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Accepted Report: 76561197997051015 (7h. ZIPPo)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by SaturdayNightForever, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. SaturdayNightForever

    SaturdayNightForever New User

    Hi everyone, I want to report a scammer who scammed 2 unusuals from a guy.
    The scammed items are P.Energy Team Captain and Scorching flames Samur-eye.
    The victim went first to the scammer at April 26, 2012. I believed this guy, But still never receives anything...

    Here's the scammer's profile :

    steamID: 7h. ZIPPo
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:18392643
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997051015
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/transghe
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197997051015

    And it's the victim's profile :

    steamID: SaturdayNightForever
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42080754
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044427237
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kalafina
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044427237

    Scammed items' information from tf2items.com :

    http://www.tf2items.com/item/813866671 (P.Energy Team Captain)
    http://www.tf2items.com/item/813866673 (Scorching Flames Samur-eye)

    That scammer received two unusuals before paying the payment to that unusuals' original owner himself at April 26, 2012,
    as scammer's backpack updated with new two unusuals at that same day. ( http://www.tf2items.com/id/transghe?time=1335453761 ). But scammer still don't gives the payment to victim now.

    The payment method what the victim wants to selling is cash + buds combination. The first scammed item(P.Energy Team Captain)'s price is 800 USD + 2 buds, and the second scammed item(Scorching Flames Samur-eye)'s price is 230 USD + 1 buds. The prices also can see through the screenshots that below :

    Here's some chat logs between two guys. That just shows how scammer avoiding to pay for items without a sense of responsibility.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    h. ZIPPo: hey
    7h. ZIPPo: u there?
    FictionJunction: hello
    7h. ZIPPo: u ready for deal
    FictionJunction: sure
    FictionJunction: just fast trade
    FictionJunction: my paypal e-mail : [email protected]
    7h. ZIPPo: so 800+2 buds for tc
    7h. ZIPPo: and how much for samur
    FictionJunction: yeah.
    7h. ZIPPo: 230+1 buds
    7h. ZIPPo: im right
    7h. ZIPPo: 1030+3 busd
    7h. ZIPPo: buds
    FictionJunction: yes. and you pay fee.
    7h. ZIPPo: one sec
    7h. ZIPPo: can i sent like gift
    7h. ZIPPo: or no ?
    FictionJunction: korean paypal cant gift option
    7h. ZIPPo: then what option u want ?
    FictionJunction: hmm
    7h. ZIPPo: goods ?
    FictionJunction: that's okay
    7h. ZIPPo: k one more problem how we gonna do this ?
    FictionJunction: first, you send cash then I'll trade tc and samur with you
    FictionJunction: and you give buds for me
    7h. ZIPPo: i dont go first srry i have a lot of reputaion u know me
    7h. ZIPPo: i never went first
    FictionJunction: anyway dont trust me?
    FictionJunction: hmm
    7h. ZIPPo: is not about u
    7h. ZIPPo: but always i dont go first
    7h. ZIPPo: u remeber when i sold u the tc and buto
    7h. ZIPPo: i never went first
    FictionJunction: I see.
    7h. ZIPPo: one sec
    7h. ZIPPo: let me connect on paypal
    FictionJunction: sure.
    7h. ZIPPo: [email protected]
    7h. ZIPPo: this is your paypal
    7h. ZIPPo: ?
    7h. ZIPPo: im right
    FictionJunction: correct.
    7h. ZIPPo: k one sec
    7h. ZIPPo: u want any note
    FictionJunction: no
    FictionJunction: i belive your repulation
    7h. ZIPPo: hmm i cant sent as goods
    FictionJunction: then "others" option
    7h. ZIPPo: k
    7h. ZIPPo is now Offline.

    I will offer more information if you needs, for solving this case. Just send PM to me or leaves comments here. Thanks for reading.
  2. Champelliot

    Champelliot New User

    Thanks for the report, however the links to your screenshots are not working, at least on my PC, you may wish to change them before someone reviews this report.
  3. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You were likely dealing with an imposter. Please go to your Inventory History and click on the "fake" Zippo's name and tell us his Steam URL.

