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Accepted Report: 76561198074907105 - (< blank > / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat

    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198074907105 (< blank >)

    Victim profile: 76561198039830360

    What happened? Description:
    I believe that this member attempted to scam me out of an Unusual Familiar Fez w/ Stormy Storms via a paypal trade. He added me earlier and we agreed that we'd trade the item for $80 via Paypal. I'm new to paypal trading so I was overally cautious anyway. The chat is posted below, but basically The user said he knew a paypal employee in real life, which was the first thing I found odd. I was then told to wait for a confirmation email from this "friend". The email came through, in my spam box. It was not an official paypal email address, so again. I was cautious. The email is posted below as evidence. He also said the money would not go through immediately but would be "tested to see if it is legit". I kept refusing to let go of the item until I had an official confirmation of transaction from Paypal to ensure the money had one through. <blank> became more irate and sent me a snippet of his paypal(also posted below), however I did not receive any emails from paypal saying that any activity was going on. I also do not recall transactions not being immediate in their processing or being tested for legitimacy. As can be seen in the chat below, I called him out a couple of times. He kept saying he wasn't scamming, but everything points to it. I'm not sure what position this puts me in, as I would have completed the trade had I received any official transaction emails, But i didn't, so I stood my ground.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Hey
    < blank >: yes?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: you added me
    < blank >: i dont remember it
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: It was like, 2 seconds ago
    < blank >: wait
    < blank >: do u sell the fez?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: yeah
    < blank >: oh
    < blank >: thought you were someone else for a second
    < blank >: how much paypal would u take for it?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Look at the names man! :p
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: uhh one sec
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: How much would you offer? I'm looking for somewhere around 2 buds worth
    < blank >: idk $80?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Yeah I'll do that
    < blank >: ok
    < blank >: ill trade u
    You have accepted the trade request from < blank >.
    < blank >: so how are we gonna do this?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: That's what I'm wondering
    < blank >: yeah
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: never actually done a paypal sale before
    < blank >: well i have done around 4
    < blank >: just tell me your email and i can work something out
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: [email protected]
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: One sec, gotta restart the trade
    < blank > has accepted your request to trade.
    < blank >: ok, this is quite cool!
    < blank >: i found an employee who can do this nice and easy
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: ? how so?
    < blank >: i am friends with him irl
    < blank >: and he got a job at paypal
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: ok, so how we doing it?
    < blank >: When he sends an email to you it will be about the money
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: ok
    < blank >: when he confirms the money has been sent, it will go through a test to see if it is legit and you will be sent the money
    < blank >: because some people try to scam
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: right
    < blank >: have you got a email yet?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: not yet
    < blank >: alright. tell me when you have so you can give me the hat
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Will do, gonna double check everything first though if it's ok
    < blank >: did you get the email?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Still no email
    < blank >: check spam or anything
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: yeah i'm checking, there's nothing come in
    < blank >: ok, i'll tell him if he has sent the email
    < blank >: he has
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: nope, sill nothing
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: no activity on paypal nor email
    < blank >: he says he has and he sent me a screenshot prooving it
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Then we wait
    < blank >: http://prntscr.com/2lbn7j
    < blank >: there
    < blank >: Because I have sent the money
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: i'm not gonna do anything until i get the email. It's not me trying to offend I just want to be sure you're not trying to get the one over on me
    < blank >: i sent the money
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Say that all you wish, when I get visible proof, I'll give you the item. By which I mean an official paypal email confirming a transaction has occurred
    < blank >: It's in the test
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Ok, If you send me a screenshot showing from your paypal(Censor the personal details) that a payment has ben made and is processing, I'll be happy enough to trade the item with you.
    < blank >: i need dinner
    < blank >: brb
    < blank >: back
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Cool. I have an email from your friend but still nothing from paypal. I'm not getting a very trustworthy vibe from all this. There is no "official" confirmation anywhere and I'm not willing to risk trading a valuable item until I get it. So i'm gonna ask you now, are you trying to scam me?
    < blank >: why would i try to scam you lol?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: because it's a £50 item that you could sell, for £50
    < blank >: i consider buds around £20
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: ehh it varies
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: but it's still a valuable item nonetheless
    < blank >: i'm not trying to scam you lol
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Ok, then as this process will supposedly take about a half hour, i'm gonna go have a f✿✿. Also I know I'm asking all these questions about your credibility, mine can be found Here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PhoenixTrading
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: That's a group that I created, run and manage. You can talk to any of the staff members or regulars and they will confirm that I'm an honest trader
    < blank >: rly?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: Just to put your mind at ease
    < blank >: u own dat group
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: yeah
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: forged from an old group that died a while back
    < blank >: http://prntscr.com/2lbxzd
    < blank >: there
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: it says it's completed, I should have an email
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: from paypal
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: And I have nothing
    < blank >: well that's proof that i sent you the money isn't it?
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: well not really because It's a screenshot that could have been easily edited
    < blank >: i didn't edit it
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: like I said, As soon as I see physical evidence on my end i will give you the item
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: but i'm not going off emails from friends and pictures
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: I want an official email from paypal, as I know I would get if there was a transaction processed
    < blank >: i've sent it so if you don't give me the hat i'm going to report you to steam and it takes a little while to send
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: most of the paypal stuff I've done in the past is instant, hence why i'm wary. As i said, I can't afford to scam you when my reputation puts a 350 member community at risk. When get it, confirmed and processed on my end, we'll finish the trade
    < blank >: but you're scamming me right now basically
    < blank >: by not giving me the hat i have payed for
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: no. i'm not, because i haven't effed off. And technically, you havent paid for it yet. If this isn't all a big setup, you'll be happy to wait, as long as I am, until it's done
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: then you'll get your hat, and the trade will be completed scam free
    < blank >: well i'm cancelling and reporting you, i almost lost 80 bucks
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: do what you will. I may even do the same. Because I'm just watching my back.
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: and everything about this smells fishy
    < blank >: you're the scammer in this case
    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat: I haven't taken anything, so no...i'm not​

    Attached Files:

  2. [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat

    [-=PT=-] Darth Mousemat New User

    I also forgot to upload a screenshot of my paypal account recent transactions. There's no sign of any payment being made. I also just realized I could post pictures like this...Probably would have been easier...Apologies. Image 2014-01-21 at 7.47.55 PM.png
  3. Jpam

    Jpam New User

    Nah, one of the rules/tips of SteamRep is uploading it by like you did with all the evidence. Well this would work anyway.
  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Already marked with a community tag but also adding a SR tag. Thanks for the report.