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Accepted Report: 76561198175559558 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by CelsiusAsuna, Jul 20, 2017.

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  1. CelsiusAsuna

    CelsiusAsuna New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198175559558

    Victim profile: 76561198075195408

    What happened? Description:
    He asked what I was selling and I told him my knife. He first offered $100 via steam gift cards and I said I don't trade in any kind of gift codes. So he offered $75 via Paypal and I declined. Then he offered $100 via paypal, and I agreed. waiting on a middleman from steamrep, he said he was trusted and he often dealed directly. So i checked his profile and his steam rep, and nothing was fishy. After I traded the knife he said it will take 3 days for the money to appear. I asked why and then he blocked me.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Chat logs, Screenshots of Chat, My profile Inv and History, Scammers Profile Inv, Paypal Screenshot, and screenshot of when he blocked me​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    voodoo priest: hey man, are your csgo items up for sale?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: my gutknife
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: what have you got to offer?
    voodoo priest: i can offer 75 usd for it
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: can we trade instead?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: actually. I'm good
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: thanks for the offer tho
    voodoo priest: how about $100 for ur knife via steam wallet codes, money will be on your account without commission. I will give you codes and you activate it here - https://store.steampowered.com/account/redeemwalletcode
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: sorry. i dont do business with steam codes
    voodoo priest: well, what payment method do you like?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: paypal
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: with a middleman
    voodoo priest: 75 usd for it, like the price?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: sorry. id like to keep my knife. thanks tho
    voodoo priest: ok, i can offer 100 usd for ur knife via paypal
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: sure
    voodoo priest: let's do it
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok give me a sec
    voodoo priest: ok, i need your paypal email
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok 1 seac
    voodoo priest is now Away.
    voodoo priest: man, i'm waiting
    voodoo priest is now Online.
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ik. im waiting on a middleman
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: sorry if its taking a bit. im waiting on a steamrep middleman
    voodoo priest: i'm sorry man, i always work directly, i have enough legit and my profile says about this, well, we can do it in a safe way, because you're dealing with me, once we trade i will pay in 30 sec to your paypal. I have so big reputation in sales, i'm more than 2 years in steam and never been reported for anything, my trade record is clean.
    voodoo priest: I have over 1000+ deals, 54 pages with cash reps, screens with items which i bought, screens with payments
    voodoo priest: just check it all man
    voodoo priest: if u accept my rules, give me your paypal email, ill prepare to transfer
    voodoo priest: i don't work with middleman's
    voodoo priest: mate
    voodoo priest: open my profile
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: [email protected]
    voodoo priest: well, use this to send me offer - https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=215293830
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: hm i dont know if i can trust you without a middleman
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: nothing personal, just got many scammers in the past 2 weeks
    voodoo priest: you can trust me without problems, im doing alot of deals in 1 day and guys trust me
    voodoo priest: im responsible for my reputation
    voodoo priest: after trade ill pay you in 30 sec man
    voodoo priest: you have checked my profile, you know im trustworthy and don't do s✿✿✿
    voodoo priest: just send me offer and ill pay you now
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok
    voodoo priest: just in case, correct email - [email protected]?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: yes
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok sent the offer
    voodoo priest: well, im waiting your offer
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: you get it yet?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: ok the trade was accepted
    voodoo priest: i sent money, money will go within 3 days, i transfered from my western unuion, sry about this, you're nice guy
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: thanks. i just hope this isnt a scam
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: why wont the money appear until three days?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: hello?
    voodoo priest is now Offline.
    voodoo priest is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: uh
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: dyde
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: *dude
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: bro hello?
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: well great. i just got scammed
    CelsiuS | Best Vit-poster: goodbye 80$ knife

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @CelsiusAsuna Need a full screenshot of your trade inventory history - showing this trade open this in a web browser, hover your mouse pointer over users name so it shows up the steam URL at the bottom. Also need a FULL screenshot of your paypal activity for last several days till now. Both full screenshots and unedited/uncropped.
  3. CelsiusAsuna

    CelsiusAsuna New User


    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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