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Rejected Appeal: 76561198356842566 - (spartanmarkvi66 / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Mr. Matt, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198356842566 (spartanmarkvi66)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Hijacked - My account was abused by hijacker
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:
    I did make an alt account because I gave up hope, but only used it for TF2 since I didn't buy anything on it. Here it is: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198850832017

    Appeal description:
    Hello! My reason for looking to get this appeal is because like 2 months ago I was an idiot and got my account hijacked so I lost all hope. I decided to try to get it back today and succeded in doing so. So now I have a lot of things to deal with because of this person. If you guys can do anything about this, it would mean the world to me especially now that I got my things back. Although it might be tough to get trust for some people now but I can deal with that too. And thats pretty much it, have a nice day/night :) -Matt​
  2. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Oh and I know this is late, but if anything else is needed from me just reply and ask me for it.
  3. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Update: Here are screenshots from when i contacted steam support to get my account back. Hope they help.

    Hello! Sorry for the bump but I noticed that I didn't add the ID Block for my ALT and some other additional info.
    And to mention again, I'm the owner of the ALT and still have access to it. I literally only used it for playing TF2 and not anything else.
    | steamname: Mr. Matt (ALT)
    | steam3ID: [U:1:890566289]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:445283144
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198850832017
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198850832017

    As for when my account was hijacked it was on July 31st 2018 and I got it back on the same day when I noticed I also had a ban on SteamRep so I posted this appeal.

    As for any inventory history if needed, the hijacker actually didn't take anything so I don't have anything to show.

    Thanks again and sorry for the bump!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2018
  4. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Hello! I read the appeal tips again and realised that I also have to put any possible family ALT's as stated in #7
    Here is the only other ALT in my family:
    | steamname: SameAsDiscord
    | steam3ID: [U:1:275794632]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:137897316
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198236060360
    | customURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Discordname
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198236060360
    At this time this is my brother's account and we used to fully share it. I used it to play the games I got for myself on it (hence the lack of games on now my main account) and my brother played the games he got and sometimes even the ones I did. We still do share it just because there are some games that have things I cant transfer over to my main account now or don't plan on re buying.
    And that's all of the ALT's I have. Sorry for not including this one earlier, I completely read over the Family ALT's part. Hope it helps and sorry for the bump!
  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Please provide as close as you can dates of when you lost and regained your account.
  6. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Alright so I got what I can for now, all of this info is from my Steam Activity on my profile.
    Ill post some screenshots I took and explain some of them (I needed to take multiple ones to show that its the date of that event):

    First 2 images:
    So the closest I remember of my account getting hijacked is July 31st as I first stated, however I checked all the way back till then in my activity and saw that there isn't much during August or July (probably because I don't have some friends from those dates anymore)
    3rd and 4th image:
    I just wanted to show that I couldn't scroll down past July 25th anymore, also that there weren't much things in activity showing.

    Last images:
    These are from when I got my account back which is also when I posted this originally on September 20th.

    In this image I re added some of my friends.

    And those are the closest dates I can remember. If the date of when I was hijacked is a problem, I could ask some of my friends to check their activity.
    Hope it helps.
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    So xmonth, yday, and zyear to xmonth, yday, and zyear would be?
  8. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Oh ok, so date of me being hijacked was July 31st 2018 and I got it back on September 20th 2018.
    Sorry for not mentioning the year.
  9. Mr. Matt

    Mr. Matt New User

    Hello again! (and sorry for the bump) I'm back here to say how I actually got hijacked since I noticed from other "hijacked" appeals that you guys ask how the hijacking happened.
    So here it is:
    On July 31st 2018 I was up really late till like 8 AM and was added by a user randomly. I added them and waited to see what would happen. They started talking with me claiming they were giving a donation of 200$ (so basically the method they used on the person that reported my account). I gave them my Steam username and Auth Code, but not my password. Since I was tired I was even saying that it could be a scam but gave the info anyways without thinking the code would give them the ability to change my account's password. When I realised what happened I lost hope and made the ALT account I provided the info to. I contacted Steam Support on the 20th September 2018 (luckily they got to me on the day I got it back) when I checked on my account to see a negative comment claiming that it was a hijacker by one of my friends that were also hijacked by the person. One of my friends contacted that friend and linked my ALT for them. They told me that I could try contacting Steam Support. When I got it back I logged onto Backpack.tf and noticed that I was marked as a scammer and had negative reputation claiming I was a scammer. So then I went to make an appeal here on September 20th 2018.

    And that's pretty much how it all happened, hope this helps and sorry for the bump again.
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Hello. I'm unable to grant this appeal, since we do not consider willingly giving out your credentials to another Steam user to be a form of hijacking.
    You are at all times responsible for your account and any actions by it; this is Valves stance, and this is also our stance.
    http://store.steampowered.com/subscriber_agreement/ :
    If our policy changes, and only then, you will be welcome to make another appeal.
    Appeal denied.