1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

A complaint and a question

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Lucky Shot, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Hello everyone!
    First of all, I'm sorry if this sounds impolite or anything (I'm really sorry if it does), but:
    1) Steamrep doesn't accept reports for revoked games.
    2) Steamrep doesn't accept reports for steam keys.
    3) Steamrep doesn't accept reports for non-steam games.
    4) Steamrep doesn't accept reports for steam gifts (since, as I've read, you have no way to know if someone did or didn't get the gift).
    So, I'm here, wondering about what exactly you accept reports (impersonations, trades through money transaction systems, and normal steam trades).
    But the instances I told you (especially 1, 2, and 4) are the most common cases of scams. Like, have you seen many scammers doing trades through the steam trade window?
    So, adding the fact that steamrep does not handle reports fast, it looks like that steamrep has lost its usefulness.
    While I posted this mostly as a complaint, I also wanted to ask: The sites that are affiliated to you have exactly the same rules? Like, if I wanted to report someone for steam keys (just an example), would it be possible to do it through one of your affiliated sites? Would a ban appear on his steamrep profile too or not?
    Thanks a lot for your time and have a nice day!
  2. schmed

    schmed r/globaloffensivetrade moderator Partner Community

    Hello @Lucky Shot !

    SteamRep's Investigative Policy can be found here. It explains exactly what SteamRep does and does not investigate, and it also provides some additional information on why SteamRep does not investigate some things.

    As for the rest of your question, I will leave that to a SteamRep staff member, as they can give you a better answer than I ever could.

    a Gentleman and Roudydogg1 like this.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Really? Have you watched the report section over the last year before making this claim?

    As for the other part - partner comms and SR are both tied together with a central database. What effects from a tag thru one of those would effect the others and SR..etc down the line. So partners are following SR policy guidelines since it effects others, users and sites that use SteamRep.
  4. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    It was a rhetorical question - I even answered it inside the parentheses. ;P
  5. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Yes, I noticed 602 pages of pending reports, hence why I said that. :p That wasn't my main complaint though. The problem is that the main part of the scamming community is using methods that you don't even investigate. And thank you for the answer. :)
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    They aren't exactly pending - many are waiting on replies after for example we would ask for additional evidence or a follow up.
    Some users make reports for nonsense - then abandon it just to get a "PENDING REPORT" on anothers Steamrep profile.
    It was a huge problem a few years back and still is sadly. We've really gotten a hold on any new reports coming to at least reply to them...if they don't reply and we come back across them they will be archived.
    Any method can be deemed hard to verify at any given time - but there are some things that are just impossible.
    You make a trade for a game code - you give the item - you get the game code and you claim its invalid or doesn't work.
    Did it? Can we trust that you just didn't frame the user and use the code either on your account, alt account, sold it again to someone else and they used it then just claimed that it didn't work to make the other user get banned tagged?
    You would be super surprised at the amount of FAKE reports we get - I've worked 2-3 fake reports in the last few months for someone just trying to ruin anothers trading with a tag from us.
    You say - OHH YOU CAN TRUST ME... well can we? Don't want to sound mean but I look at every report as if I can't trust either user - be it the reporter or the accused.
    I let the evidence speak for itself and move on.
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    As for the backlog there from years back.. 70% of them are reports that fall within our current policy and are invalid - they just haven't been reviewed yet however as we come back across them and have time to get to them we will. Idea now is to focus on any new coming in since those are against ACTIVE potential scammers.
    Another 20% are likely stupid reports - IE: HE SCAMMED ME!! BAN HIM!!! and they post a picture of sponge bob for evidence.
    The rest are maybe legit but most likely of inactive or already tagged scammers. Many users get reported several times - so you have stacked tags and multiple reports.
  8. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Yes, there's a way. What if I was taking a video of the chat and the activation try? You still wouldn't believe me? o_O Like, I would tell the other guy that I'll start taking a video and then he should send me the code. It still wouldn't look legit to steamrep? o_O Also, about revoked games. If I provide you pics of the whole chat, my trade history, and my gift history, why is it still not enough? I'm pretty sure that, most of the times (not always), you can make an assumption if he was the original seller or if he was reselling it.
    Yes, I know, many people try to hurt other people's reputations, especially scammers that are pretending to be the victim.
    Just remember what I said about videos - some people take videos of the whole process and, if you eventually get to accept them, then I'll start taking videos too.
  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

    No- you take a video - you use the code on another computer on another account - it shows invalid when you do it on the computer your taking the video.
    You fame the accused.... done deal there.
    We don't accept videos either - we require screenshots. We can't host them for starters, nobody has time to go thru and watch them, some have been extensively edited and so on.
    But you get the idea as to why again codes are impossible to verify so we won't accept reports on them.
  10. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yes, a very large number. SteamRep's historical focus has been on item-for-item and cash-for-item scams. Game scams have never been a primary focus, though in severe / ancient cases we've done it once in a while.

    Scams for games/codes would be feasible if Valve added more tools to help check them (e.g. identify the Steam ID and date that a gift code was used, and pre-checking if a code is unused). But right now this whole area has to be done at your own risk, and there's no way to confirm what's really going on (video or not).
  11. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Hmmm, haven't thought of that. o_O I just hope that steamrep will find a way to accept a bigger variety of reports. Maybe, as Mattie said, steam should do something about this, not only about keys though, but about scams in general. But, whenever steam does something, things only get worse and, also, traders find it even harder to trade. I see so many scammers around, scamming even people that I know, and it sucks that the victims can't do anything about it. Anyway, that's all. Thank you for your answers. Have a nice day!
  12. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Valve you mean, Steam is just a service run by Valve.
  13. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Yep, true. :p
  14. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Hahahaha, thanks for the crybaby trophy. xD
  15. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sorry about that. It was a bug from an April Fool's joke malfunctioning. Was supposed to happen when certain conditions were met, but in addition to failing it was also delayed until a while after wrongly triggering so I didn't see it until now.
  16. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    To be honest, I was sure I got this achievement because I posted this thread. xD
  17. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yeah sorry, it was worded with the expectation it wouldn't show up until April Fools. The description should've been more clear, but I removed it since it wasn't working.
  18. reported for offensiv

    reported for offensiv New User

    Steam rep excepts most of reports you just have to have your evidence. It's like going to the court without a lawyer.