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Accepted 76561198079078838 (Suge Marion Knight)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Aitchy, Feb 9, 2013.

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  1. Aitchy

    Aitchy New User

    Subject: 76561198079078838 (Suge Marion Knight)

    |steamID: Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37429141
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035124010
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035124010

    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): Aitchy21

    |steamID: Suge Marion Knight
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:59406555
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079078838
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/szwedo
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198079078838

    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): dru

    Profile and Full Chat

    Description: He added me and offered cash for my 2 unusuals, linked his source op thread, and was then hesitant to use a middleman. As soon as I had got an sr registered middleman to help me, I linked the middlemans rep and profile to the guy. He then swiftly deleted me.

    I was not scammed but almost was

    Here is the chat copied and pasted, its also in the pictures.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Suge Marion Knight: hey man
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: hey
    Suge Marion Knight: how much paypal do you want for those 2 unusuals
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: well, I have not really thought about money price, would you care to make an offer on them and we can work something out
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: the robin I want to sell the waxy im not fussed but will listen to your offer
    Suge Marion Knight: for robin only?
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: either or mate
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: tell me for both
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: individually
    Suge Marion Knight: would you do 140$ for both
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: plz let me considr, brb
    Suge Marion Knight: kk
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: 150?
    Suge Marion Knight: 145
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: hmm ok I like your offer
    Suge Marion Knight: check please
    Suge Marion Knight: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/28554-dru-s-reputation-thread
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: on steam rep right now
    Suge Marion Knight: kk
    Suge Marion Knight: have you checked?
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: Im checking, sorry mate I just like to make sure
    Suge Marion Knight: kk sure
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: your rep thread says you live in Poland, yet your steam says your in US
    Suge Marion Knight: check the profile on rep thread it directs to me man
    Suge Marion Knight: im not in america.
    Suge Marion Knight: dont you know suge knight
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: I know the producer yes
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: lol
    Suge Marion Knight: ya
    Suge Marion Knight: theres nothing to be suspicous about that i think.
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: just wondering why your rep thread says poland thats all
    Suge Marion Knight: ya
    Suge Marion Knight: so
    Suge Marion Knight: wanna tradE?
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: I do want to trade yes,
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: lets do middle man i will sort out ok
    Suge Marion Knight: why middle man?
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: why not?
    Suge Marion Knight: i have enough rep
    Suge Marion Knight: u first
    Suge Marion Knight: ok?
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: Why not a middle man from source op? I will sort it out and you can make sure hes legit, you do not need to do anything
    Suge Marion Knight: thats just aint right
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: why, because, you only own 1 game on steam, you do not ahve much in you inv and your rep thread says poland
    Suge Marion Knight: i have nice inventory man
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: and your rep thread also is not very recent, last rep was aug 2012
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: Oh I know you do
    Suge Marion Knight: isnt thats a better thing
    Suge Marion Knight: it proofs im old and wont chargeback
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: lol :)
    Suge Marion Knight: yea
    Suge Marion Knight: ok
    Suge Marion Knight: so give me your paypal mail and unusuals then i gift 145
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: I will give them to middleman no probs sort it out within an hour
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: shugs
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: I do not mean to offend you mate just wanna be careful
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: I have a guy to do it from steam rep when he is finished eating
    Suge Marion Knight: kk
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: i will give him hats
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: he give to you once payment
    Suge Marion Knight: can i have his profile
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: yes of course
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/58929-Mr-Rager-s-Rep-Thread-(TF2OP-Admin-UTC-Admin-SR-Middleman)
    Suge Marion Knight: this guy trustable?
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: well hes got 9 pages of rep
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: all recent
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: recent ones i mean
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: this his steam rep
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197994991638
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: sr registered middleman so yeah
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: i give him hats he said, you pay me, then he gives you hats
    Aitchy™ S> 2 Unusuals: simple
    Suge Marion Knight is now Offline.
  2. Mr. Spy

    Mr. Spy New User

  3. Aitchy

    Aitchy New User

    Yup he just scammd somone out a valve complete pack, and god knows what else, feel really sorry for anyone that will get scammed because this guy
  4. Mr. Spy

    Mr. Spy New User

    Everyone does. By the way, reporting him in steam does helps. Got a scammed trade banned this way, mostly because all of the scammed reported him.
    Aitchy likes this.
  5. Aitchy

    Aitchy New User

    In the last hour he has emptied his tf2 backpack which had buds and some other nice stuff (prob scammed) to another profile, I checked out his friends and I found someone that had added me just before he did but had cancelled the friend request at the same time, by bet is this is this is his other alt or real account

    Why because I received a request just before this guy above added me which was then cancelled, and this user is listed as a friend and bp is private
  6. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
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