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Rejected 76561198054921478 EXYLeR (SR / SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by EXYLeR ツ, Mar 26, 2012.

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  1. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    steamID: EXYLeR ツ
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47327875
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054921478
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/247489632565
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198054921478


    I got banned for using ALTS to scam, It was really only for my cousin's birthday which is coming up on the 30th of March. It was my first scam and only did it for the sake of my cousin's happiness. Hardcore scammers never give the items back. I gave $150 worth of items back which truly shows I have no blood of a scammer in my body. I am even quitting trading but I would like to quit trading without any bad scammer mark in my account to ruin my Steam account. I am VERY desperate. VERY VERY desperate to get rid of that ugly red tag, A warning or a caution is fine with me, a million times better than the red scammer tag. Thank you.

    Here's the scam report: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198041058536-ryn.2028/

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  2. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    I did gave the items back BEFORE the scam report got accepted and BEFORE I got tagged. I gave them back not because I want to avoid getting tagged but because I felt really bad and guilty. I have done trades involving PayPal, giftcodes, game codes/keys, middleman trades (as reps shown in my Steam profile) and all went fine, which is why I am not use to this whole scam thing because I have never done it before except yesterday's nightmare. It was hard sleeping yesterday night, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I would like to get the tag removed OR get a caution tag instead. I really hope Butane will post here saying that what I said is true (giving the items back before getting tagged as a scammer). Thanks.
  3. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

  4. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

  5. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User


    He claim he only joined Steam in December 2011 so he claim to be "new on Steam", still he seems to knopw a lot about trading. And when you look at the account creation date, minus the one he claim to have won in a giveaway, that's more than havoing joined in December 2011.
  6. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    Q: Why I have many accounts
    A: I actually couldn't remember my other accounts and pretty much all of them has NO games in them. The one with the MW3 I won from a contest. If you don't believe me here's the giveaway video: and the winner video:

    Q: I joined in December 2011
    A: I have known Steam for quite some time but never actually bought anything. The game Killing Floor was the one that got me into Steam. I wanted to make a new, clean Steam account, mainly because I forgot my other account username and password. As you can tell I fell in love with Steam.

    Q: I'm going to trade my stuff to my friend who will actually use them.
    A: Yes. Please don't mark him, he has nothing to do with this. I'll probably just give my cousin something else not involving with Steam.

    I know those aren't really questions but whatever.

    I admit I scammed, it was my first and felt really bad, I returned the items to the seller before I got marked. All I'm asking right now is to get a caution mark instead, If that's not possible then I'll just move on with my life.
  7. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    I would like to ask

    -How do you donate to Steam Rep?
    -How much is the minimum to donate?
  8. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    So you admit you DID scam. AFAIK, Steamrep have zero policies about scamming.

    Also, even if you ask to not tag him, he will still considered as trading with a marked scammer. If it's not gonna get him a scammer tag too it will certainly give him a caution tag instead if he wasn't aware of Steamrep. But again, you should just not trade with anyone as long as your tagged IMO. And if you still trade with him, i assume he will be aware about steamrep if you tell him the reason why you give him the items from your backpack?

    Yeah you returned the items before getting marked, but the guy you scammed clearly said he was happy Steamrep don't felt into those "guilty trick" to hope getting their tag removed/not applied.

    Like Noobinator said, your appeal will be handled in normal flow.
    For now, just wait until an admin get assigned by the Steamrep sytem.

    But still, you admit did scamming, giving the items back will not change the fact it was a scamming.
  9. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User


    Minimum is 10USD.

    Tagged Scammers are NOT allowed to donate.
  10. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    Alright. I guess this will get rejected. I'll just move on with my life then.
  11. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    If tagged scammers were able to donate, donating wouldn't be a way to remove the tag anyway.

    No admin currently handle you appear, wait and see but still you admit you did scam so yeah this isn't looking good but well...
  12. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    I wasn't planning on donating. But even if I was I wouldn't do it to get the tag removed. I did scam. But I am very proud to return the items and being forgiven by the seller.
  13. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    The seller didn't forget you, even after getting his items back, he's glad you got tagged. (Full chatlog on request)


    You wre proud to have gived back the items, yeah but what's about beeing proud to not having attempted this scam huh? I've seen a lot of scamers making up story with cousins, bro and such and giving back the items in order to get the tag removed.

    Think before twice before scamming someone. -_-Not after by giving back the items in hope to get the tag removed or hoping the scammed person asking to get the tag removed.
  14. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    It's gave not gived. I returned WAY before the report got accepted, and before I got the mark. The more I think about it the more I want to.. You know, "accept" the tag since I am not going to be trading anymore. As I said before. "Hardcore" scammers won't even bother making an appeal since they ARE truly a scammer.

    Anyways, I would like to end this conversation because it's making me want to kill myself.
  15. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Evanescence is not an SR admin, he has no say in your appeal, I'm going to ask him not to post anymore in your thread. Just wait until an admin gets to your appeal, just chill and relax a tad.
  16. EXYLeR ツ

    EXYLeR ツ New User

    I give up... I ran out of hopes.
  17. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    Still, chill out and relax a tad, its not the end of the world, don't do anything stupid is all I ask.
  18. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    You scammed, nothing being argued there.
    You posted Fakerep for yourself in order to trick a user to be scammed, and it worked. This shows premeditation.
    You used an alt to scam, not your main, maybe that's because you didn't want your main to be caught/marked?
    The first thing you did when confronted about the scammed items was exit your game and logout of steam, not disconnect as you claim, when you came back online, the first thing you said was not "im sorry" but was "how did you find me"
    You returned the items only after a sourceop admin tracked you down.
    Under different circumstances, this could go the other way, but it was no accident you left yourself Fakerep and you scammed using it. Your appeal is denied, sorry.
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