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Procedures leading to false taggings

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by T-Virus, Jan 7, 2013.

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  1. Elmer F Fudd

    Elmer F Fudd Donator - Tier V

    Most of what I get has been sent to SR by myself or other through other people over a long period of time. Ill let them do what they are good at. You brought my name up and misquoted me based on things you say you heard and self admittedly said were "almost" fact. I wanted to point out that it is hearsay and not factual that I hate T-Virus and that any opinion I have is not the FACT of what TF2-Trader believes as a whole. I dont speak for everyone. And laff at you, anyone can falsify evidence and try to harm another's reputation. You are absolutely right, you should listen to your own statements and go back and read what you typed. It applies to that.

    And yes Lance did lie for years and tried to ruin people lives, over the mountains of evidence and what people said about his wrong doings. Im not sure what your goal was with that analogy but it kind works against you in this thread. Like I said, where there is smoke there is fire.


  2. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    This is starting to stray from the original purpose of the thread and is leading to nothing more than a s✿✿✿ slinging match between TF2-T and T-Virus and Friends. I suggest all of you stop that.

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  3. T-Virus

    T-Virus Donator - Tier IV

    Agreed, my intention of this thread is for a reform of procedures that are clearly using favoritism in a system that should not have it.
    Lavender Town likes this.
  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    What procedures do SteamRep currently have in place which need to be reformed in order to eliminate any potential bias? Please be specific so that we can reevaluate them. Thanks! :)
    IkebotXP likes this.
  5. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    I am not going to quote anyone but simply state this:

    In multiple occasions Steamrep has made it clear (in writing) that people who have multiple offenses of trading with scammer will get a caution tag, and if this continues they will get a red flag.

    To Elmer and anyone who has decided to use this thread to attack T-virus' reputation and are claiming that you have "multiple evidence" that you "submitted" to steamrep for review evidence of "trading with scammers". If you come to this forum it's because you trust in the way admins run this site. If you didn't you would either stop coming here and wasting time submitting all this "evidence" or you would apply for an admin position so that you can help make a change to the way things are run here. But since neither seems to be the case, I can only conclude you trust steamrep and what they do. That being said, if you submitted evidence and T-virus is still not marked as a scammer then it only means that whatever evidence you submitted (regardless of how much a person can be "hated" in the community) was not enough to warrant anything conclusional. Before you rebut this point, remember that Steamrep accumulates multiple cases and views the history of a trader as a WHOLE and makes sound decisions (based on my conclusion of your opinion) as to what status someone should have as far as a tag is concerned. So why are you here to flaunt your opinion about someone when the original thread was a discussion of steamrep's policies. If you want to start a "I think T-Virus trades with scammers" thread and post evidence, there is ALWAYS the report section.

    To T-virus: Steamrep looks at things as a WHOLE based on your complete history. If you have had MULTIPLE cases where someone reported you for trading with scammers, unfortunately you WILL get a caution tag the next time around because that is just how steamrep works. They err on the side of caution when warranted. The appeals section is there for your protection to allow you to rebut the case and get your tag removed. If you keep getting caution tagged then it obviously means something you are doing is not going over well with steamrep's policies and you should re-evaluate your methods of conducting business. It's understandable if once or even twice (that's VERY rare) you have gone as far as getting a caution tag for trading with scammers but you are on your third now. That means that evidence of you trading with a scammer has been brought up not once, not twice but thrice (i think you are at 3, might be more). So please do not complain why you are getting a caution tag and why it is you have to fight it. If you feel wrongly accused then you can appeal it and have it overturned. The admins here were kind enough to expedite your appeal to help you get a resolution. It is more then what most would get.

    To anyone else who feels that Steamrep is not conducting their "caution tag system" properly, either post on topic or apply to be admin so your voice can be heard. If you choose the later, you can apply for the position and if you qualify and prove yourself to be of sound mind and judgement then your voice will most definitely be heard and your thoughts will be VERY strongly considered. Steamrep is a collective of people. There is no said dictatorship here.

    On a side note to Helen: We love your hard work hun. Keep it up!

    So if there are no other objections I think /thread
  6. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    @drone: T-Virus did have his appeal with Jameless. It was granted. also that was afaik (didn't look really into it) the 2nd case. As I glanced the appeal thread, I believe it was granted on premiss of that he couldn't foresee it being a scammer alt. As such, that cannot be counted towards him then.
    Dronefly likes this.
  7. IkebotXP

    IkebotXP New User

    I will just say I feel Steamrep does a very good job of resolving issues with tags and continuing to make sure they are fair. No doubt some admins have very specific grudges they hold, but I know as a whole the leadership is fair to everyone and that is why they are the only trustworthy group in the game.

