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Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by Dronefly, Apr 13, 2012.

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  1. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    Ok people, I am tired of the scammers and today I got a chance to fight back. Here is the rundown:

    I posted buying buds for $28 on sourceop. I get added by this guy:
    He offers to sell me 2 buds. I agree. attached is what happened next.


    scammer-foiled-1.jpg scammer-foiled-2.jpg scammer-foiled-3.jpg scammer-foiled-4.jpg scammer-foiled-5.jpg scammer-foiled-6.jpg scammer-foiled-7.jpg

    Hope you enjoyed this little robin hood moment. I am open to your thoughts.
  2. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    tl;dr you scammed someone?
    Roudydogg1 and Jailbait like this.
  3. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

  4. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    list dronefly for scamming, if you don't, I will, also I'm reporting him to sourceop who I know will ban him.
  5. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    did you read the whole thing dude... dont over-react. its all in there if you take the time to read it.. and i have given you proof of the refund. contact the person who opened the scammer report to begin with and see how he feels about your statement.

    I did NOT keep the buds. i showed you last screencap that i gave them to the person who was scammed and the person even agreed for me to do it in the chat and apologized for scamming.
    TWTCH182 likes this.
  6. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    If he gets marked as a scammer, then I lost all hope.

    I don't support this kind of thing, but that would be taking it too far.
    TWTCH182 and Zachary like this.
  7. Zachary

    Zachary New User

    nice dude! nice to see someone go out of their way to help out a noob or two. add me!
  8. Trunk

    Trunk New User

    Oh dear, seems like dronefly had the right intentions but...scamming is still scamming
  9. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    so seems that sourceop decided to block my account. is this what we have all become? really? wow. ok well thats the way it is then. i understand that we let the scammers run this trading community.
    TWTCH182 likes this.
  10. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    really. when you get scammed for 4 times and no help from paypal or steam and we have to create our OWN rep community to protect each other, I guess I am now a "Scammer" well good luck to everyone who gets scammed and receive no help. hope you know what it feels like before judging me. I went as far as returning the scammer the bills hat as it was not involved in the scam. so dont look down on me as being "scammer" and judge me as you will.
  11. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    To help your case, instead of making us read so many screen captures between so many people can you please summarize your view of what you've done? That's the majority of the confusion here is that you're throwing a lot of screencaps and making people piece together what transpired.

    94m3k1n9 likes this.
  12. Bort

    Bort New User

    I have a few questions.

    Who is "this" moderator that you keep talking about in the convo?
    Did he and you planed the bust or something?
    If no to the second question, It was by your own initiative to go after this guy?
    Did the first victim asked for your help?
    Have you been scammed before?
    94m3k1n9 and Mattie! like this.
  13. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    So it seems that I no longer have a sourceop rep thread and have been perma banned on sourceop. This is the stupidest thing ever.
    BUTANE the site admin decided I deserve to be perma banned and has locked up my thread here: http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=117899

    I have been a long time contributor to this community and I have helped a poor innocent person get their buds back. If one of you admins on sourceop is reading this and think this is right and I deserve a perma ban then respond here. Otherwise I guess thats your decision. I am really disappointed in this decision and after buying ENTIRE backpacks without ONCE scamming anyone and taking HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of items off people (I spent over $10000 in paypal in last 8 months)
    before paying, only to pay right afterwards, I guess that still labels me as a scammer. Wow. Really nice people. Really nice. All I did here is help someone recover money which they said meant the world to them. Glad to see someone has a stick up their ass far up enough to decide to ban me.
  14. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    I did it on my own. I have been scammed 4 times for paypal. I always ask for peoples rep thread and look them up here to confirm they are not banned. When i saw the red sign, i looked into the history, saw the scam report, contacted the person who got scammed and returned them 2 buds. They said the transaction was for MUCH more but I can only verify from the scammer 2 buds so that's all i agreed and we BOTH agreed to give back. If you read it through thoroughly and understand whats there you will see that I was very formal and I was happy to involve an admin from here. I never did end up getting either diego or helena to accept my friend request so I had to take action cuz i wanted this scammer to pay. he admitted to scamming in the dialogue and also agreed to return the 2 buds to the person. If i wouldnt get both partied to agree I would have waited until one of the admins here got involved for further direction. but both parties involved in the original report came to an amicable conclusion, and for that I am banned from sourceop and lose my rep thread of 7 pages.
  15. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep


