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Rejected 76561198091752408

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by My Names Buddie, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. My Names Buddie

    My Names Buddie New User

    steamID: My Names Buddie
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:1111111
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091752408/
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091752408/


    My Names Buddie ,i got SR banned a while back for having previous accounts with bad history, back when i was very new to the game i would do stupid stuff with my friends and it caused me to get banned on my account and i didnt care. but as i played the game for a few years it meant a lot to me so i created a new account built my rep up and i was very content.
    recently i got banned for Prevuios account and i think it very miss underswtood by you guys over the past few months i have sold buds on tf2 and built a lot of rep witch proves i would never do anything badon this game anymore my account and my rep means a lot and bringing up past things from when i was a child i think is extremly unfair i HOPE TO GOD you can fix this thanks i hope you understand Heres my current rep: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/145637-Buddies-Rep-Thread?highlight=
  2. My Names Buddie

    My Names Buddie New User

    Now Im banned from sourceOp Im so angry please help me i worked so hard to build up all my rep please dont let me childish behavour from my past ruin this im very trusted all the rep i gained is proof
  3. My Names Buddie

    My Names Buddie New User

    sorry im just so confused i have a lot of history with banned accounts but i have done nothing wrong with this one and proved i am over that Sorry to keep replying im just so destrote i would gte banned after being so trusted please Fix this
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    • Attempted quickswitch scam
    • Buds scam
    • Spycrab runner
    • Impersonating a spycrab winner
    How many scams are we talking about? Did you appeal any of your other accounts? Did you repay the people you scammed? Ban/tag avoidance? Valve trade ban? why should this be considered at all?

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  5. My Names Buddie

    My Names Buddie New User

    because i proven to you guys i am now legit...with the rep i have accuired the only reason i made this account was to get rid of my past. all the other accounts are made in a month of each other i think this one is way further the rep i gained shows i have left me past ways and become a better person, why else would i of created this account...please i proven i am trust worthy all the rep is real check the names and what they posted and look into my past trades all legit. i feel as though i have proven my self. and why would i get this ban a few months after having this account and being legit?
  6. My Names Buddie

    My Names Buddie New User

    and what if this dosent go through i have to make a new account? i just dont understand for months no1 said anything and 1 RANDOM day you decide to ban me for recent acounts.
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    We dont know the absolute second a scammer makes a new account, sometimes it takes that long for us to catch them/you. If you were sorry, you would have attempted to appeal on one of your marked accounts instead of ban/tag avoiding until you got caught, heck, in your above reply you mention you may make a new account again anyways. Doing so will result in any new account being marked as your alternate account. You never did answer my above questions but unneeded at this point. You have too many offenses against you for me to consider this appeal with that type of mindset.

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