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Rejected Appeal: 76561198338700865 - (DR3AMY / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by DR3AMY, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. DR3AMY

    DR3AMY Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198338700865 (DR3AMY)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Friend/Family - My account was abused by a family member or friend
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I dont know his real accouunt he created another account to trade the items and when he give me back my acc the account desapear​

    Appeal description:
    I will start from the month before last, well I had been scammed since I sold many items for one that was not worth it, it was my first unusual so I asked a "close" friend for help and he said he would get me many things, what which was true but did not tell me the fact that he had stolen people so until a week ago I was using my things until a boy wrote to me and told me that I had stolen it, I asked my friend and he said that he was giving codes and steam, I paid the boy because he did not have proof of the code and today he talks to the one who reported me, prnooob he told me that he could give him 5 keys and that he would remove the report, I already did it and he received the 5 keys.

    Actually it was my mistake to share the account, I also share it with my girlfriend and I am worried that it is my effort spoiled like this.

    It is not relevant but he had already betrayed my trust once, with my girlfriend.
    I hope you can remove this ban since I still want to continue in the community and I already paid for my mistake.
    View attachment 751807
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    Thanks for listening and I hope I can solve this.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    Have you repaid the victim?
    You're claiming someone else committed the scam? If yes, how did they get to use your account?
  3. DR3AMY

    DR3AMY Banned on SteamRep

    Hello and yes y replyed the victim and yes I claim that he was my friend and he was getting me New tf2 ítems and i give him my pass Word, he use my account for scamm the pronoob Guy, i pay all what he scam.
  4. DR3AMY

    DR3AMY Banned on SteamRep

    I payed all to the victim and he say he Will quite the report, i cant trade So that was hard to give him his things back
  5. DR3AMY

    DR3AMY Banned on SteamRep

    So i have to do another thing or get more pics?
  6. DR3AMY

    DR3AMY Banned on SteamRep

    Some admin can help me? I paid all and It was't me Who scam the Guy i cant get on a server i cand do nothing and this is even my fault today i just sleep 2 hourd waiting the admin say something i realy want my rep back i cant even Play the Game...
  7. DR3AMY

    DR3AMY Banned on SteamRep


    I repaid the victim and yes one friend Who wanted to trade whit my account scamm them and i give him my pass Word he was a friend from my shool.
  8. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    After a review of the report/taking into account the appeal, I am unable to consider this appeal.
    -You are responsible for your account at all times, that includes who you let use it.
    -Premeditated scam attempt.
    Appeal denied.