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Rejected Appeal: 76561198040549323 - (Texlow / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Texlow, Jul 24, 2023.

  1. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198040549323 (Texlow)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    This happened over 10 years ago when I was 14 years old, I got caught in a middleman scam with a user called Bishop https://steamcommunity.com/id/gzintehood/ , I was not an active part of the scam, nor did I know it was a scam at the time. I was told by Bishop I was serving as a holding account whilst they did their transaction (via paypal). However this never happened, Bishop demanded the bill hats from me despite never going through with the payment so after a barrage of threats I promptly blocked him.
    I recall the next month or two I kept getting pestered by Bishops various friends or alt accounts, many of which pretending to be the victim's friends who just wanted to take the bills off me so they could pass it onto him, as soon as I told them I'd rather pass the bills to Glee directly and question the necessity of their involvement, they would immediately become hostile (obviously hoping to scam them off me for themselves).

    Whilst I used to trade fairly regularly 10 years ago, I hardly trade nowadays, only trading with my close real-life friends (as you can see in the attached photo, the most recent trade I've made is over a year old). I never intended on being a scammer nor would I want to remain labelled as one, regardless I have matured and lost any if not all interest in trading digital cosmetics so there is no chance of me ever scamming somebody in the foreseeable future.

    I hope you consider my appeal, thank you for taking the time to read through it.
    I just want to play on some old community servers with my friends again like we did in middleschool.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    I believe the Glee411 account is inactive, I have sent a friend request but it's never been accepted. Last comment I believe is 8 years ago. Reading through Glee's report on me, it seems he tried adding me at some point but this was during the month or two where I was harassed and paranoid from Bishop's friends/alts as I didn't remember his name at the time. If you look at the steam chat logs that Glee posted you can see that I had no say as I really wasn't an active role in the transaction, just serving as the holding account. Again, I had no idea Bishop was planning to scam Glee until after the trade was made but I understand my involvement nonetheless.
  3. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    Also I believe Bishop's account was an alt to somebody called Fentus, but I can't fully remember
  4. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    A quick search shows you were indeed a middleman for a trade where you recieved an item without the seller getting paid.
    At the moment, I can only assume that you were an accomplice to the offense, and it does not appear that anyone could reasonably see you as simply an unwitting mule/holder

    You need to explain more about what happened and any/all of your interactions with the victim.
  5. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    I'm not claiming to be completely void of guilt or wrong doing, I understand the gravity of my actions and I'm well aware that I shut myself off from people contacting me (a lot of the accounts I did add turned out to be friends of fentus, claiming they were going to hack me) and so I kept the bills hats for myself. Back then I didn't know how to find the original owner and now his account seems to be void of any activity, because my friend request hasn't been accepted, I think it is vacant.
    Please bare in mind this happened over 3761 days ago so the details are extremely fuzzy. It's true I was assisting Fentus/Bishop willingly, and it ended up being a scam. I recall him approaching me on a trade server with a friend request, after chatting and trading he says to me "Hey, do you want to make some money?" He was paying me 2 keys for a trade that was being done over paypal. I never had Glee114 added as a friend, instead Fentus made a group steam chat with us 3 in it. Once the trade was complete, I remember fentus booting Glee114 from the chat, that's when he offered me those 2 keys in exchange for the two bill hats that were now in my procession, once I denied doing so since he basically revealed himself to be a scammer (and two bills were worth way more than two keys at that time), he immediately began to threaten me and so I promptly blocked him along with his friends/alt accounts, another detail I remember was being scared that my account would be hacked by fentus that I traded my entire inventory over to a friend's account for about a month or two until the barrage of friend requests slowed down.

    My main take away with this appeal was that I was a dumb 14 year old at the time and I haven't traded seriously for about 4 years now. (You can see in the attached screenshot, my last trade was over a year ago).
    Again I am by no means saying I'm innocent because I know that I did act as the middleman in a scam, my one and only offense and I do regret these actions.

