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Accepted 76561198045535036(Chargeback Scammer and Scammer alt)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by NumbCorns, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Be Justice

    Be Justice New User

    This is about coruption in world .... Coruption is everywhere and also in this ,,anti-scamm,, side nobody will protect you guys just small scammers will be banned and big scammers like this man will be never bann .... Im looking lot of threads but this is the biggest corruption you did steam rep !! congrat ! this guy has scammed at least 7 persons which wrote to steam rep (probably there is 3 or 4 times more victims) he scammed totally for more $ as i make in my work !! i wanna tell in this thx steam rep for supporting scamemers and dont tell me bullshits like you have lot of reports because this guys has been reported multiple times .... im waiting for respond for some admin . No ? then i guess scamming via paypal is legal and this side is just comrec ...
    dear visitor and also victim ali
  2. GoRiLaZz

    GoRiLaZz New User

    I'm not just writing about myself that I was deceived. I contacted a liar and he offered me a deal that I have found yet for sale BUDS, as he little reputation. In return I got some sweets. All was well until I found out that this deceiver somehow refund the money back in his wallet. In the end, he gave me nothing and I deleted it and blocked . He added with many accounts and I blocked them all . I pleaded vein and received a sentence of deprivation of one month the trade . I realized to whom I delivered the inconvenience and grief. Thank you for your understanding!
  3. Im A SCRUB

    Im A SCRUB New User

    I just got scammed from him and lost my atomic alloy.
  4. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @NumbCorns,

    Your report was accepted for this user, though they were already banned for other reports. We've added the offense to our notes as further consideration during any appeal. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accused's profile
    2. Click More drop-down located at the top right of the page
    3. Choose Report Violation
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click Submit Report
    Click here to view the animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Thank you for submitting a report to us.
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