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Archived Appeal Review for 76561198020555789 (Espada Eddy)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Link <3, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: Other extenuating circumstance at admins' discretion. NOT USUALLY GRANTED!!!
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198020555789-link-3-sr-scammer.39357/

    Steam profile: 76561198020555789 (Espada Eddy)

    Make your case:
    Please read this from beginning to end to get a clear picture of my circumstances. I am fully aware that this is NOT an appeal. All I've written is as much relevant to the appeal itself and why it was (unreasonably) denied as it is for the case at hand. I'm feeling fully convinced that I deserve a second chance to appeal on the following grounds:

    I was banned from SteamRep seven years ago. I was hijacked and the hijacker sent a phishing link to several of my friends. At the time of my first appeal, I was very young. My appeal was quite lacking because I just didn't understand most of the terms, specifically support ticket. That's why I wasn't able to live up to the appeal's expectations in regards to its requirements. I assumed a support ticket was proof of the authenticity of my account, like a license or something. So I was told to include my support ticket, but in my case that didn't make any sense because:

    1. I sent Steam Support a message, literally requesting to provide me with a support ticket, which is clearly not how things work.
    2. That ticket was unrelated to the retrieval of my account altogether; I had already recovered my account long before I contacted Steam Support.
    3. I recovered my account simply by logging in again. The hijacker didn't change my password, so the Steam Support was never involved in any capacity.

    Regardless, I posted the request for a ticket in my original appeal two years later, because according to the respondent, my appeal lacked a support ticket. At that time I was regularly checking my appeal to see if any response came in. An admin responded 4 months later by which time I had already stopped checking and I was later denied due to lack of follow-up. I feel incredibly stupid for not knowing how I could've made the best of my case. I was super late with the follow-up myself, but so were the admins. Please keep in mind that if I fully grasped the situation, I would've responded immediately. I also believe that the admins overlooked a very important detail that could heavily substantiate my case, which is that one of my friends at the time who originally reported me, revoked his report saying that I had already recovered my account. You can find this under my archives: July 5, 2013

    In short: I was requested to provide the "evidence", that being the support ticket, even though that wasn't in any way relevant to my case, and indirectly got denied because of it. The admin also missed a potentially very important detail. I really want to appeal again now that I'm older and fully understand the situation.

    Thank you for understanding and kind regards,

    Espada Eddy​

    Attached Files:

  2. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    I'd like the emphasize that turning my appeal down simply due to the lack of a support ticket was very unreasonable. I don't know how much that contributed to my appeal being denied... maybe in combination with my lack of follow-up? Keep in mind that I recovered my account SECONDS after the hijacking took place. No items were stolen, not mine nor my friends'.
  3. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    Ok, having checked my trading history from seven years back on the day that it happened, I noticed I traded many of my TF2 hats at that exact date (I'm 99% certain this is the hijacker's doing). This might count as proof and I will gladly post a screenshot of this in my next appeal should I be given another opportunity.
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Appeal reviews are not appeals. You only get one appeal, and once denied you are out of options. Your case has already been decided. Appeal reviews are intended as an extra level of oversight in case of admin abuse/mishandling or extenuating circumstances. By design, very few appeal reviews will be honored. You cannot request any additional appeal reviews after this one.
    Using the appeal review process to request a second chance or because you don't like the admin's decision will automatically result in your review being denied. So far, you have not affirmed a reason for a review.

    Choose 1 of these reasons for requesting an appeal review. You will only have 1 chance to make your case, and you must back up whichever option you choose, so choose carefully.

    Example of new evidence: Reporter was later banned for submitting fake reports/screenshots to maliciously harm people's reputation, supporting your original claim to innocence.
    Example of unfair appeal: Appeals admin had a prior conflict of interest.
    Example of policy change: You were marked for trading with scammers, which SteamRep declared is no longer taggable even for those who already had an appeal denied.
    Example of other extenuating circumstances: You abandoned your appeal without notice because you were hospitalized or otherwise reasonably unable to follow up, and it subsequently got rejected for inactivity.
  5. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    I did and I'll rephrase.

