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Invalid Report: 76561198123721688 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ReL S>3 Unusuals, Dec 12, 2017.

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  1. ReL S>3 Unusuals

    ReL S>3 Unusuals New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198123721688

    Victim profile: 76561198271428863

    What happened? Description:
    Agreed upon a trade, Green Energy Defiant for his Blizzardy Storm Festive Tree, he says his computer crashed and he sent me an offer. The offer contained the a bubbling unusual, not the blizzardy unusual we both agreed upon. I accepted and soon realized i messed up. He has since blocked me and i have no way of contacting him.​

    Provide Evidence:
    [​IMG] Lied that his computer crashed mid trade and sent me an offer with the wrong item.
    [​IMG] Proof that was the scammer and the trade happend​

    ReL: Hey, if you wanna 1 for 1, you might need to add like 3-4 keys
    ReL: Get back to me when ur done thinking
    PyroTheGuitarHero: You said 2
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Last time
    ReL: Can you do 2?
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Wait
    PyroTheGuitarHero: My computer
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Turnt off
    ReL: Alright haha
    PyroTheGuitarHero: XD
    PyroTheGuitarHero: So
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Can i do
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Only 1?
    ReL: Um i need like 2 sorry cause there's a buyer at 40 keys
    ReL: 2 Seems reasonable
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Hmm
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Saucy
    ReL: Nice, so a deal?
    PyroTheGuitarHero: Yes
    PyroTheGuitarHero: I sent you an offer
    ReL: I send offer since u on mobile?
    ReL: ok cool haha
    ReL: Thanks!
    PyroTheGuitarHero: np
    ReL: Wanna give rep for rep?
    ReL: Hey
    ReL: Dude
    ReL: you gave me the wrong hat
    ReL: dude
    ReL: hey
    ReL: HEY

    Attached Files:

  2. Ninja Otter With A Taco

    Ninja Otter With A Taco Retired Staff

    Do you have any proof of the trade agreement past one of you adding keys? The unusuals up for trade are unclear from the conversation you have, so we can't tell if the accused actually sent the wrong hat.
  3. ReL S>3 Unusuals

    ReL S>3 Unusuals New User

    Unfortunately not, I have no proof as why would I screenshot a regular trade.
  4. ReL S>3 Unusuals

    ReL S>3 Unusuals New User

    And also I couldn't screenshot the trade window cause his "computer crashed" so the trade ended immediately.
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Invalid - if you don't have the needed evidence we can't review the report.
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