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Rejected ProPancakes SR Scammer Appeal

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ProPancakes, Mar 25, 2013.

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  1. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    Well it has appeared that I have wrongly marked as a scammer and I would like to appeal.
    I was marked for the following reason:

    Receiving a Burning Snaggletooth instead of a Planets Snaggletooth from 76561198064941255 by accident and refusing to return the item for a whole day, before finally returning it.


    Alternate account: 76561198063179511
    I did recieve a Burning Snaggletooth but it was impossible for me to return for 1 day for many reasons.
    1. I HAD to go it was quite late at the time of which this trade happened
    2. When I came back on the victim was not available as he was offline so I could not contact him
    3. I had school so I could not trade it to him them.
    I did however return the unusual as soon as possible and you can ask http://steamcommunity.com/id/MysteriousEnigma/ the guy who originally had the burning snaggle for confirmation.

    For the first link of evidence I can honestly say that was my opinion at said time but however I changed my opinion rather quickly as I realised the right and moral thing to do was to return the Burning Ol' Snaggletooth.

    For the Second link of evidence I can confirm both of the things I said are true I did not notice the Snaggle was burning until after the trade by which time I had to go and I do rather like this a lot.

    Photo evidence of my trade history giving him back the unusual and him agreeing to the deal we had and me giving him a free game because I'm a nice person: http://imgur.com/JSt4CZ4

    As for Nukinhowzer who was marked for the following reasons:
    Additional Info from Administrators

    Fake rep: http://i.imgur.com/Jo9uxmf.jpg

    Alternate account of 76561198052448995

    The fake rep is unknown to me I did not know about it until he messaged me saying he's been marked as a scammer however the rep has been removed and should no longer be a problem.
    He is also not my alternate account he is my brother and has never scammed in his life as he is not the kind of person who would do that.
    Sorry for bothering you.
  2. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    I'm sorry about the fake rep. If it's needed I'll tell him abusing the rep system is not tolerated and should not be done his stupidity has been removed. It may of been real rep but i'm not completely sure
  3. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    Please post your trade history for the last two weeks.
  4. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

  5. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    There was a couple dodgy ellis caps trades in there with some friends who had quit tf2 trading. Also I gave one of my best steam friends a bills for a wep. But apart from that it all looks fine
  6. James the human

    James the human New User

    Well i talked to the guy That got ''scammed'' He got his stuff back if a steamrep admin could like add the victim and ask him i dunno get this sorted out cus he got his stuff back and it was diffrent time zones so this is abit unessecary + the guy that got ''scammed'' got power hungry he stated.
    ProPancakes likes this.
  7. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    any chance of anything happening to this?
  8. James the human

    James the human New User

    Hey steamrep i talked to the guy who got ''scammed'' and i can safely say that hes a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ douchebag he told me that he would say that he got his stuff back and never did he acted like a king and thought he was some jesus wonderchild saying i got the power i can close down steamrep when i want. i cant see someone getting marked for s✿✿✿ that was a missunderstanding and that a prepubesant kid who couldint 48h here is all the evidence that is needed his whole backpack all 7 pages photos where taken today .
    Page 1: http://imgur.com/KxwfudH
    Page 2: http://imgur.com/UqcA1pq
    Page 3: http://imgur.com/cZuOJcS
    Page 4: http://imgur.com/gXrVOYq
    Page 5: http://imgur.com/qac2bTW
    Page 6: http://imgur.com/mW0SL8Z
    Page 7: http://imgur.com/VrvWaZ2
    I hope you get this fella unbanned. Thx steamrep.
  9. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    English please?
  10. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

  11. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    Have you looked at my trade history?
  12. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    Please stop bumping/asking if they checked it. Your appeal will be taken eventually! :) Asking over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... and over does not help things go faster.

    SMOKABLES New User

    Well, I hate to say it, but from what I've read and seen, It was kinda the seller's fault for not checking the item, All I see is that this man got caught in the middle of a misunderstanding and that he did nothing wrong. But I'm just voicing my opinion here, but I believe it is the seller's responsibility in any trade to check the items before the trade is completed, but it's all up to the admins.
  14. Mudguts TF2-T

    Mudguts TF2-T Friend Community

    If I may add some more info for the adjudicating admins consideration

    I was on TF2 trader when said player ProPancakes came onto The server, I was informed by a trader that was following him around on various trade servers that the burning snaggletooth that was in his possesion, was inadvertly traded to him instead of a nuts and bolts snaggletooth. When I queried this player about the burning snaggletooth, he stated the error in the trade and maintained it was the sellers fault. He also debated that it was his to keep and why should he give it back. We attempted to reason with this player maintaining that it was the right thing to do in reversing the trade and getting the correct hat that was originally offered and he should retrade. Further reasoning proved pointless as he was determined to keep the burning snaggletooth. My only option was to remove him from the server with a temporary ban to stop him selling the hat on TF2 Trader, which is still in place. I was also informed that thridran MCT from Pinks Tacos had also placed a temp ban on this same player.

    At the very least this player should retain a caution tag for a set amount of time for his lack of moral behaviouor in trading
    VenGanZa likes this.
  15. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep


    I am new to steam rep and I do agree to what you say in places. Even though it was the sellers fault in my opinion I feel what I did was wrong and harsh. However the unusual was returned the moment he came online the day after so what I did there was good. Also would a caution make it so I'm banned on pretty much all trade servers and on outpost or would it pretty much say "this guy was an idiot before, be careful"?
  16. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    In the past I've seen similar cases where no punishment has been given out to the person in Pancakes' situation at all. The admin ruled it was indeed "seller's error" and with multiple chances to check the item in trade and multiple confirmation's it wasn't his fault.

    I don't know why pancakes is marked to begin with.
  17. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:

    Can you confirm these facts in relation to your post?

    1. The appellant (ProPancakes) was determined to keep the burning snaggletooth when he came onto the TF2-Trader server before his temp ban.
    2. The appellant was actively trying to trade/sell the burning snaggletooth on the TF2-Trader server before his temp ban.

    And to those who post that it is the 'sellers fault' for not checking, if a trade agreement was struck which specified a snaggletooth with a particular effect and both parties had entered the trade on those terms than any inconsistency on traded items constitutes a breach of the original agreement where this must be remedied immediately or in a reasonable timeframe. If not, this breach equates to a trade agreement scam. I have handled many and this principle remains the same, it doesn't change across different factual situations. Another example is agreeing on additional items for a trade such as newly bought, untradeable keys, where this must be delivered at a later date by the seller and they are not, after the initial items have been exchanged. There is no 'sellers error' if there is an already clear agreement struck before the fact and entered into on the basis of those facts.

    Please refrain from commenting if this goes over your head.


    Link me these admin rulings please. Steamrep rulings please.
  18. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    I did give it back within 24 hours which in my opinion a reasonable time. I can confirm that as FIRST I wanted to keep the hat but after a long talk with http://steamcommunity.com/id/CaptLongshot/I decided to give it back if you want confirmation from him just add him.
    Secondly I can't remember about the second one (got a bad memory) so I have nothing to say about that.
    I did wait 4 hours for him to come on the day after just to return it though so I returned it as soon as I saw sense.
  19. ProPancakes

    ProPancakes Banned on SteamRep

    Are you on about the 2 unusuals that got scammed off me and nothing happened to the scammers?
  20. Thidran

    Thidran New User

    Hello, since I am a part of this overall issue, I am attempting to get into contact with ATOM over this. I'll sum things up for you though Pro by saying this: You are missing critical parts in your appeal, which I do NOT appreciate.
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