    I have new evidence. I am in fact 100% sure I didn't make this trade.

    Extenuating cirumstances: Unable to follow-up for no sensible reason.

    Extenuating cirumstance or potentially new and significant evidence that was overlooked.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    It appears after explicitly telling you, you still are having difficulty with the review process. We will take this one step at a time then, and Ill walk you threw it.
    Ill ask for you to provide a single selection for your review reason. Re-read my previous post for the permissible reasons. Don't worry about explaining anything yet, just provide what review reason you wish to use for the review.
  7. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    I explicitly selected my reason at the very top of this form: Other extenuating circumstance at admins' discretion
  8. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    OK, now please explain your extenuating circumstance.
  9. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    The admin on my case responded 4 months after my follow-up, by which time I had stopped checking, directly leading to the denial of my appeal. There's also additional (not new) evidence I can provide that backs up my innocence and I think the admin overlooked a very important detail.
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You took nearly 2 years to reply to your original appeal after a timely initial reply where you were asked for some followup. I dont find 4 months an extenuating circumstance no matter how unpleasant the wait might have been (for anyone appealing, not just you)

    What "non-new" evidence did the original admin overlook?

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative).**
  11. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    The odds are stacked against you and suddenly you feel the urge to review my appeal. That's crooked. Regardless of my 2-year-late follow-up, 4 months is a long time, especially considering your appeal guide states that generally appeals are done by oldest to first. I was late, because at the time you were interrogating a kid, asking him to provide info that was irrelevant to my case. English is my second language, and at the time it was a task alone to make out what was expected of me, adding up to my "Extenuating circumstances". But to answer your question, one of the users who initially reported me, revoked his report, saying that I had already recovered my account. On top of that, I can give you a screenshot of the trade that was made on my account the day it was hijacked, showing the items that were stolen. Now I'm assuming I shouldn't provide you with links or screenshots of my evidence, because clearly
  12. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You explicitly brought up "non-new" evidence that was allegedly overlooked, in the report itself, not the appeal I reviewed it, yes, that was the basis for your claim and why I looked at it, you also failed to bring this issue up in your original appeal, but I am still giving you the benefit of the doubt, even tho you have crossed outside the scope and authority of appeal reviews at this point. (issue/claim preclusion)

    For hijackings, a vouch is not sufficient proof for appeals sake, only a steam support ticket is considered, this is standard operating procedure for all hijacking appeals. You did not provide a full ticket verifying your claim of a hijacking and why additional information was asked by the admin, you did not followup, this was the basis for the rejection, not that you forgot to argue a point you otherwise might have made in the appeal (issue/claim preclusion as noted above). Saying that, I am not convinced any extenuating circumstance exists. The admin clearly acted with reason and within policy denying the original appeal. I am still leaving the door open for any additional comments relating to the review arguments you already made and one last chance to convince me otherwise.


    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative).**
  13. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    Do you deliberately read over the fact that a Support ticket never got involved, and is irrelevant to the retrieval of my account? Do you deliberately read over the fact that I can provide you with my trade history of that day? If your policy strictly states a Support ticket must be involved, then yes this is a lost case, and you might want to have that looked at. Get off your high horse and immerse yourself in the situation. Your team judged my appeal inaccurately, and you have your sorry excuse of a policy to blame.

    Are you blatantly using this as an argument? If this was indeed relevant in any way, it should've been taken into account by the admin who responded to this report.

    Complete nonsense. You know as well as I do that this appeal was denied solely due to the lack follow-up. Otherwise the admin would've closed my case directly after they looked into my lame-ass support ticket.

    But this is flogging a dead horse at this point. You want to avoid a review at all cost, even though this has already become one. This further proves that there is no shame in being banned by your awful management, and that a bad reputation on this website is meaningless. I'm giving you one last chance to redeem you and your management's credibility.

