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Accepted Report: 76561198061320423 (Miller, et. al.)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Swift Fez, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Swift Fez

    Swift Fez New User

    Hi guys, its swift fez, i spend most of my trading time out on MCT trade servers. Not long ago, on the 13th of april, i was scammed of my community sparkle key, and my 1 of a kind eerie soldiers stash.

    (yep, thats right. a community sparkle key. Rare and interesting item, only about 10 exist, i'd reccomend doing some research on them, they're fascinating.)

    Ok. intro over, time to get down to the scam details. I recieved a random invite from 'Spec'. his profile was private. he offered cash on my stash and key, a realistic amount, nothing sky high, so i thought it might be legit. i decided to check it out, even for the private profile stuffs. I said ok, provided we check it out with a middleman first.

    i Asked robinson, the mann co trading trusted middleman, to help out with it all. he was more than happy to help. we talked briefly in a 3 way chat, then i recieved a trade from robinson. he said it was ok to give the items in the trade, so i handed them both over. oh dear. it was an injection trade, from a robinson impersonator. the items were moved to an account called 'miller' later that night. here are the steam ids of the 3 involed there: (pleas enote that the scammer may have changed the names of these accounts)

    FAKE robinson

    ok. that happened, i contacted steam support, they did nothing :/

    interestingly, on the 20th of april, i got a random invite from 'like you!!' who offered cash on my items, with a private profile. almost immediatly, i thought of the possibility of it being the same guy. This time, i got robinson involved again, and we worked together with the intent of pretending to be interested in the trade, and gathering as much info as possible off the scammer. He even tried to do an injection trade with the fake robinson account again.

    i managed to persuade the scammer to make a SOP account, link here:

    this means that with enough evidence, we can get SOP to use his IP to perma ban him, and any other accounts at that address.

    also have 'like you!!'s profile id here:

    and the 2nd fake robinson account:

    Here are some screenshots of the convos.


