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Accepted 76561198066205914 (Chinese Catfood)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Ἧunger Bĕar, Apr 8, 2013.

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  1. Ἧunger Bĕar

    Ἧunger Bĕar Banned on SteamRep

    |steamID: Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42903556
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046072841
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/deusheavy
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046072841

    |steamID: Chinese Catfood
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52970093
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066205914
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066205914

    http://prntscr.com/zqtfm - chat
    http://prntscr.com/zquas - profile

    Description: So, I created a thread in TF2OUTPOST that im looking to sell my White Bills, and Chinese Catfood added me to his friend list.
    He offered me the game Arma 3, I didnt want it since im not intrested in the game, after 3 times of trying to sell me his s✿✿✿ I called my brother and asked him if it worth to me.
    My brother looked at the name of the game and saw it was the Lite version of the game, it means that you cant play all the levels, and the game will expire on the 16th this month.
    We told this guy it was Lite version, and than he said "Damn, time to find new idiot". Also, he was a bit racist at the end, He said "Peace out you jew", I find it offensive since today is the Holocaust Memorial Day. Also, it seems that he doesnt give a flying f✿✿✿ on SteamRep, look at the chat and the picture of the chat, he was like "I got reported many times, they did NOTHING!".
    Hope you'll ban this guy, and ban him from Outpost. T

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    17:25 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: hi
    17:25 - Chinese Catfood: hey
    17:26 - Chinese Catfood: can i buy your white bills :)
    17:26 - Chinese Catfood has accepted your request to trade.
    17:26 - Chinese Catfood: arma 3
    17:26 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: sorry i dont want items are not from tf2
    17:26 - Chinese Catfood: wowowo
    17:26 - Chinese Catfood: listen
    17:26 - Chinese Catfood: http://www.tf2outpost.com/search/95769115
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: people pay some sick items for it
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: 19 keys and stuff
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: but i am lazy as usual
    17:27 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: im anyway not want it
    17:27 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: sorry
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: c'mon
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: 19 keys´!!!!
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: for a 9 keys item
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: you make 10 keys profit bro...
    17:27 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: i really dont want this game..
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: i know i know
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: but you can sell it for a b.m.o,c
    17:27 - Chinese Catfood: and more
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: a B
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: BMOC and some more items
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: if you don't believe me
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: http://www.tf2outpost.com/search/95769115
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: go check it out
    17:28 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: Nice try, you have the lite version mate
    17:28 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: dont try to bullshit me
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: damn...
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: almost :D
    17:28 - Chinese Catfood: ah well
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: time to find a new idiot
    17:29 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: I will report you sir.
    17:29 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: Cya!
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: lel
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: ain't gonna happend
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: i reported like billion times
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: and they did nothing
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: NUTHIN
    17:29 - Deus Heavy: Sandwich Revolution: Good for you.
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: ok
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood is now Offline.
    17:29 - Chinese Catfood: peace out you jew
  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  3. CaptainWoopy

    CaptainWoopy New User

    I'm Hunger Bear's brother and I can confirm this is true. When will a SR admin will investigate this thread?
  4. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Steamrep admins have a lot of reports to review. You'll just have to be patient.
  5. CaptainWoopy

    CaptainWoopy New User

    Ok, anyways i'll bump it again D;
  6. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks for reporting this. This looks very much like a deceitful attempt to trick you. We're going to caution people about trading with him and look closely for other signs of lying behavior.
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