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Archived Report: 76561198341225519 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Taoito, May 6, 2017.

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  1. Taoito

    Taoito New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198341225519

    Victim profile: 76561198007905515

    What happened? Description:
    Quick Summary:
    We agreed on a CSGO Keys-Paypal trade: my $63.45 for his 27 CSGO Keys. I sent him the full amount, he only sent me 18 CSGO Keys, then removed & blocked me on Steam.

    Detailed Summary:
    I came across ogg's post on /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade Discord server, in the #adverts-cash channel, selling his CSGO Keys. I messaged him on Discord (screenshot below) then added him on Steam to discuss the trade details.

    We first agreed on $2.32 per key, and I sent him USD $62.64 via Paypal, after which he suddenly hesitated & wanted to cancel the trade. I needed the keys so I offered a higher price, at $2.35 per key instead, to which he agreed.

    However, he only wanted to send 18 CSGO Keys first, and 9 CSGO Keys later, because he said he's afraid I might chargeback. But he still wanted the full payment for 27 CSGO Keys via Paypal. I agreed.

    So he refunded my original payment ($62.24), I sent him the new payment, which is for 27 CSGO Keys at $2.35 each (USD $63.45). He received the money & sent me a Trade Offer of 18 CSGO Keys (screenshots below). I accepted and he said he will "send the rest later" when he feels less risky.

    The next day, he removed & blocked me on Steam, he also blocked me on Discord. So he has scammed me of 9 CSGO Keys. He lied about sending the rest of the keys later. We agreed on, and I sent a full Paypal payment for 27 CSGO Keys, but only received 18 Keys in the end.

    Thank you for looking into this case & please mark this user as a scammer so other people can avoid being scammed by him in the future.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Screenshots Descriptions:

    scammerProfile.png: The profile of this user while we were trading, we're still Steam friends at this point.

    scammerChat1,2,3.png: The full conversation between us on Steam, including: our initial agreement, his hesitation, his refund, our final agreement, his Paypal address, his proposed 'delayed trade' of the 9 Keys.

    scammerPaypal1,2,3.png: The Payal transaction details, including: my initial payment to him, his refund (with his note saying why: resending at higher rate), my final payment to him (with my note saying what the payment is for: 27 CSGO Keys).

    scammerTradeOffer1,2.png: His trade offer of 18 CSGO Keys after my final payment. The second screenshot shows me hovering over his profile to check the profile link.

    scammerTradeHistory.png: The trade history between us, showing the partial 18 CSGO Keys from him to me, after my full payment for 27 Keys.

    scammerProfileBlocked.png: He has now blocked me on Steam.

    scammerDiscordBlocked.ong: He also blocked me on Discord, I cannot send any more message to him. This also shows my initial conversation with him there.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.
    Also I want to see every trade you did from the 4th till present. Full screens, if more than one make sure a previous trade over laps into the next screenshot.
  3. ogg_

    ogg_ New User

    Hello Horse, it's a misunderstood / false report. Here are a few screenshots of me sending the keys to him.

    Attached Files:

  4. ogg_

    ogg_ New User

    here is a screenshot with his name

    Attached Files:

  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Op will need to reply confirming what is happening with screenshots of the chat
  6. ogg_

    ogg_ New User

    Hmm, alright. He isn't responding, however. Is there anything else I could provide that would deem helpful?
  7. Taoito

    Taoito New User

    Hello, thanks for your responses ЩĄ | Horse

    I can confirm the 3 screenshots that Ogg_ just posted. He has unblocked me and sent me the 9 CSGO Keys through Steam Trade Offer.
    I accepted those keys and as of this moment, our trade is fully completed. He said it was a misunderstanding.

    Just to be clear, my initial report yesterday was not false at that point. I came to that conclusion based on what happened: I did not receive the keys per our trade agreement & I was blocked on Steam (I've explained everything in my first post above). You probably understand why I thought it was a scam & why I wrote this report.

    But after submitting this report, I managed to contact ogg_ through Reddit. According to his message, it was a misunderstanding:
    "Actually, there was a huge misunderstanding. I apologize if you took the block as me scamming you. And I also feel terrible it caused you to do this. First of all, I as usual, get tons of people adding me every hour, thus me simply blocking and removing people down my friends list I don't deem clean. Not saying you weren't but my mind wasn't thinkin clearly when I skimmed back over your profile and unfortunately it didn't spark. Sorry about that. I will readd you today, once I get a chance to. Also, I never actually blocked you on discord. I left the Reddit Discord and you weren't added on my friends list at all which disallowed me and you from communicating. I never blocked you. I still do have the 9 keys. Once again, I'm sorry about the big confusion."

    I'm also attaching our Reddit conversation, which matches his screenshot too. I'm attaching screenshots of the most recent Trade History before & after the latest one.
    That should be all, let me know if you need anything else. I'm glad the issue has been resolved. Thank you for taking the time to look into this.

    Attached Files:

  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Ok I can go with that... try to avoid pre-mature reports in the future.
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