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Rejected Appeal: 76561198083431254 - (Panurgic / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by warhammer75, May 9, 2020.

  1. warhammer75

    warhammer75 Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198083431254 (Panurgic)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Wrong Alt - Alternate account is not my account
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I do not own any alternative accounts this is the only account I own.​

    Appeal description:
    In January of 2016 my brother had wanted me to buy an unusual for him and had given me a series of keys. By confusion I asked why he wanted me to buy this unusual for him on my account. He had said he wanted to buy it on my account because people accused of him scamming and did not want to risk confrontation by others and how they were lying about him. I do not know if those rumors were true at the time nor or towards now. I had easily believed him since I was 13 at the time. When I was about to buy the unusual off the person on tf2 outpost. It had appeared other players contacted him before I did over the unusual and it was a setup. They had pressured me into joining the server to prove it was not my brother. I had complied to their demands however due to our similar voices they had wrongfully accused me for being my brother as I tried to explain I was not him. We also lived in the same household so having the same IP address wasn't good either. Long story short I had somehow been considered an "alternative" account since that day and in November of 2016 I was marked a scammer due to a failed scam attempt by brother on paypal. I have been greatly affected by this recently. I would like to play Team Fortress 2 again and join a trade a server because they are the most fun.But, I am not able to join them because I am a "scammer" on steam rep. I am hoping that this appeal will let me have a second chance for a mistake I made when I was 13. I have learned a lot since the age of 13 and am not easily manipulated by anyone no more. I apologize for those I unintentionally hurt in the process from the manipulation of my brother at the time if that is the case.​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  3. warhammer75

    warhammer75 Banned on SteamRep

    Do I have to include accounts that were used in my household? If this is the case I am willing to include accounts used in my household. I do not own any other steam accounts but I am willing to put my brothers block id here if needed.
  4. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yes, actually read the link.
  5. warhammer75

    warhammer75 Banned on SteamRep

    I actually read it. I wasn't sure what they meant for sure but now that I know I will input my brothers account block information as its the only account that I am aware of.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Denied for lying/lying by omission and failure to followup.

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