    steamID: morti
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:27175255
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014616238
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/m0rti
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198014616238

    report of scam:

    reported by:
    steamID: [iTz] TWTCH182
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:42839793
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045945314
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/twtch182
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045945314

    Dialogue summary:
    scammer tries selling me 2 buds, I ask for rep thread. none is available. check them out on steamrep.com scammer database. find that they are scammer. i have 7 pages or rep so they go first. I had decided to take action and told them I am going to keep their 2 buds and contact a steamrep moderator and have the 2 buds returned for the scam they pulled off. Back and forth talk concludes we get a hold of original person who got scammed and have him get 2 buds back for the scam. the person who reported it gets involved in a 3 way conversation, they both agree to return 2 buds for the scam. i return the extra bills i was holding hostage from scammer (i did this so they wont just run away). scammer apologized to original person scammed. they part ways. scammer will contact original scammed and ask to get the scam report removed.

    All I essentially did was get involved and stopped a completion of a cashout of a scam. At no point did I keep anything or scam anyone out of anything. end of day all 3 people agreed with the result as being fair and just.

    I did no different then act like a mediator instead of endorsing a scammer by letting them sell off and cash out 2 buds they scammed from someone.
  16. Trunk

    Trunk New User

    I dont think you should be marked but its ultimately up to the admins
  17. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please don't skip over the part where you send PayPal to a marked scammer, I need to understand the reasoning there because that's very confusing.

    For the record, this is INSANE. Do not get involved and try to scam scammers. This case is so incredibly messy and is going to really hurt your rep (or at least be very hard to argue away) when you meant well. I think we all think you meant well but you're violating like 10 policies and saying the "Ends justify the means".

    If any other vigilantes are reading this, understand that this is absolutely the wrong way to handle these cases.
  18. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    I only sent money after the scam "the only reported scam on this guy" was resolved between both "parties" involved in the first reason why the report was filed. As far as I am concerned he is no longer a scammer because he agreed to apologize to the person he scammed and agreed i return the scammed items to the owner. he could have just come here and filed a report against me and i wouldve talked to one of the admins here and asked them how to handle it. i wasnt going to be a judge or jury on this. i simply mediated and let them resolve it themselves.
  19. TWTCH182

    TWTCH182 New User

    listen, as the dude who he helped out i have to say that he has made a huge difference on my perspective of tf2 trading.

    The kid he "ripped off" is the kid that stole my Unusual Handyman's Handle about a month ago. He agreed to pay $140 PayPal, but after the trade was complete he changed his name and blocked all communication with me. I beat myself up about the for the longest time. I got him banned from trading by Valve themselves but I guess that didn't last very long. Then today Dronefly pops up and says that he just got buds of the kid that stole my hat worth doble the price. Dronefly is helping the people out that have been f✿✿✿ed over like myself. And he asked for absolutely NOTHING in return. The kid is a savior (of my bank account) and im eternally grateful for him. I will be SEVERELY disappointed if he is reported, as he is doing a service to the TF2 community at large.
  20. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    I want to ask the general populous reading this: If you KNOW a scammer is pulling a scam and he is trying to sell you "scammed" (And you found out) goods, how is it proper to let them finish their transaction. Also, if a person is being "beat up or bullied" in the street and you stop it from happening because you were there to witness it, is it fair for you to get thrown in jail? What will happen in the streets if this happened to a "vigilanty" who never broke ANY law. Look back and show me how i broke a law. I did not actually break any laws, rather I forced a mediation between 2 people by walking a gray line. ultimately if both parties agreed to the mediation how is it that I am branded a scammer? I cant figure this part out.
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