  14. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    I'll also emphasize that, if this is true, your procedure is just not in any capacity prepared for situations like this one. A lack of extensiveness on your behalf, which is pathetic because hijackers can take advantage of this.
  15. Tsurii • ツリー

    Tsurii • ツリー Banned on SteamRep

    This is silly enough that I'm hopping in just to give my two cents.

    Link is trying to appeal a hijack from 7 years ago. Since then, his standing on Steam (and TF2) has been impeccable - he has even become an admin on one of the major TF2 community servers (GM).

    The only reason his appeal is withheld is that SteamRep adopts a guilty until proven innocent stance when it comes to appealing hijacks. The hijacker in question was never able to change the password, which means there is no Steam ticket to submit as evidence.

    Link has no infractions, no bans, nothing of the sort to his name apart from this single hijack which happened back in 2013, seven years ago.

    If you'd require someone to vouch for him, I'd gladly.
  16. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    Yet another detail that contradicts your actions is the fact that under my Profile Overview, it states that it was a probable hijacked account. Which means that even the management were under the impression that my account was hijacked. You have insufficient proof to proclaim that I'm guilty of the listed offences, in the same manner as I have insufficient proof to proclaim my innocence, at least according to your shortcoming protocol. I've made compelling arguments, and all you do is act according to some obscure guideline, and you're full of yourself because of it. Use your own head. You know I'm innocent, but you can't act on it because it goes against your procedure. Pathetic.

    If this is not enough to convince you, by all means go ahead and make a clown of yourself. You'll be laughed at by many.
  17. Tsurii • ツリー

    Tsurii • ツリー Banned on SteamRep

    I would like to also inform you of the following, 'You Are The One', considering I personally deal with legal documents on a daily basis:

    Under the GDPR, Link (being a European citizen, despite SteamRep being registered in the United States as a GoDaddy domain) has the right to request correction or erasure of the data SteamRep holds on him. SteamRep is obliged to respond to these rights, being a data-aggregator/compilation site.

    He is not obliged to jump through your bureaucratic hoops in order to get you to do your job. You ought to do that yourself.

    SteamRep has no privacy policy (which is an issue in and of itself), so this can be taken to be an official request for correction (in case of unwillingness, erasure) to the full extent provided by the GDPR.

    The GDPR provides that you have one month to comply.

    Infringement of these rights constitutes infringement of the GDPR and may, especially in the absence of a privacy policy, be reported to the competent authority on data protection.

    This post has been archived. Any deletion of this post will also be included in a report to be submitted.
  18. Link <3

    Link <3 Banned on SteamRep

    This is my formal request for erasure of ALL data SteamRep holds on me.
  19. Tsurii • ツリー

    Tsurii • ツリー Banned on SteamRep

    In addition to the above request for data erasure under the GDPR, I also would like to inform you of the following:

    Unduly placing the burden of proof for correction on the applicant, Link in this case, may also cause you to be subject to applicable defamation laws. Consider the following.

    By your own words, listed in your FAQ, persons who are banned are people who use "deception, thievery, lies, or anything that is underhanded to take advantage of or steal from another".

    Your initial conclusion (by SteamRep) was that Link's online presence was hijacked. Link, having regained access to his account, is not the "deceptive, thieving" person that the information you have indicates. His online presence over the past seven years is impeccable, clearly underlining the fact that not only was the hijacking extraordinarily brief (days at most, one recorded occurrence) but that he has kept his account safe ever since.

    The burden of proof lies with SteamRep, as it would in any legal system (innocent until proven guilty).

    Unwillingness to rectify the information listed purely on organisational procedural grounds (inability to provide an external Steam support ticket) may be seen as malicious or even libellous.
  20. Tsurii • ツリー

    Tsurii • ツリー Banned on SteamRep

    This is not to be taken as a threat, but the articles of incorporation of SteamRep (or specifically the "Online Fraud Prevention Foundation", as SteamRep is an initiative of this foundation) can be found at the OFPF website.

    This yielded information on the address for services of the company, as well as the fact that it's Missouri-based and the names of the current directors.

    With that in mind, I am fully convinced a GDPR report would yield the intended results, and I strongly urge SteamRep to comply with the GDPR request.