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Pending scamming try,

Discussion in 'Previously Banned Reports' started by Ingvar Kamprad, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Ingvar Kamprad

    Ingvar Kamprad New User

    Hello there everyone!
    i do nick Ingvar kamrad in-game, and yes i also got a scamming mark on me from a previous account, i did a bad thing, i have talked with the guy i scammed and everything is okey, have done a steamrep post on that to, but i am here to talk about two guys that accualy tried to scamm me today,
    one guy fake nicked a middleman called mocha, but i noticed that something was totaly wrong, so i checked the original "Mocha the Santa Gypsy" and he had 79 games on his profile, and had a raffle group etc, the guy called http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114384325/ Commander angelo, said that he wanted to pay 250 dollar for my knife, and the he was getting a middleman, so it was the guy called mocha,
    when they found out that i knew they was attempting to scamm they instantly removed me.
    i got a lot of evidence, so i will post it below.


    the fake Mocha the santa Gypsy steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116157251/
    the other guy that tried to scam me with paypal steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114384325/

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  2. Ingvar Kamprad

    Ingvar Kamprad New User

    another one

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