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Invalid Report: 76561198080294203 - (AngusPangus / [Steam] Steam Games)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by OFWGKTA, Dec 14, 2013.

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    OFWGKTA New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: NOT SUPPORTED NOW - CD-Key fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [Steam] Steam Games

    Accused profile: 76561198080294203 (AngusPangus)

    Victim profile: 76561198080294203

    What happened? Description:
    I added him because he say that he is selling a humblebundle (the warner bros, incluiding fear 1,2,3 and some batman games), we talk for several minutes, then i accepted and trade with him, 1 minute later he deleted me, changes his name and his profile picture, all I want is my Gift back.​

    Provide Evidence:
    sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013
    03:00 p.m. - AngusPangus: Hello
    02:57 p.m. - Gustav0_97: sup
    03:00 p.m. - AngusPangus: HumbleBundle for your bp?
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: I've already sold everything sorry
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: and no way
    03:00 p.m. - AngusPangus: oh
    03:00 p.m. - AngusPangus: k
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: that is a really bad deal
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: but
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: which humble do y6ou have?
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: do you have*
    03:00 p.m. - AngusPangus: All of them
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i need warner bros one
    02:58 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i can pay in paypal
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: Got that
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: That one ocmes with
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: fear
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: 3
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: fear 2
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i know what come
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: right?
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i know bro xD
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: yeah
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: kk
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: but do you have the one with the 2 batmans or just 1 batman
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: 2 batmans
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: arkham city
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: and asilum
    03:01 p.m. - AngusPangus: and arkham asylum
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: so
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: do you take paypal?
    03:02 p.m. - AngusPangus: No
    03:02 p.m. - AngusPangus: :p
    02:59 p.m. - Gustav0_97: but you told me last time you do
    03:00 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i will go first i have no promel with that
    03:00 p.m. - Gustav0_97: problem*
    03:02 p.m. - AngusPangus: No paypal
    03:02 p.m. - AngusPangus: Only games
    03:02 p.m. - AngusPangus: or keys
    03:00 p.m. - Gustav0_97: how much in keys?
    03:03 p.m. - AngusPangus: 3
    03:03 p.m. - AngusPangus: keys
    03:00 p.m. - Gustav0_97: or games
    03:00 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i guess depends on game
    03:03 p.m. - AngusPangus: Yes
    03:03 p.m. - AngusPangus: it does
    03:01 p.m. - Gustav0_97: well i have a batman arkham city Game of the year (special edition)
    03:01 p.m. - Gustav0_97: in outpost is sold at 4 keys
    03:03 p.m. - AngusPangus: Hmm
    03:01 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i can trade it for the humble
    03:04 p.m. - AngusPangus: And who would go first
    03:01 p.m. - Gustav0_97: you told last time you can go first, but we can use a middle man too
    03:02 p.m. - Gustav0_97: but i have a nice rep
    03:04 p.m. - AngusPangus: Nty
    03:02 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ive made transaction with paypal
    03:04 p.m. - AngusPangus: Bye
    03:02 p.m. - Gustav0_97: im trustable
    03:04 p.m. - AngusPangus: So am i
    03:02 p.m. - Gustav0_97: where is your rep?
    03:04 p.m. - AngusPangus: On my profile
    03:05 p.m. - AngusPangus: :3
    03:03 p.m. - Gustav0_97: mmm
    03:03 p.m. - Gustav0_97: you sure you have it
    03:03 p.m. - Gustav0_97: is not a lie?
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: Yes i'm sure
    03:03 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: It takes u to a link
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: were u enter
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: email
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: and steam
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: username
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: and pass
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: then it will get sent
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: to email
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: then u press install
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: then u have it
    03:04 p.m. - Gustav0_97: that sound like a highjack
