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Accepted 76561198051135111

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by {=MDB=} ζטMIΣЯΣ NǿIЯΣ, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Victim :
    SteamName : Fu.
    Steam ID : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992517223/
    Custom URL : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Patrock52
    SteamRep : http://steamrep.com/search?q=Patrock52

    Scammer :
    SteamName : Yenola
    Steam ID : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051135111/
    Custom URL :
    SteamRep : http://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051135111/

    Yenola added me, we discussed, and we found a deal : he was supposed to buy all my backpacks (TF2, Dota2 and Steam Inventory) for $550.
    I asked him about his threads, he told me that they were all finished, and that he did a lot of trades, so that's normal that he get some threads. Moreover, he told me that he have a "big" steam account (120 games, a $600 TF2 Bp, etc.), and that it'll be stupid from him to try to scam me. I found a MM, who have 1188 games, an amazing TF2 Bp, etc.. Clearly, all was ok. We were in chat, and I asked Yenola to send me 2 little sum of money, in the way to see if it works, and how long it takes to be send. He sent me the 2 sums ($0.01 and $1.00) that I immediatly received. THen I gave all my items (more than 600, so it was veeery long) to the MM, and asked Yenola to send me money. Strangely, he took his time to send the money, and sent me a screen to prove me that the money was sent. I asked him to wait the fact that I get money, but he told me that he had to go to work, and that he couldn't wait more than 30 min. 30 min passed, and I didn't received the money. I gave him screens, the MM looked at too, and we deceided (MM and me) that he (the MM) will keep the items until I received the money. Yenola begann angry, told us that we scammed him, and left the chat. I told him that, if he spent the money, we just have to wait that I get it, and I promise him to tell the MM to sent him the items as soon as I'll get the paiement. He told me that he'll report me, etc. The trade was yesterday, I still don't have money.
    I think that he forged the screens, or that he sent money, took screens, and chargeback immediatly.

    Here are the screens of ALL the conversations, and ALL my PayPal history.

    One more time, please excuse me for my English, I'm French.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, can you provide a screenshot of your inventory history?
    (Make sure it's uncropped)
  3. Of course.
    (I used Google Chrome in the way to see more than Steam.)

    Attached Files:

  4. JazZ5109AI

    JazZ5109AI New User

    I can provide anything you need to show that I am in no way attempting to scam Fu.
    We had made a deal according to these terms:
    I was to send the money, provide a screenclipping of the money being sent, and then I would receive the items.
    I have had issues in the past with the traditional middleman style.

    Fu knew these terms and accepted them, so we continued with the trade.
    However, after me sending the money, he wanted to revert to the old middleman style, without consulting me at all, obviously this is extremely worrying to me.
    Not to mention, we weren't using a SteamRep middleman, we we're just using one of his friends.

    So obviously with all of that taken into account, I chargebacked the money. I can't have money floating around the internet without having something of equal value also in my possession.
    Especially if those items are being withheld at his friends approval.
  5. Sjru

    Sjru User

    That would work!
    An SR admin will review this in a while!
  6. Thank you Sjru.

    Moreover, he confessed that he charged back before I get money (how does normal trades work ? The sellor send his items to the MM, the buyer send money to the sellor, and when he gets money, he tell the MM to send the items, doesn't it ?)

    Hope that he'll be BAN.

    See you.
  7. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Hello, {=MDB=} ζטMIΣЯΣ NǿIЯΣ.

    I sincerely apologize for the time it has taken to process this report. I have taken the necessary actions against the accused.
    Thank you.