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Declined 76561197973698175(Mercury)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Knight222[PPM], Nov 5, 2013.

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  1. Knight222[PPM]

    Knight222[PPM] New User

    | steamname: Knight222[PPM]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:47192769
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054651267
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198054651267

    | steamname: Identity
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:6716223
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197973698175
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Identity_thebeST
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197973698175

    So I joined the Hg server on Cs:go. This guy talks to me on the server then adds me on steam. Hes says hes gonna give me his league account for my Karambit. He had a lot of good skins and stuff and even showed me pictures of them. I said i had to go and talk to him tmr. The next day we trade, I give him the knife, but he gave me a fake account info that doesn't work. I try to contact him back, but her removed me and privated his profile. Attach is the log and the picture showing the trade. He kept switching names as well.

    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Hello?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Knight...?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: C-Style? Where are you dude
    Knight222[PPM]: I srs have to go now dont want parents to catch me
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I think I'll take the karambit for my LoL dud :P
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I think it's time for me to quit LoL completely
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Moving on to CSGO :)
    Knight222[PPM]: Tmr  I gtg
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Alrighty
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Good night dude, talk to you tomorrow
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Hey
    Knight222[PPM]: yo
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I'll get on my computer now 
    Knight222[PPM]: so uh
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: And I was thinking, do you think you could throw in the flip?
    Knight222[PPM]: ill throw in the p2000 ocean spray stattrak
    Knight222[PPM]: thats 45 dollars right tehre
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Mmmm
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Anything else? 
    Knight222[PPM]: not really
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: That you can add to balance
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Aw .-. Better go say bye to my non irl lol friends 
    Knight222[PPM]: how is this going to work though
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Gonna hop on my computer in a sec just gotta pee 
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: One sec bro 
    Knight222[PPM]: s
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Ok
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I'm on my computer
    Knight222[PPM]: how is the traed going to work?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Oh, and i forgot to ask, what quality is the knife
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: and...
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Knife -> account info
    Knight222[PPM]: so i have to give knife first
    Knight222[PPM]: ?
    Knight222[PPM]: ugg
    Knight222[PPM]: can we get like a middle man or something an admin from hg
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: ah man, I can't trust anyone to get my account first,
    Knight222[PPM]: well admins..
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I don't trust any HG admin, WOW they pay $15
    Knight222[PPM]: really?
    Knight222[PPM]: wtf?
    Knight222[PPM]: thats jacked up
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Admin is only $15
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: anyone can buy admin
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: No one earns admin
    Knight222[PPM]: thats some crazy s✿✿✿
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: yeah that's what I said at first
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: gonna change the info on the acc since its pass for everything lol
    Knight222[PPM]: how bout other server admins?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: one sec
    Knight222[PPM]: well when i get account im going to change the pass
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I know but
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: if you find the user to anything else I own
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: You'd be able to gain access to it
    Knight222[PPM]: what 0.0
    Knight222[PPM]: lol
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Since its my password for everything,
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: If you find my username to anything else
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: You just type that same pass
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: and you get the other accounts on like email or something else
    Knight222[PPM]: how do I know that youll give me the account D:
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: 1. I'm not a dick
    Knight222[PPM]: well ive known you for 1 daylol
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: You're C-Style
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: You've seen me lead/play on HG for so long
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: that's like the only go server I play on
    Knight222[PPM]: oh yeah
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I recognized the picture xD
    Knight222[PPM]: hmm
    Knight222[PPM]: how bout this
    Knight222[PPM]: Ill give u the p2000 and u give me info then i give knife?
    Knight222[PPM]: or no
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: .-. that's like
    Knight222[PPM]: wait
    Knight222[PPM]: the other way around
    Knight222[PPM]: Ill give knife
    Knight222[PPM]: info
    Knight222[PPM]: then p2000
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: and the p250?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: You took out the p250 of that trade
    Knight222[PPM]: oh
    Knight222[PPM]: ye p2000+250
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: man you sure you cannot add the flip?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: :P
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: If no, its okay. I just want to make this as balance/fair a trade as possible
    Knight222[PPM]: yeah i cant add flip
    Knight222[PPM]: you want to trade now?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC has accepted your request to trade.
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Just changed the pass so sure
    Knight222[PPM]: good
    Knight222[PPM]: first knife then the pistols
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: So you're 100% positive no flip?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: :/
    Knight222[PPM]: yeah
    Knight222[PPM]: srry man
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Any particular reason why? lol
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I like the flip too lol
    Knight222[PPM]: well its my first knife
    Knight222[PPM]: special :D
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Oh haha
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Makes sense
    Knight222[PPM]: okay you got knife?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Checking inventory now
    Knight222[PPM]: its there :D
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Yup :D :D :D
    Knight222[PPM]: info?
    Knight222[PPM]: D:
    Knight222[PPM]: ?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: ok username: flingflao2
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: I dunno why that didn't send earlier
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: lol
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: weird as f✿✿✿
    Knight222[PPM]: okay
    Knight222[PPM]: pass?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: pass is long
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: not "long"
    Knight222[PPM]: xD
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: its a long pass, let me copy paste it from notepad lol
    Knight222[PPM]: LOL
    Knight222[PPM]: is it that long lol
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: z&vB$120iOkgTdd21904
    Knight222[PPM]: doesnt work
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: Doesn't?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: OH
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: forgot the last letter
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: its Q on the end
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: LOL
    Knight222[PPM]: z&vB$120iOkgTdd21904Q so this?
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: how could I forget
    Merc @ #spOILed #HIGHseas #YC: yes
    Knight222[PPM]: still doesnt work D:

    Attached Files:

  2. Knight222[PPM]

    Knight222[PPM] New User

    So I pretty much lost my Knife:/
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    We do not condone any account buying/selling/trading, this report is rejected.
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