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Sharking Tag?

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by JJJJ, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Suttles

    Suttles New User

    This. Caution at most, sharks don't deserve a full on tag...however:

    If they lie and deceive, maybe it is possible for a full on tag? Teeird and some others are horrible.
  2. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    Thanks for missing the point of what I said :)

    HEAVYKIN New User

    i agree with this ,there should be a tag for sharking also think its as bad as scam for the reason that it is basically scamming new players that don't realize their items value
    but come to think of it anyone who is gonna get sharked will most likely not be aware that steam rep site even exist so kinda blows away the whole idea of having a tag
    and anyone getting sharked will most likely not have screenshots or proof as they will probably not be expecting this or realize they are doing a bad trade or anything

    still i support the tag as it is still useful to get any info on the people we are trading with and if they are trustworthy
  4. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    The point of the tag would be similar to how trading with scammers would end you with a tag yourself. Not as official mind you, but if you see someone with a shark tag, would you buy that hat? I sure as hell wouldn't want to let someone profit off the back of an innocent victim.
  5. KillaExertion

    KillaExertion New User

    Sharking is an act that is used to take advantage of another person. Sharking and scamming are related to each other, but not entirely the same. The difference is, in a case of sharking, the person being sharked knows what he is getting and is satisfied by the trade. Scamming, on the other hand, is the person being scammed being ripped off of their items and/or money. SteamRep is a tool to search for those who have the potential or have already deprived another user of such. Introducing a new tag, a sharking tag, may require a complete change in the framework of SteamRep. A sharking tag is also too hard to judge, as the conditions of the incident will be different in almost every single case. Setting a sharking standard would take too long and would be inefficient and it must be very precise.

    All in all, I do agree that sharking is bad, except the standards or sharking is too hard to set.
  6. [Ultimate] Zion

    [Ultimate] Zion New User


    UTC have opened a shark submissions board for us to submit all the proof that we have. If proof and evidence are sufficient and approved by admins, shark tagging can be done.

    Thanks to UTC and their efforts/support against sharking! There will soon be no more shark infested waters. Fishes can now swim in peace.

    The link to stop sharking:

    Melkor likes this.
  7. [Ultimate] Zion

    [Ultimate] Zion New User

  8. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    at this stage, Tags from UTC aren't likely but there are other things we can do with the information. Please do continue to submit information but don't think it'll result in a tag, no matter the strength of information.

    Any information is good information.
  9. Desu

    Desu New User

    But sharks don't steal. They don't use any scripts to make you trade your items. A simple NO is enough to stop a shark.

    And shouldn't people who have sharked it the past be marked as well? Even if they don't shark anymore they still built up their business on sharking. It's as if I robbed a bank 10 years ago and when the police wants to arrest me I say: well that was 10 years ago. I am running a successful business now and dont rob anymore. (Ignoring that the business was built up on the robbed money)
  10. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    You can't punish someone for doing something that wasn't considered wrong at the time. That's silly.
  11. Desu

    Desu New User

    I was too busy playing the game during the sharking gold rush but was it really ok then? And why should It be wrong now if it was okay back then? What has changed?
  12. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    it wasn't "ok" but it wasn't publicly considered wrong or even advertised that it happened. Scorp was the one who showed it in public. It is wrong to abuse people that don't know better. It's like robbing lonely old ladies of their pensions so a dick salesman can sell them whatever crap they have. It's mean and we shouldn't tolerate it as a community.
  13. Desu

    Desu New User

    A lot of people advertised and boasted with it.
  14. Chaos

    Chaos Retired Staff

    cba to argue about it. If you think sharking is ok, good for you :)
  15. Dharma

    Dharma New User

    didn't realise there was a general chat, i posted this on the admin sections but nobody seemed to have paid attention so i'm posting it here as well

    I do have a very clearly and objectively defined definition of sharking up for proposal and it goes as follows:

    Sharking is defined as when a buyer obtains an item from a seller where ALL the of the following conditions are met, and proof can be provided if:
    i) the buyer or any of his/her alternate accounts(or hidden identities) has completed at least 100 trades of the same nature.
    ii) the buyer pays the seller less than 25% of the current market price of an item if it is an unusual headgear, or less than 10% for anything else.
    iii) the seller is unaware of the current market price of the item.
    iv) the seller and all of his/her alternate accounts (or hidden identities) has completed less than 10 trades of the same nature.
    iv) the buyer provides false/misleading information about the current market price of the item to the seller without sufficient evidence.
    v) the seller did not publicly advertise the sale price of the item (BO price).
    vi) the seller would not agree to sell the item at the price that was sold if he/she was aware of the current market price of the item.

    If all conditions above are met with proof, then the buyer is defined as a sharker.

    The above conditions are meant to be the very bottom baseline of what constitutes as sharking, IMHO it is already fairly forgiving and accommodating to most cases of suspected sharking behavior, this basically draws the line and anything that crosses it should be deemed 100% sharking activity. Ofcourse, no policy is perfect, but since I have yet to see somebody step up and actually provide any form of substantial proposal, I have taken the liberty to do so. I am definitely open to all ideas, and I encourage all to give this a good thought and provided editions/comments as we see fit. Only together as a community can we truly tackle this problem.

  16. Jailbait

    Jailbait New User

    If you would look again

    What is a Scammer?
    A scammer is anyone that uses deception, thievery, lies, or anything that is underhanded to take advantage of or steal from another trader. See below for more comprehensive list of what qualifies for SCAMMER status.
    Sharking is using deception, lies and other underhanded methods to take advantage of people. Granted, it is not stealing, but it meets the conditions outlined in SR+ policy.
  17. Desu

    Desu New User

    I don't think it's okay.

    Overlooked the "or" sorry.

    I) Trades of the same nature? You mean sharking? If yes having to shark 100 people before getting a tag is a bit too much.
    II)I would raise this to 40% or even 50%.

    What I think would be cool if Valve would add a notice to people who unbox an unusual. Something like "This item is very rare make sure to find out it's real price from several trustable people before trading it away" or something like that.
  18. Dharma

    Dharma New User

    no i'll clarify, it means the user has completed 100 trades in total, where they are similar, eg. genuine item trades, promo trades, unusual trades, metal trades, key trades etc. definitely not meaning u need to shark 100 times before its marked
  19. LeGenD`RaGe

    LeGenD`RaGe New User

    I know this thread is old, but it's the latest one on this topic so I decided to post in here. I don't wanna defend "sharking" and I have never done it myself (I don't care about profit either and am just trading for fun), but it's something totally different than scamming because it is mainly the fault of the "sharked" one. If you sell or buy something and don't know the prices, it is your fault; it's your responsibility to inform yourself about them if you don't wanna get ripped off. It's like someone's offering me 100 bucks for my car, would I do this? No I would not, because I would check the value of it BEFORE trading it away. You can't cry afterwards, you could have easily checked the price of your item, for example by running a 2 minute google search.

    Then again virtual items' values are very subjective and if someone doesn't want to get into trading and is just enjoying playing the game he might have more use for a bunch of good weapons to use ingame than for a hat with a virtual fire effect.

    Last I wanna do is ask a question about a pretty huge coincidence: How come 1 day after a new rare item(like the holiday headcase)comes out 100% of them are in possession of pro traders? Did the 0.002% steam users that participate in unusual / higher value trading just get lucky and find all the headcases. You betcha - no, it's just that all rare, unique or whatever items get sharked of newbies and end in the backpacks of all your trusted, "fair" traders. Same with a lot of high tier unusuals.
  20. HAK

    HAK New User


    This is what I have been thinking too, clearly Valve has the power to change the system so much more to protect the community. New unusuals should not appear publicly in their inventory for a week or so, or they should be under the "rare" items section and there would be some tips there to educate noobs to check prices.