    Attached Files:

  6. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    At that moment, I just saw myself scamming the scammer, and justified it with that notion. I currently had the bills hats in my possession and with Fentis demanding them off me in exchange for the two keys I thought "why should I?". I didn't have any known method of finding Glee back then as I only had contact with him via that steam group chat which was already closed by that point and after the harassment I received I just shut myself off from it, like previously mentioned.
  7. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    I remain adamant that I went into this unaware it was intended to be a scam, my account wasn't huge so the prospect of two keys were enticing enough for me to help this guy with his trade. It quickly took a turn, Fentis revealed it to be a scam and so I sheepishly took the profits for myself and hid.
  8. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    Not that it matters anyway, regardless of the the original intent, doesn't mean I did not play a part in it and I understand I am fully at fault. I feel very ashamed for my involvement on this scam, I'd like to appeal to the fact I was young, dumb, foolish and even selfish in my lack of attempts to search for the original owner of the bills. It was a massive mistake and despite it happening so long ago, I am filled with guilt for assisting bishop and ruining this kids birthday all those years ago. I can assure it was a one time thing, you can see with my trade history I do not nor have sought to scam people. The consequences are not worth the $30 of virtual items. I just hope you can see based on my appeal and trade history that there is not a chance of me ever scamming again.
  9. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks for the detailed follow up.
    You're saying you traded the vic while in a group chat with Fent?

    Few more questions:
    I think you might have said already but just to be clear did you repay the victim yet or no?
    Do you have any evidence (besides your testimony, such as screenshots) of your claims about Fent?
    Why did you leave the group chat immediately after Fent? The victim wasn't removed from the chat so that's confusing.

    Currently, I don't know if there's much I can do. While it could be reasonable you didn't know it was a scam, what is not reasonable is that you didnt then return the item to the victim in a prompt manner, so anything you can provide (screenshots of your trade history from 10 April 2013 to 17 April 2013 is a good start, see our screenshot requirements guide in the appeals section) could be useful.

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  10. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    -Sure, I've stated in my appeal that I'm more than happy to pay back the victim the value of the items scammed however I have no means to do so, the account is inactive, seemingly abandoned. So no, whilst I haven't paid the victim back, it does not mean I wouldn't if I could. I do hate how I cannot rectify it with the victim due to their account not being in use, and so despite that I hold onto hope you can still consider giving me a second chance.
    -I don't have any screencaps, it happened on an old laptop 10 years ago.
    -I explained the steam group part poorly, Fent left the chat and began messaging me privately and we continued talking there, he only set up the group chat for the steam trade once he threatened to hack my steam account I shut down my pc soon after thinking that could stop his attempts.

    I've uploaded my trade history during the dates you've specified, I hope this helps. You can see in Capture 2 where I traded my entire inventory to a friend because I was so afraid of my account getting hacked. To explain (not justify) the reason why I did not return the item to the victim in a prompt manner, it's because I just saw myself scamming the scammer, Fentus at the time. At that age I thought I had earned them after all the crap I got from him and his friends, though having matured I can see that was obviously not the whole picture and I neglected to even considered the original victim.

    Regardless of me not being able to contact Glee114 to return the items, I hope you can still consider my appeal, after 10 years I'd like to think I have served my time with this label stuck to my name. I'm more than happy to add you and share my entire trade history so you can see for yourself that I really do not trade anymore nor have any of my previous trades (besides this one) has had any scamming involved.

    Attached Files:

  11. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    Sorry to be a bother but could I please get an update? Still more than happy to connect on Steam and share any more of my trading history to help with the appeal, thank you!
  12. Texlow

    Texlow Banned on SteamRep

    Could this get looked into again please? It's been under investigation for over half a year, it's been 6 months since my last message asking this appeal to be addressed. I do not believe this ban is warranted given the information stated above, I've served my time with this ban for over 11 years now, I'd like its stain to be removed from my account, please.
  13. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Where is the bills? You were a middleman, your most basic task was to make sure the payment was made or return the bills to the victim. Appears you were given an opportunity to make it right when confronted the next day and admit at that time it was a scam and still REFUSED to return the hat. You failed this most basic task of a middleman. At best you were grossly negligent even if you did not know it was a scam at that exact time, at worse you were an active participant. But even after the confrontation (your chance to repay and why I do not accept you cant repay now) you decided to take your gross negligence and become an accessory after the fact, this is the BEST case scenario of the situation even if we took everything you said above at face value since no details of the case are actually in dispute.

    Their is insufficient evidence to overturn the original admins decision, because no facts are actually in dispute.
    Further, SR by policy, does not grant appeals for RWC (real world currency) related offenses.

    Firmly denied.

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