    Also, please provide a screenshot of your trade history.


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  4. 2610tommy

    2610tommy New User

    It seems as it's the real zippo, however he might have been hijacked. Why would he call himself "i sell items for hackers" . ​
  5. SaturdayNightForever

    SaturdayNightForever New User

    He has postponed the trade with the reason that he has to get some money to buy the stuff since 2 weeks ago.
    I also believed his high reputation(I know he is famous person), and I have refused many other peoples’ attractive proposals for 2 weeks. And I waited for 3 more days, but it looks like he betrayed my belief on him.
    and trade history are below.

    P.energy TC(name tag : PSYCHO CRUSHER), Scorching Samur-eye .
    he traded only buds, I didn't receive cash.

    proof 2 (disappear)
    I wrote comment on his profile, but he delected that comment.
    like this. "If you dont give message, I'll report."

    hope you dont uncomportable my poor english.

  6. SaturdayNightForever

    SaturdayNightForever New User

    and I was waiting him for two weeks, therefore I do not suppose hijacked was taken place at the very day of deal. I think this is highly intentional and premeditated scam.
    also, I presume I have already adduced plenty of evidence that he is a scammer.
    I wait for a just decision ...
  7. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    FYI-- I deleted an inappropriate post here by Desu questioning prices. This isn't the forum for that.
  8. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks again for the additional information. Do you have evidence where he asked to "postpone the trade"?
  9. SaturdayNightForever

    SaturdayNightForever New User

    Unfortunately, but I didn't save the data as an evidence.
    Because, I didn't think that He did a scam.
    Only he and I know that.

    But It was true that He delayed the deal with me to save money before 2 weeks.
    And also, I trusted him and I just waited for him during 2 weeks rejecting other's proposal.
    But He betrayed me after all.
  10. SaturdayNightForever

    SaturdayNightForever New User

    By clicking the link above, you can find out there was an $800 offer and Ghost TC + burning beak. there was decent offer .
    But I gave they a rejected because of my deal with zippo, and until the very day of my deal with zippo.

    I hardly refuse to take more of my time because of this matter. It tire me out.
    I am afraid that I adduced sufficient evidence that he is a scammer

    I hope you understand my mind.
  11. There are some doubtful points if zippo was hijacked.

    The first :
    Why he dont't sell his burning stash and burning hustler's hallmark, just like as zippo's another acts with SaturdayNightForever's scammed items?
    His burning stash and burning hustler's hallmark are still in existence at zippo's backpack. ( http://www.tf2items.com/id/transghe ) And they are goddamn expensive items if he wants to sell. That's just a proof zippo didn't hijacked.
    And he sold or hide SaturdayNightForever's scammed unsuals himself as quick as possible because they are illegality items.
    If I were a hacker who hijacked about zippo's acct, I will cash-out all of his own unusuals that he had.

    The second :
    If his acct was hijacked, he might post a report something about that. But I never saw any zippo's explain about hacked or scammed from various TF2 communities, before and now. Enough days were spent without his explain about this case himself. He just ran away after SaturdayNightForever posted a report here.

    The third :
    now zippo is blocking all of posting comments at his profiles, why? That just means he protecting his account against everone and hiding the truth himself. Almost hijackers don't need accounts. They'll only need promos, and unusuals for money. They'll don't care about people says anything, because that's not their real accounts!
    Anyway, zippo's accounts is now useless to scam another people, was too famous with his scam.
  12. daemon

    daemon Retired Staff

    Zippo did something similar to me long ago, said he was 'short on money' and needed time to pay me the last bit of a hat.
    Then he went off to buy burning tyrants and s✿✿✿ and refused to pay me, eventually gave up.
    Further, Og's report on him had its merits (I think)

    Also you have my TC #5 :)
  13. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    my 10 keys o_O
  14. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Marking now, thanks for the report.