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Rejected 76561198004737883 vuu (SOP Caution)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by vuu, Dec 29, 2012.

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  1. vuu

    vuu Caution on SteamRep

    steamID: vuu
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:22236077
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004737883
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/vuu
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198004737883

    Here is a link to the 'Scammer Database' thread on SourceOP where I was initially reported as an SOP Scammer: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/5928-Scammer-Database?p=325030&viewfull=1#post325030

    I will attest that the log cribbit posted hadn't been altered in any way.

    cribbit understandably didn't take too kindly to my "trolling" and reported me. I think it's clear that I wasn't being serious (really, look at the imgur link in the chatlog, and phrases such as "like, r u mad, bro?" and "ur butthurt"), but I understand why it appears as a scam attempt. Regardless, I now understand that my humor was in poor taste, since scamming definitely is a large problem in this community. I apologize for, and am embarrassed of, my behavior. I don't think I have anything else to explain, though I'll answer whatever questions you have. I only became really interested in trading after this incident, and didn't even know what SteamRep was at the time (I'm not trying to say this is an excuse of any kind, though). I really don't believe that I am a scammer, nor that I deserve any tag on SteamRep.

    I'm not sure who I talked to to get my SteamRep lowered from SOP Scammer to SOP Caution. I essentially told them what I've just said above. I don't understand why I was left at SOP Caution. Initially I appealed the SOP Scammer tag because it interfered with my ability to trade -- traders on SOP wouldn't trade with me because of it. Whoever I talked to (I believe it was DataStorm, or Butane, or an admin on SteamRep) decided I didn't deserve the SOP Scammer tag, but it is still difficult to find anyone from SOP willing to trade with me because of the SOP Caution tag.

    If it's any attest to my credibility, I have done business with Mattie (an SR admin) in the past. Before he started using SourceOP, I sold him a Madame Dixie with Hearts that he was giving as a gift to his wife, Helen (http://steamcommunity.com/id/helenangel). I believe I tried to sell it with him for $50 or $55, but he included an extra $5 in the PayPal transaction because I "was quite awesome about [the trade]" according to Mattie. You can see his comment on my Steam Profile (http://steamcommunity.com/id/vuu http://i.imgur.com/LFHVu.jpg). You'll notice that this was before he joined SourceOP, hence why he never gave me any rep. I don't think I asked for any since I didn't see the value of rep on SourceOP over that on my profile at the time. Here's the history of the hat that was traded: http://www.tf2items.com/item/364894410. Helen is Mattie's wife. During the time of this trade, I was listed as an SOP Scammer. I explained why I received my tag to Mattie, and obviously he was okay with trading with me. Of course, he didn't understand (and I didn't either) that SOP had any rules against trading with those that have an SOP Scammer or SOP Caution tag.

    After getting my SOP Scammer tag lowered to SOP Caution, my SOP Rep Thread was closed/banned (http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/75160-vuu-s-Rep-Thread). You can find many successful trades I have made with other players in my post history on SOP and on my Steam Profile (http://steamcommunity.com/id/vuu). Most of my rep is on my Steam Profile, but I have logs of several of these chats as well as PayPal transactions to show that the trades actually occurred. Some of these trades are mentioned in my SOP post history as well. If needed, I will provide more detail about these trades as well as evidence of the PayPal transactions, etc.

    Thanks for taking the time to look into this. If you need to contact me, I will be on Steam quite a bit this next week (I'm in CST).
  2. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I don't recall any explanation at all-- I was brand new to the community and I didn't know the SOP or SR community sites. I just saw your name on tf2unusual.com with no idea you were banned anywhere. If I recall correctly, this was my first or second unusual purchase ever. I was so new to this wild west of trading that if I had ever seen the word "scammer" I would have run away.

    That being said, you didn't seem shady to me at the time and you were quite kind to a noob trader. If you were out to scam, you could have likely tricked me easily. If you had scammed me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have ever started collecting these silly hats. ;)
    Generic Pony and ForteSP like this.
  3. vuu

    vuu Caution on SteamRep

    You registered on SourceOP the very next day after our trade (PayPal money was sent at 7:46PM PDT Aug 17, 2011, you registered on SourceOP on Aug 18, 2011). You're saying that it was just a coincidence that you interdependently discovered SourceOP within a few hours after our trade, and that it definitely wasn't me who introduced you to the website while explaining my SOP Scammer tag?

    I know I explained my tag to you, Mattie. I've always explained it to everyone I've traded with -- at least when PayPal is involved. I've even gone so far as to explain my tag in my 'selling' threads on SourceOP ( http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/76614-Selling-Vivid-Crown-amp-Orb-Fire-Hard-Counter and http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/75010-Selling-Bills-(-12)-and-Flies-Softcap-CLOSE-THIS-THREAD ). Was this required, was there any rule on SourceOP saying I had to do this? No! I did it because I feel I didn't deserve my tag, but it would be incredibly deceitful of me to try and hide it from anyone. I was typically the first person to bring up my tag when trading with others, unless they had already looked me up on SteamRep before talking to me on Steam.

    I have a handful of logs of chats, but they are not on my computer right now. Specifically, I remember I have some from Gaston, Yeskalinen, and at least one more person who has commented on my Steam Profile (Gaston and Yeskalinen did). I explained to them that I was an SOP Scammer. They are on my computer at college; I'm home for break. If my case isn't resolved by the time I get back (Jan 7), I won't hesitate to post them to show that I explain my tag to everyone I talk to.

    Unfortunately I hadn't started logging chats of trades when I was trading with you, but I know I explained my tag to you. To be honest, I feel hurt that you claim I didn't.
  4. vuu

    vuu Caution on SteamRep

    Mm, I love misspellings.
  5. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I truly don't recall how I found SourceOp-- but given that I was just getting into trading/researching unusuals at that point, the timeframe of signing-up on SOP any day in that period is reasonable whether you showed me that site or not.

    I also didn't log them way back then-- I did take a screenshot of PayPal to provide to you at the time for confirmation and I can confirm the time/date of the transaction is what you quoted above.

    My memory being what it is, I can't say firmly that you didn't mention SourceOp to me or that people had filed accusations against you. I've done 999 purchases/trades since I was a baby trader and I can't remember the details of our trade, sadly. On the other hand, I cannot confirm that you did tell people about the tag on SteamRep.

    At any rate, I wasn't saying you were lying or being dishonest. (Since I can't remember the specifics of the conversation, it's not even a valid he-said/he-said situation.) While I doubt you told me you were branded somewhere formerly as a SCAMMER, that really has no bearing on your appeal. I don't have any say on a SOP CAUTION, but because you mentioned me multiple times in your appeal, I wanted to provide my perspective-- you didn't act shady and I had no reason to suspect you were out to scam anyone.
  6. vuu

    vuu Caution on SteamRep

  7. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    Who you have successfully traded with doesn't matter. You could have 4000 people +rep you. This isn't a rep thread. It is an appeal. If you shoot a man and kill him. Do you honestly believe the argument "But I didn't shoot these 4 people" is a valid argument to prove your innocence?
  8. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After linking the chatlog to many SOP staff unprompted, they came to the same general conclusion I did, we did not view it in any way a troll attempt, this appeal is denied no further appeal is warranted.

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