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Rejected Appeal: 76561198042574100 - (CalebTheEternal / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198042574100 (CalebTheEternal)

    Appeal Plea: I commited the offense(s), but it was minor or I disagree with SteamRep policy
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Missing - Evidence is missing or not enough
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:
    | steamname: Sarah
    | steam3ID: [U:1:137464629]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:68732314
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097730357
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CalebTheEternal-MG
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198097730357

    Appeal description:
    I am appealing because I do not have the requirements to be steamrep banned. The evidence has little proof, and has no proof of me actually commiting a scam. This was also a very old report, and I have traded multiple times and cashed out multiple times. The report isn't even in context anymore. There was no evidence at all of me actually scamming. No trade history, no person coming forward and reporting me. You will not be able to find any proof that I did commit a scam. The chat from Lightning also didn't end there. I clearly at the end of the chat with him the :p emoji Used to indicate if one has made a joke or doing something silly. He also cut off the chat which did go on after that. I fell out with this person a while ago and the person refused to help me with the situation. There is no proof that I did scam anyone. The reporter also has another open case that has about the same amount of proof or more, and nothing has been done against him. This is like me getting arrested for murder because I said I did it, when they have no fingerprints, no blood, no witnesses.​
  2. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    I would also like to say that the other accounts that got banned that are my "alts" are not my accounts. Only Sarah is my account.
  3. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    I also put on the first question that I commited them, I was saying that I said what I said, not to the scam itself, because I did not scam.
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You attempted to scam, you admitted that much already with a party who you tried to make a co-conspirator, backed up by the provided chat you also acknowledged and the other replies by you in the report, he instead reported you tho. What exactly are you appealing based on because your above argument about not being enough evidence, and I find their is plenty of evidence to tag you for attempting to scam, has no merit?
  5. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    It was clearly a joke, but I was a dumb 14 year old who didn't want to deal with a report, and now it has bitten me in the ass. I even told him right after that I was joking and was trying to see if he would scam, he did not provide that screenshot, and as this report was made after I closed the chat I could not get it back. There is also again, no proof that I ever even tried to scam someone, has anyone come forward saying that I tried to scam them? Are there screenshots showing that I have actually committed a scam? No. That's not fraud then is it? If I never took something from someone that is not fraud. Definition of fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain (From Google). I got banned for not being able to properly defend myself because he didn't show the full chat.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  7. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    I lied on the report that got me banned. I didn't want to deal with a report, I didn't really think anything of it because I was new to trading and I didn't really know what Steamrep was or what it did. Now I realize how serious it is; yeah it was dumb of me to say that I scammed someone when I really didnt, and yeah it was dumb of me to message that chat to my friend saying that I was (jokingly) wanting to scam someone. I could never scam anyone, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Also, look at my profile, I have pages upon pages or +rep and some even over Paypal. Don't you think if I did scam I would have more reports, especially with doing Paypal and transactions over $500? I also linked some profiles of GoV CS:GO Trade Server admins that will even back me up on this. Also, not trying to be smart, but isn't giving the items back a way of not getting banned or not getting banned in the first place?
    Either way, I don't scam, I wont scam, I am honestly a good person and I love to have fun. I loved to go on trade servers and meet the people there, they are some of the funniest people I have ever met, but now I can't go on a single one.
    I understand the whole situation of the report was handled very poorly on my side, and I understand that, but I was a dumb 14 year old and I regret what I said on the report, since it was a lie, and for that I am also truly sorry. With those lies it is now wasting my time, but more importantly your time, to see if I can get unbanned for no wrongdoing. I'm just a hard working young man trying to trade up to get some extra cash, and to have fun when I'm not at work or school.
    Also, again, there is still no proof of me ever scamming anyone. I'm not sure if there is any way that you can check if I've ever been on trade probation or trade ban, but if you can, you will see that I have had neither of those.
  8. Grey7

    Grey7 New User

    +rep on your profile? thats literally a red flag to detect a scammer. If it was really a joke you wouldn't have gotten banned. Steamrep admins are smart enough to tell apart a joke from an actual scam. Nice try bud.
  9. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    What? Lol. From other legit trades a +rep is a red flag to detect a scammer? What I'm saying now is true. And tell apart from a real scam? There was no scam, and there is no proof of a scam. No one came forward saying they got scammed, no screenshots of a scammed trade history. When you have like 13 pages of rep from the span of a month or two that should be a red flag, but I have +reps on my profile spanning 2-3 years. Also, like I said before, if I truly was a scammer wouldn't I have reports on me, especially since I did over $1,000 in Paypal? Again, not a single person has come forward saying that they got scammed. I don't understand how my +reps from honest traders makes me look bad. It shows that I was apart of the trading community for a long time and people liked me. I don't understand how you even got that idea.
  10. Grey7

    Grey7 New User

    I'm saying young +reps. old +reps a a green flag if anything. So tell me, if you are not a scammer, why did you get SR banned?
  11. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    1a. Profile rep is worthless and means absolutely nothing to us. http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/what-constitutes-reputation.12391
    1b. Vouches have no place in appeals either http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/for-visitors-who-are-not-appealing.9740/
    1c. When you lie, we cant tell from that point out if you are still full of BS or of you are being honest, this is why lying is grounds for an appeal being denied. You have already proven yourself a liar.
    Obviously not, you were still tagged.
    3. At the least conspiring, in this case attempting to commit fraud by your own admission is absolutely something we can and do tag for. Just because you backed out, issued refunds and decided against going threw with it is in no way an excuse not to be tagged to being with. This is your primary appeal argument seems like and its unlikely to give you a favorable outcome.
    4. Provide your inventory history from June 1st to June 15th of 2014. 2 week notice.
  12. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    I understand that. I realize I made a mistake doing that, but it's the true, I understand, I have to look at it from your point of view. The conspiring was the whole joke. At the end I used the :p face which shows joking and playing around. Yeah I understand that as well that you have to go by that. It's hard to judge someone if they are a scammer or not if you have never met them or even talked to them. I know I'm telling the truth. I didn't really expect the profile rep to do me much good even though some is Paypal.

    Here is the first page: http://prntscr.com/agx4ww

    If there is any other way for me to send my inventory please let me know. I've never had to send my inventory history before. Hopefully those screenshots came out well. Let me know if you need anything else.
  13. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  14. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    First 15. I have more. Lots more.
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  15. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    Another 15. More coming.

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  16. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

    On the last one I showed that I had no trades from the 10-15 of that month, to show this I showed the trades before and after those dates. The one after that date was a Paypal transaction, that is why there is no items that the other party is receiving.

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  17. ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮

    ☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮ Banned on SteamRep

  18. Teeny Tiny Cat

    Teeny Tiny Cat SteamRep Admin Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @☮☭ Thunder Thighs ☭☮,

    Your appeal has been reviewed and it has been rejected for the following reason(s):

    - Lack of sufficient evidence to overturn the original judgement
    - Lying or other fraud during the appeal

    Despite your appeal being rejected, it's recommended that you avoid future situations that might appear to be fraud with Steam trading. Sometimes people reported to Valve by its users can get their accounts trade banned by Steam Support.