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Declined 76561198046014195 (krackalackin)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Braleven, Sep 25, 2012.

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  1. Braleven

    Braleven New User

    Victim: Braleven
    steamID: Braleven
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:26352281
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012970290
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nevelarb
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198012970290

    Scammer: (Carl jr. AKA krackalackin)
    steamID: krackalackin
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42874233
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046014195
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046014195



    My PayPal: http://i.imgur.com/PLSiW.png

    Transaction: http://i.imgur.com/ZPJei.png

    Description: I met krackalackin on a trade server, it's funny because seeing his name now I just not recognize it from earlier. Apparently he changed his name in the process. He messaged me once as krackalackin but later he used Carl jr. to scam me. Anyway, long story short he asked for $30 via PayPal. I paid and got f✿✿✿ed over. He pulled the lying nonsense. Apparently "the email was wrong" haha. I even MADE SURE it was the right one before talking to him. It turned to be an obvious scam and I watched as he blocked me but remained online on my friends for some reason and his inventory of valuable disappeared...They transferred to another account so he can escape and I really wish I knew what account that was so he loses all his trading rights completely. He shall pay. d
     Never tell your password to anyone.
    Braleven: Hold on, minimized game
    carl jr.: kk
    Braleven: [email protected] is your email correct?
    carl jr.: yea.
    carl jr.: wait.
    carl jr.: that's wrong
    Braleven: No. pay me
    carl jr.: its [email protected]
    carl jr.: its 2 ii
    carl jr. is now Offline.
    carl jr. is now Online.
    carl jr. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    carl jr.: you there?
    Braleven: yeah, what's up?
    carl jr.: the trade window closed.
    carl jr.: did you get a refund?
    Braleven: it's okay
    Braleven: no, hold on
    carl jr.: kk
    Braleven: Yo talk in the game
    Braleven: my mic is easier to use
    Braleven: Come back in
    carl jr.: i don't have a mic
    Braleven: It's okay, as long as you hear me
    carl jr.: don't have sound. :\
    Braleven: Alright, here's the f✿✿✿✿✿✿ deal.
    Braleven: Pay me my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ earbuds.
    Braleven: Or get trade banned
    Braleven: and lose f✿✿✿✿✿✿ EVERYTHING
    Braleven: My friend is a donater and your account will be GONE LIKE THAT.
    Braleven: Give me the earbuds.
    Braleven: I don't want this to get ugly.
    carl jr.: dude.
    Braleven: What?
    carl jr.: can't you just issue a refund?
    Braleven: No. I CAN'T.
    Braleven: Paypal is a hassle.
    carl jr.: I said wait like 2 secs after saying correct...
    Braleven: I will issue one
    Braleven: I'm not buying this s✿✿✿.
    Braleven: You have terrible reputation.
    carl jr.: so you are going to issue a refund and you want the earbuds?
    Braleven: I will issue it now. Hold on.
    Braleven: I don't know how this is going to work, my paypal is verified but I can't refund so I just sent a request for 30 dollars and a note.
    Braleven: Here
    Braleven: Take a screenshot of your account
    Braleven: and upload it to imgur.com
    Braleven: That will prove everything
    Braleven: and if you leave
    Braleven: or go ANYWHERE
    Braleven: You're account is DONE.
    carl jr.: what?
    carl jr.: what do you mean take a pic of my account?
    carl jr.: what is that going to do?
    Braleven: Prove to me what email you use.
    carl jr.: kk.
    Braleven: Almost done?
    carl jr.: yea.
    carl jr.: sry.
    carl jr.: it'l be about another 2 mins
    carl jr.: where do i upload it to?
    Braleven: imgur.com
    carl jr.: k
    carl jr.: http://imgur.com/i0wIT
    Braleven: LOL
    Braleven: Your name isn't in it
    Braleven: Nice try
    Braleven: Take another screenshot
    carl jr.: why would i give you my name?
    Braleven: CAUSE YOU f✿✿✿ED ME
    Braleven: THATS WHY
    carl jr.: i did not.
    Braleven: Oh my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ god
    carl jr.: you should have waited another second to send it
    Braleven: Look dude
    Braleven: We can make these easy
    Braleven: I don't even want your buds
    Braleven: Just give me my money
    Braleven: And you don't get reported
    Braleven: I beg of you
    Braleven: That's it
    carl jr.: i don't have your money.
    Braleven: I know what you're doing, it happened to me before
    Braleven: Oh my lord, your name shows up to me when I sent the money anyway
    Braleven: So just cooperate, got it?
    carl jr.: ok.
    carl jr.: gosh...
    Braleven: your name and your email in the picture
    carl jr. is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Braleven: Why are you in the game now?
    Braleven: Take the picture.
    carl jr.: the pic is uploading
    carl jr.: the link is...
    carl jr.: imgur.com/gallery/vpcee
    Braleven: Give me the real link
    Braleven: Kid, just give me my damn money back.
    Braleven: You won't even give me the link?
    Braleven: How terrible are you?
    Braleven: I don't even want the buds
    Braleven: I just want my damn money, please.

    I hope this man is done. Not just his old useless account banned. But his IP and all accounts.
    However, that is up to Valve. Thank you for reading.

  2. Braleven

    Braleven New User

  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Could you please post a screenshot of your inventory history from that day verifying you did not receive the earbuds? Once you had provided that, you are well-within your rights to chargeback the scammer rather than just request a refund. The only time it is okay to chargeback is in cases like this when it abides clearly by the reason for the service: you paid but did not receive the item. Thanks! :)
  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    I noticed he fake repped himself so I marked him for that, but I still do need your inventory history. Thanks!
  5. Braleven

    Braleven New User

    I apologize for my late response. I will take a screenshot of my inventory history currently and show far back to that date. However, I can't chargeback since my PayPal is a student account so don't get into that stuff. I'll just deal with it or figure something out.
  6. Braleven

    Braleven New User

    I think these go far back enough, if you need more let me know. Thanks a lot for helping, I appreciate this so much.


    P.S. Sorry my inventory is private, I went all "lockdown" on my account since I was investigating the scammer.
  7. Braleven

    Braleven New User

  8. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    The inventory history screenshots are really odd, doesn't show what was send or received.
  9. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    If you can't supply a reason as to why, I'm going to archive the report.
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