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Archived 76561198050151658

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by DiDo Killer!, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. DiDo Killer!

    DiDo Killer! New User

    My info:
    | steamname: DiDo Killer! #CashingOut
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51835223
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063936174
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DiDoKiller
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198063936174

    Scammer's info:
    | steamname: ThePowerOfTheDarkSide
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44942965
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050151658
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198050151658

    The scammer added me for this trade: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/15129996. I was looking to buy a CoD Ghosts for 16 keys. As you may see in the pictures, we traded for it and i kept it in my inventory. Today, as i saw my inventory, i noticed the game wasn´t there. He chargebacked me.

    Now i have the game in my library cause i´ve bought it recently from another user. If you want to check, then just see the picture of my trade history. You will notice i haven´t done any other trade as i bought it, and i don´t have any other copy in my inventory.

    I talked with him, and he told me that he bought it from other user and that it wasn´t his trouble, so he wouldn´t refund me. Proofs in pictures, hope you do something with this scammer.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, please give a screenshot showing that you no longer have the game and got it retrieved from him
  3. Aitchy

    Aitchy New User



    These revoked games usually pass through a few peoples hands before they are charged back and removed so the person you got it from is not always to blame. The best thing you can do is contact steam support and use this ticket template, make sure you fill time,dates, etc out according to your inventory history. Usually steam will restore your items for you. If you have already made a ticket and not had a response yet close it and fill in the following with a new ticket to them. Fill all the < > in.

    Copy and Paste then fill out everything between the lines, you can find any information you need in your inventory history
    On <date of trade> I traded (through the official Steam Trading System) <what you gave> for <what you received>.
    On <day it was revoked>, I login to a message telling me it has been revoked. Or you log in and notice game or games missing from your inventory
    ------What I would like------
    In accordance with the Steam Trading Policy I would like you to return to me <what you gave>
    ------Steam Trade Policy------
    Link: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_...9958-MJDG-3003 Section: What if I redeemed a game from a trade that is fraudulently purchased? Statement: We will restore the items/gifts that were associated with the trade that you performed to receive the game.
    ------Trade Information------
    Date: <date of trade>
    Time: <time of trade>
    My Account: <link to your account>
    His Account: <link to his account>
    My Items Traded: <items you gave>
    His Items Traded: <items you received>
    Thank you for your time and have a nice day.
    <sign here>
  4. DiDo Killer!

    DiDo Killer! New User

    I´ll do that then. Anyways i didn´t tried with that cause i saw that steam was just restoring items for hijacked accounts and not for chargebacks. I´ll try anyways, and thanks for the reply.

    Even if he bought it from other guy, i don´t think it´s fair that he goes unpunished. I mean, i bought that game from him, and he just told me that he couldn´t refund me cause it wasn´t his problem. And it is. I can´t just sell games and once they get charbebacked say "sorry, it´s not my problem"; you are selling an item, and once you have it you must take the responsibilities of selling it. Anyways, i don´t think he got it from the guy he said.My point of view.

    I´ll also upload some screenshots in a couple of hours showing that the game just disappeared in my inventory.
  5. Aitchy

    Aitchy New User


    Look these people that buy games like this with the view of charging back steam or using dodgy payment method know the games will be revoked. They quick sell these games on for lower than market price and it goes through a few peoples inventory usually. Its getting a more common problem. Steam will restore items you traded for a revoked game.

    Only the people that buy these games in the first place should be punished which steam will deal with. Every other person that has traded for that game is just in the same boat as you. If you get a game revoked from your inventory steam does not notify you, if its removed from your library you usually get a message telling you the name of the person that charged back.

    If you got a game from someone and then decided to trade it on or use it in a trade and it later got revoked from that person are you to blame? There is no way you cant tell if a game will be revoked or not.

    Write the ticket, steam will help you out and investigate who purchased the game originally
  6. DiDo Killer!

    DiDo Killer! New User

    Alright. I contacted steam support. I also talked with a guy who was chargebacked in the same situation than me. He told me that steam gave him the keys back, and that the chargeback was made for the same user that "provided" those CoD Ghosts to ThePowerOfTheDarkSide. I don´t have any way to comprove that the chargebacker is an alt of "ThePowerOfTheDarkSide" so i guess that´d be better let that user go till i have more information.
    Thanks for the coments Aitchy!
  7. ThePowerOfTheDarkSide

    ThePowerOfTheDarkSide New User

    Hola dido killer, yo soy quien te había vendido los juegos, recién parece que me dejaron una marca de pending report, podrías por favor pedir que me la quiten ya que todo se resolvió y te devolví las keys que gastaste?
  8. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Is this resolved?
  9. ThePowerOfTheDarkSide

    ThePowerOfTheDarkSide New User

    Yes, he received all the keys he spended from Steam Support
  10. ThePowerOfTheDarkSide

    ThePowerOfTheDarkSide New User

  11. Sjru

    Sjru User

    I need reply from OP
  12. DiDo Killer!

    DiDo Killer! New User

    Fortunately, after talking with Steam Support, they gave me back the keys that i lost in the trade. As i said before, i don´t have any way to prove that "ThePowerOfTheDarkSide" is the original chargebacker or if he is in conspiracy with him. I´d recomend people to take care with this trader before dealing with him, or do that at your own risk.
  13. ThePowerOfTheDarkSide

    ThePowerOfTheDarkSide New User

    I really appreciate it! Thank you so much!
  14. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Archiving by OP request
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