    and the whole conversation with like you:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    like you!!: hey
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: hey dude
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: just so i can make sure that your not going to retract the cash on paypal
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: can you make an account on the SOP forum?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then ill give the stuff to robbie for the trade
    like you!!: even though I have no rep I agreed to your mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you just need to make an account on here
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: http://www.sourceop.com/
    like you!!: I still write to me send mail, I have no idea about the tip money
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: have you made an account on sop?
    like you!!: I still write to me send mail, I have no idea about the tip money
    like you!!: things in mm,?
    like you!!: pay pal
    like you!!: purse
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: we can sort that out
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: once you make the SOP account
    like you!!: so what to do then?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: go to:
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: http://www.sourceop.com/
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and make a new account
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then link me your profile page
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then i can give the items to robinson
    like you!!: I was the first time on this site
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you done it?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: just link me the account profile
    like you!!: I'm in a time on this site I do not know what to give me a simple sdlat pay pal with a brush
    like you!!: how to do something
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: just click on 'new memeber'
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: *member
    like you!!: Home
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    like you!!: ,
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: Welcome, Anonymous
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: click on 'register'
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ok?
    like you!!: ERROR: Nickname already taken
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: try a different name
    like you!!: and
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: have you made the account?
    like you!!: ?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: have you made the sop account
    like you!!: I registered
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: cool
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: now paste a link to your account page
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then i can give the items to robinson
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: link dude?
    like you!!: further
    like you!!: hey
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: yo
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: what did you call your sop account?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ?
    like you!!: Shoot, why cap has not middleman
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: dude
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: because
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: havent
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: told
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: me the
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: name
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: of your SOP account
    like you!!: pakham7
    like you!!: im of your SOP account
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ok
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: now log into your account
    like you!!: I'm waiting until the cap will have mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and click on
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: 'your account'
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: no
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i need to see this account
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: before i hand stuff over
    like you!!: 88490047?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ...
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: thats not a link
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: · Home
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    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: click on
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: 'your account'
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and then
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: copy the URL
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: into steam chat box
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: your taking too long dude
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: its not that complicated
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: just copy and paste the link of your account into the chat box
    like you!!: http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Web_Links
    like you!!: ?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: · Statistics
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    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: click on your account
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: not weblinks
    like you!!: http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&bypass=1&username=pakham8
    like you!!: yes?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: yes that correct. now you just have to make a post
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: to validate
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then we are good
    like you!!: i checked it's your turn I want to see things from mm
    like you!!: ok
    like you!!: and then I will send forth
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: dude, theres no risk in you sending the message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you just need to click on
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: private message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and send the word 'watermark111' to swift_fez
    like you!!: things with you?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then ill give robinson the items
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ill show you
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: that i have them
    like you!!: tell them to mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ok
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: done
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: now you know how to send private message?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: on sop
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: just click private message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and send me a message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: with the work
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: 'watermark'
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: in it
    like you!!: tell me
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: · Downloads
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    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: private message
    like you!!: I'll check right now, things have mm
    like you!!: things do not have mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: hes not got the stuff yet, heel get the stuff
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: when i get the message
    like you!!: what next
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: click on the buton
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: that says
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: 'new post'
    like you!!: http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?name=Search&type=users?
    like you!!: Shoot until I see things from the guarantor will not do anything
    like you!!: what next
    like you!!: what next
    like you!!: what next
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: dude
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: its just the last thing you need to do
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: for validation
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then ill give the stuff to robinson
    like you!!: what,
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then type my name into the first box(swift_fez)
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: type 'watermark'
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: into the big message box
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then click send
    like you!!: no no no
    like you!!: sorry
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: why not?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: this is simple to validate account
    like you!!: things will make mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ?
    like you!!: I feel you did raise
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: what do you mean?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: dude
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you just have to send me a message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: after this
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i can send item to robinson
    like you!!: mm let things will continue to do everything that you say or I'll send you the money I take away
    like you!!: I said no
    like you!!: tell him things he will continue to do everything
    like you!!: tell him things are right now!
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: dude
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you cant say no
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you have to do this
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: for the trade to happen
    like you!!: sorry
    like you!!: buy buy
    like you!!: If I do not see when we come to a common decision
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: haha. idiot. i knew the entire time. that you were trying to scam me. i now have your IP logged, and you, and your alternate accounts, will now be shut down down by steam!!!
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i cant believe
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: that you tried to get me twice
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: idiot.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i have all the conversations logged
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: 10 screenshots
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and now your IP
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: unless you give my stash and key back
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then i will give all the info to steam
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and get you shut down entirely
    like you!! is now Offline.

    ^^^ note the 'injection' trade, a second account called robinson has tried to trade me here. the second tab just popped up from nowhere


    this is the conversation i had woth the fake robinson (pretending i thought he was the real deal)

