrah New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198063913412

    Victim profile: 76561198110549233

    What happened? Description:
    This guy wanted to partner with our 36k member group ( http://steamcommunity.com/groups/22134786 ) to advertise his raffle group. So, of course he had to pay for it, so he said that he would pay a CSGO AWP Asiimov. We made him a moderator, so he can advertise his raffle group. But, instead of posting one annoucement he post about 60 or more at one time, and spammed up our group so we lost around 200 members. After that i added him, asked him what's going on and he said that it was by mistake and that he's sorry. Because he wanted to get his reputation back, he offered me a key to make an apology giveaway. We made the annoucement, link to it: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/22134786#announcements/detail/734448353921529950
    The giveaway ended, we picked the winner and everything was fine. Then, he didn't actually give me the key yet, and he told me that he will do it in 3 days. (he would get the key in 3 days). After about a week (i forgot that he owes me) i tried to look for him in my friends list. Looked like he has unadded me. I added him back, but he declined the request and blocked me. Proof that he blocked me will be below. So, basically what he did is lose us 200 members and scam me out of a key, since i used mine to do the apology giveaway. And he scammed us out of an AWP Asiimov.​

    Provide Evidence:
    The group he ''partnered'' with: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/22134786
    Apology annoucement: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/22134786#announcements/detail/734448353921529950
    Apologies for not having any chat screenshots, we have no, because we had no idea he would do this to us.
    We also cant show the history of the annoucements he spammed up, because Steam doesn't save all the group's history, it only does save the history for some days which passed, the other days history's it deletes.​

    Attached Files:

  2. GmodBrah

    GmodBrah New User

  3. medicman16

    medicman16 New User

  4. medicman16

    medicman16 New User

    Heres The proof oh hiim blocking me and also sorry for the tag he was meant to help me download stuff for a siite but gave me dodgy links ages ago http://prntscr.com/9ff9fz
  5. deductioNN

    deductioNN New User

    I told you that was a mistake , I told you that. And I told you that im sorry but where is the scam here? I only spammed by mistake. also I sold to your friend GamePan csgo jackpot script and he didn't pay for that.
    So let me know where is the scam here?
  6. deductioNN

    deductioNN New User

    First of all , the awp asiimov was mine , I told gamepan that he should pay me first about my csgo jackpot script and I sent to him but he didn't even respond to my answer. after I forgot about it and asked for modernetor and I wanted to pay , nobody told me rules or something like that and Im kind of new and clicked on it many times. I tried to make key profit to give you as a word but I lost my awp asiimov ft as you can see. and I didn't even tried to scam you...
    I have no words , you actually reported me in steamrep because of this mistake? no words.
  7. deductioNN

    deductioNN New User

    Prove the stuff , everything =)
  8. deductioNN

    deductioNN New User

    Oky listen.
    First of all , Your friend gamepan , before he putted me as a mod , he didn't tell me ANY rules at all so I didn't know that I will get kicked or you will be mad on me if I will post annoucements.
    Second the spam was mistake , I wanted to give you a key after this but as I told you I lost my awp asiimov as you can see my inventory , now I bought from tf2wh stuff and I wanted to give you (worth like a key)
    Also your friend Gamepan scammed me on csgo jackpot script and he didn't pay for me yet.
    And for last , you posted annoucement (Gamepan) that im scammed him and he told people to report me and my group. Also you and your friend just spammed my profile and my group so hard for nothing and destroyed my rep.
    I have really no words anymore that you actually reported me because this mistake , I could report your friend gamepan but I didn't did it because we both had mistakes.
    Blocked you and him because your friend just spammed me so hard even after I talked with you.
    by the way I going to report soon gamepan for the scam he did on my jackpot script and I got proofs :))
  9. GmodBrah

    GmodBrah New User

    I understand you. But, why did you have to remove me from your friends list and when i tried to add you block me?
    And why did you tell me that you will give me the key if you didn't, instead blocked me?
    Please answer.
  10. GmodBrah

    GmodBrah New User

    If you have problem's with Gamepan i can't help you both. But, why did you have to get me into this?
    I used my own key to make the giveaway. I know, it's not a big loss, but why did you even tell me to make the giveaway and that you will give us the key back?
    I wouldn't even have made the giveaway if you wouldn't say that you will fund it.
  11. GmodBrah

    GmodBrah New User

    Please unblock me and add me back so we can talk this out.
  12. deductioNN

    deductioNN New User

    I blocked you and gamepan because he spammed my group and told them that Im scammer + also spammed me so hard everywhere even after I talked with you.
    I have no reason to lie here. ask him by yourself.
  13. Cyborg

    Cyborg Retired Staff

    Archived due to lack of chat agreement.