    03:06 p.m. - AngusPangus: -_-
    03:07 p.m. - AngusPangus: Look it up
    03:04 p.m. - Gustav0_97: mmm
    03:05 p.m. - Gustav0_97: is a redeem code or a link to a web
    03:05 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ?
    03:07 p.m. - AngusPangus:
    03:05 p.m. - Gustav0_97: oh
    03:05 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:05 p.m. - Gustav0_97: so you dant want to use a middle man?
    03:07 p.m. - Gustav0_97: hi?
    03:09 p.m. - AngusPangus: no
    03:09 p.m. - AngusPangus: i dont
    03:09 p.m. - AngusPangus: want
    03:09 p.m. - AngusPangus: to use
    03:09 p.m. - AngusPangus: middle
    03:09 p.m. - AngusPangus: man
    03:07 p.m. - Gustav0_97: why?
    03:10 p.m. - AngusPangus: u could scam me with ur ''so called middleman'' and I could scam u with my ''so called middle man'' so no
    03:10 p.m. - AngusPangus: To dodgey
    03:08 p.m. - Gustav0_97: amm he is a trustable, is the owner of http://trade.tf
    03:08 p.m. - Gustav0_97: is swag.inc
    03:10 p.m. - AngusPangus: nty
    03:11 p.m. - AngusPangus: no middleman
    03:08 p.m. - Gustav0_97: you are not going first? i have more rep bro
    03:11 p.m. - AngusPangus: nty
    03:11 p.m. - AngusPangus: I have the games my choice if u dont agree then get lost
    03:11 p.m. - AngusPangus: ;)
    03:09 p.m. - Gustav0_97: hey, dont be unrespectfull
    03:09 p.m. - Gustav0_97: a no is simple
    03:09 p.m. - Gustav0_97: mmm
    03:09 p.m. - Gustav0_97: just let me think it
    03:12 p.m. - AngusPangus: k
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: how about a garry mod?
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: instead of batman GOTY
    03:12 p.m. - AngusPangus: got it
    03:12 p.m. - AngusPangus: gmod
    03:12 p.m. - AngusPangus: and surgeon
    03:12 p.m. - AngusPangus: Then deal
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i really want the surgeon for me
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: then batman
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: but havent redeem it
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: mmm
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:10 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i will
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: so
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: gmod
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: and surgeon
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: ?
    03:11 p.m. - Gustav0_97: no
    03:11 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i will give you batman
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: oh
    03:13 p.m. - AngusPangus: k
    03:11 p.m. - AngusPangus has accepted your request to trade.
    03:11 p.m. - Gustav0_97: please dont scamm me bro :)
    03:14 p.m. - AngusPangus: i wont
    03:12 p.m. - You have accepted the trade request from AngusPangus.
    03:12 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i will send a trade offer
    03:12 p.m. - Gustav0_97: is that ok?
    03:12 p.m. - You have accepted the trade request from AngusPangus.
    03:15 p.m. - AngusPangus: k
    03:15 p.m. - AngusPangus: there we go
    03:13 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:13 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ready
    03:13 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:13 p.m. - Gustav0_97: the humble :D
    03:16 p.m. - AngusPangus: Alrighty
    03:16 p.m. - AngusPangus: let me get the link for ya
    03:16 p.m. - AngusPangus: I'll +rep u aswell
    03:16 p.m. - AngusPangus: :)
    03:13 p.m. - Gustav0_97: ok
    03:14 p.m. - AngusPangus is now Offline.
    03:17 p.m. - AngusPangus is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    03:17 p.m. - Gustav0_97: man
    03:17 p.m. - Gustav0_97: why
    03:17 p.m. - Gustav0_97: i trust you
    03:18 p.m. - Gustav0_97: dude
    03:18 p.m. - Gustav0_97: why do you do that :(
    03:23 p.m. - Gustav0_97: men give it back
    03:23 p.m. - Gustav0_97: is not fair v.v​

    Attached Files:


    OFWGKTA New User

    I put the scammer as the victim ._., sorry fixing that.

    Accused profile:
    76561198080294203 (AngusPangus)
    | steamname: AngusPangus
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:60014237
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080294203
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198080294203

    Victim profile: 76561198045756841 (Gustav0_97)
    | steamname: Gustav0_97
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42745556
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045756841
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/gustav0_97
    | steamrep:http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045756841


    OFWGKTA New User


    OFWGKTA New User

    more evidence

    Attached Files:


    OFWGKTA New User

    He added me back and told me tp trade the batman for my surgeon simulator and that he will add sweets, when i see the offer the only i tought is that i was going to get batman back, but then after clicking ready, he again tryed to scam me, now with a swap scam, evidence uploaded.

    Attached Files:


    OFWGKTA New User


    OFWGKTA New User

    Pl0x halp me xc
  8. Darksoul

    Darksoul New User

  9. Sjru

    Sjru User

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