    I hope you can see, T-Virus, that the fact you had your tag removed shows they are fair if you work to prove your innocence. I am sure they will continue to work to ensure their admins treat everyone fair, and not let personal prejudices get in the way of the goal of this site. Thanks for the work guys!
  8. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Further offtopic posts will result in warnings/temp bans as needed.
  9. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    Thank you, sir! You are truly a godsend. Let us get back to business. Mr. T-Virus, the floor is all yours.
  10. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    see you tomorrow ForteSP
  11. thanks helen well spoken... and as far as EFFS posts go he is no longer an admin at TF2TRADER but EFF was indeed an admin at the time of T-Virus offense...im still confused how many chances does 1 get before S.R tag is applied to said person before they get the full tag,seems too many chances were given and still the appeals roll in...
  12. edit: sorry i meant dronefly..well spoken my apologies..
  13. T-Virus

    T-Virus Donator - Tier IV

    I have NEVER traded with a marked scammer, EVER.

    Three offenses
    1. Spycrab run that has no proof and was claimed to happen 4 months before actual tagging

    2. Unknowingly traded with an unmarked alt but I disagree with the tag based on SRs trading w/scammer policy listed here http://forums.steamrep.com/pages/faq/ (first offense)

    3. An SR/TF2TP botched tag because admins did not do their homework.

    Though I disagree with #2 it would only be my first offense. The rest of these offences are catagorically false based on hearsay and shotty admin work, and thats the point of my thread.
  14. t-virus if this is all a misunderstanding riddle me this...WHY SO MANY ALT ACCTS THEN ?? to perhaps mislead or just not to deal with S.R at all ?? and also another side note i mixed up EFF with leroy gibbs...EFF is still a current admin on TF2T...its just frustrating to see a user with many issues with said acct on reports that they still are appealing here..
  15. T-Virus

    T-Virus Donator - Tier IV

    I'm going to not be the child this time and let your comment speak for itself, it does not deserve any other reply.
  16. finally we agree on something....you have no rebuttle....sice you have so many alts its hard to keep track of them all...its abosolutly nothing personal,you have issues you need to deal with, and when TF2-T gets mentioned i will reply..
  17. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    To clarify our policy you just linked (since there is somehow still some confusion), the first offense for paying PayPal to an obvious scammer alternate account is a permanent CAUTION tag (or a SCAMMER tag if you were brokering, supportive of the scammer, or are clearly hiding involvement with scammers, etc).

    Quoted below:
    The appeals admin disagreed that this applied in T-Virus's case, believing that T-Virus was not intentionally buying from scammers via an alt or perhaps that his queries to SteamRep admins prior to the sale were enough "due diligence" to give him leniency. I would not have ruled that way myself, as I believe the trader in question bought despite suspecting strongly that the seller was not legit, and as a trade server admin should be held accountable. Despite my differing perspective there, our appeal system is there for a reason to allow multiple pairs of eyes to review a case. The admin handling the appeal ruled the other way and provided a warning instead.

    Yet, let me re-iterate to everyone reading this thread, if you make PayPal purchases with obvious scammer alts, you are ruining your reputation. To avoid suspicion of this, I highly recommend that no one buy from private/friends-only accounts they are unfamiliar with, especially high dollar items. Keep logs of your research so you have them to show that you did the proper due diligence. You don't want to be mistaken for someone who is working with scammers out of greed.
  18. Ambidextrous

    Ambidextrous New User

    Adding onto this, since i have experience in this matter, as my boyfriend (Who i live with) "Quarian" as most of you know. When he appealed for his tag (for apparently trading with marked scammers WHO WEREN'T MARKED AT THE TIME) it took about 3 weeks until someone finally replied (closing his thread because he got temporarily trade banned), but when it's one of the big league admins, it's straight away and the scent of the tag is completely covered up.
  19. Ambidextrous

    Ambidextrous New User

    Since I was an admin on TF2-Trader since it began (Now have been made redundant from my duties) I feel that it's okay to now show my point of view on this topic. I've personally heard, and seen the bias from TF2-Trader against T-Virus, I've never been one to take sides in anything, so I used to just sit down and listen to the hate filled gossip throw at him. I would just like to understand a little bit more on the matter of how you guys feel about Bias in your community? if that is okay.
  20. Redline

    Redline New User

    All I would like to say is that I am shocked he T-virus doesn't even have a caution tag. With you buying that Secret TC, and most of your hats are the same dupes HeLLy sells, The Burning bonk, The Burning Merry Weather, The Burning Milkman, The Secret Lid which somehow magically got duped 3+ times. And that Burning Samur-eye which you sold, that person is now marked, http://steamrep.com/?id=76561198041464872, And to think that you did not know about this. I'm confused why SR is not doing anything here, the evidence is right in-front of you, yet T-virus is untouched, why?
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