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: one moemnt robinson
    obinson.: ok
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: please be patient
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: im just talking to like you atm
    obinson.: if I will return
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: He asks to see things
    obinson.: ?
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: yeah, just wait a minute dude
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: hes taking his time on the SOP account thing
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: once hes made the SOP account, i can give you the items for the trade :)
    obinson.: Well, you come right now, without your knowledge, I still will not give him things))
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: yeah, ill give em once hes made the SOP account. wont take him long now i guess
    obinson.: very unlikely
    obinson.: I said no I will not give your consent
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: I'm tired of waiting
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i know dude. just wait a little bit longer
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: as soon as hes done the SOP account
    obinson. is now Away.
    obinson. is now Online.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: I'm waiting too long to let us have caps))
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: wait a moment
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: hes regiestered now
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: just got to tell him
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: to paste me the link
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then im good to send you the stuff
    obinson.: so far I have your hat and Dan??
    obinson.: giveeeeee))))))))))
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: whoa calm down :L heel be 2 minutes now i think
    obinson.: Well, he said, you are registered and asked to show caps
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: lol, hes taking ages
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: dont worry
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: hes made the account, now hes just got to post me the link
    obinson.: just waiting for a lot of you are so worried as if I give him a hat
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: arg, hes annoying me now. i wont be able to do the trade i dont hink dude :/ hes taking too long to get the link from SOP up.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: Well, what?
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: hey
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: yo, hes given me the profile now :) so hes just got to send me a private mesaage
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: then its all good
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: not yet
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: once hes sent me the private message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i have the go ahead
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and youll definetly get the items for the middleman then
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: Well, for a long time and
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: accept already sick I'm tired of waiting
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: hey
    obinson.: hey
    obinson.: hey
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: arg hes almost done now :) youl get the itmes once hes done the message
    obinson.: ok
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson.: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ right I'm tired of waiting for another look mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: sorry dude. its ust he isnt sending the message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: once he sends the message
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ill get the items over
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: and ill give you a nice reward for helping aswell
    obinson. had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    obinson. has accepted your request to trade.
    obinson.: no thx
    obinson.: D
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: haha
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: your logged scammer
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ip logged
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: infact
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: i think you are also like you aswell
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: so yeah
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you already know what will happen
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: prepare to go down
    obinson. is now Offline.
    obinson. is currently offline, message cannot be sent.
    obinson. is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

    ^^the three way convo between the real robinson, like you!! and myself:

    like you!!: hi
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: hi
    like you!!: 2 unusual for240 $
    like you!!: yeap
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: id need $300 for this
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: after all
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: they are rare
    like you!!: kabuto and Hotrod for 300 $?
    like you!!: okay
    like you!!: Who is your mm
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: okay good
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: do we need middleman?
    like you!!: yes
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: one moment
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: can you unprivte your profile
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: for 2 minutes
    like you!!: link
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: so i may see it
    like you!!: ok
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: its stilll private
    like you!!: ??
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: you profile
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: is still private
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: before we trade
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: may i please see the unprivate profile
    like you!!: Call until you slowly mm I open profile
    like you!!: call mm in chat
    like you!!: hay
    Your chat with like you!! is now a multi-user chat.
    like you!! has been invited to chat.
    obinson has been invited to chat.
    obinson has been invited to chat.
    like you!!: ?????
    obinson entered chat.
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: yo
    obinson: hi
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: ok, im using MCT robinson to MM
    [MCT] Swift Fez {buying crate 9}: please can you unprivate the profile like you?
    like you!!: hi
    like you!!: 1 sec
    like you!!: ,
    like you!!: profile pablic?
    like you!!: i buing kabuto and Hotrod for 300 $
    like you!!: okay
    obinson: i don't middleman anything unless it's through either the MCT forums or the MCT servers
    obinson: so i need you to either make a post in his sale thread before I go anywhere with this
    obinson: http://manncotrading.com/index.php/topic,1134.0.html
    obinson: that's the link
    like you!!: mail pls
    obinson: sorry?
    like you!!: pay pal
    obinson: there will be no trade unless you make the post in his rep thread
    obinson: not rep thread, trade thread^
    like you!!: purse
    obinson: ?
    like you!!: pay pal
    obinson: no
    obinson: there will be no trade without you either being in the server or you making a post on the forums
    like you!! left chat.

    all the info i got atm. this is to show this info and warn agains the scam. thansk for viewing,

    - swift fez.
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    The exact same thing happened to someone I was middlemanning for. Same technique. I'll try to dig up any info I have.
  3. LeGenD`RaGe

    LeGenD`RaGe New User

    Wait, a new chat window was opened and the guy had a different name and you fell for it?
  4. Desu

    Desu New User

    Injection scammer? What?
  5. Swift Fez

    Swift Fez New User

    he had the same name.
  6. Swift Fez

    Swift Fez New User

    if you read the post, you'd learn what an injection scam is, as it happened to me.
  7. LeGenD`RaGe

    LeGenD`RaGe New User

  8. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Already marked, adding notes about this case. Thank you for the report.