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Accepted 76561198018526227

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Fanta Klavs, Aug 11, 2013.

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  1. Fanta Klavs

    Fanta Klavs New User

    | steamname: benedikt
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:29130249
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018526227
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198018526227

    Fanta Klavs: Hey
    benedikt: Hey
    benedikt: How are you??
    Fanta Klavs: Fine
    Fanta Klavs: Is it the bill's you're buying?
    benedikt: Yeah
    benedikt: do you accept cash?
    Fanta Klavs: nope, sorry :( don't have a paypal
    benedikt: I can send you the money to your steam wallet
    Fanta Klavs: how much money would that be :eek:?
    benedikt: 20 dollars
    Fanta Klavs: how much is a key in the in-game shop :p? I forgot
    benedikt: ill check
    benedikt: wait
    benedikt: 1.99 euro
    benedikt: and ur bills is worth like 8 keys right?
    Fanta Klavs: ye
    benedikt: ur keys + dollars
    benedikt: it would be like 18 dollars
    benedikt: and my offer is 20
    Fanta Klavs: narh, man
    Fanta Klavs: tbh you're 1 euro short
    Fanta Klavs: 20 USD is 15 euros
    Fanta Klavs: according to this value exchange thingy at least
    benedikt: so how much should it be?
    Fanta Klavs: weeeelllll
    Fanta Klavs: so much that I end up with exactly 16€ in my steam wallet :D
    benedikt: so in USD it would be like 22
    Fanta Klavs: around there, yes
    Fanta Klavs: sec, checking something
    benedikt: alright check what u want, I will send u the money easily after trade :)
    Fanta Klavs: btw, you got 9 scammer friends on your friendslist. Just buy the keys and we'll wait some days
    benedikt: i dont know who adds me to buy something from me
    benedikt: and i dont delete them from friends
    Fanta Klavs: :p
    benedikt: why the heck should I know
    benedikt: dude im tellin' you
    benedikt: i can buy the keys
    benedikt: and im not a filthy motherf✿✿✿er called scammer
    Fanta Klavs: Well, buy the keys :p We'll wait a few days then.
    Fanta Klavs: I'll reserve it
    benedikt: I would buy the keys now lol
    benedikt: BUT I CANT
    Fanta Klavs: it's k
    Fanta Klavs: contact supp
    Fanta Klavs: shouldn't take more than a day
    benedikt: did like 2 weeks ago
    benedikt: got nothing
    Fanta Klavs: Would you mind sending the money first, then?
    benedikt: i could but you got no rep
    benedikt: and I have rep
    benedikt: so dude lol im not a scammer
    benedikt: people are happy
    Fanta Klavs: I have no -rep and no +rep
    benedikt: and I have rep +
    benedikt: no rep-
    Fanta Klavs: I'll semi reserve the hat for you, mate :p
    Fanta Klavs: When you buy the keys, send a msg.
    Fanta Klavs: Then I'll take it off outpost and wait
    benedikt: you dont want to take the money and simply walk home
    benedikt: im not going to f✿✿✿ on this
    benedikt: u accept the money or u dont. the offer is rare
    Fanta Klavs: Why getting so hostile?
    Fanta Klavs: No, it's not a 'rare' offer.
    Fanta Klavs: It's me taking an 8 key risk
    benedikt: cuz I dont have time + hate waiting
    Fanta Klavs: Ain't my fault you can't have the keys in inventory form.
    benedikt: who doesnt risk on tf2
    benedikt: is not a good trader
    benedikt: im telling from my experience
    Fanta Klavs: Then why aren't you willing to give first ^^?
    benedikt: are you kidding? there is always has to be rep
    benedikt: just in case
    benedikt: I see you dont want to
    benedikt: so im going to find another buyer
    Fanta Klavs: ok
    Fanta Klavs: bb
    benedikt: bb :)
    benedikt: good luck lol
    Fanta Klavs: ^^
    benedikt: ull need it
    Fanta Klavs: Why?
    benedikt: cuz u wount get anything from the bills and other things
    benedikt: u just cant take the risk
    benedikt: wich is realyl bad
    Fanta Klavs: well, if you want the bill's so bad that you're getting mad.
    Fanta Klavs: Just send the money first.
    benedikt: im not getting mad
    benedikt: but ur just a kid
    benedikt: so i cant help it lol
    benedikt: u take it or leave it
    benedikt is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.

    Yea, so that's it. He became hostile when I refused to trade him the hat before he traded the money. Thinking he might be a scammer alt or somethin'. He threw a weird excuse about him not being able to buy the keys from the shop himself, then changing it to that he just didn't want to.

    Tinypic link of chat. The files were to big to upload here.



  2. Hitman Sparky

    Hitman Sparky User

  3. Fanta Klavs

    Fanta Klavs New User

    There you go!

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  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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