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Archived Report: 76561198120381637 - (Kenny McCormick / [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Omgwtfbbqturkey, May 3, 2014.

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  1. Omgwtfbbqturkey

    Omgwtfbbqturkey New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198120381637 (Kenny McCormick)

    Victim profile: 76561198025003850

    What happened? Description:
    Extreme sharking, earbuds for 1 scrap. 1359x difference in value.

    Guy bragged about his shark. I had my friend string him along for some additional self incrimination. He took an earbud off some guy for a scrap, and then quick sold it. Its clear he knows what he's done the chat logs.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Guy bragged about his shark. I had my friend string him along for some additional self incrimination. He took an earbud off some guy for a scrap, and then quick sold it. Its clear he knows what he's done the chat logs.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    10:04 PM - Majestic Turkey: doooit! http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Professional%20Killstreak%20Cow%20Mangler%205000
    10:07 PM - Kenny McCormick: wait wut
    Thursday, May 01, 2014
    10:59 PM - Kenny McCormick: turkey
    11:04 PM - Majestic Turkey: ?
    11:04 PM - Kenny McCormick: wanna buy some buds?
    11:05 PM - Kenny McCormick: i got them for a scrap
    11:07 PM - Majestic Turkey: you sharked him:P
    11:07 PM - Kenny McCormick: yep
    11:07 PM - Kenny McCormick: ;P
    11:07 PM - Kenny McCormick: one of my best trades
    11:08 PM - Majestic Turkey: its morally dubious
    11:08 PM - Kenny McCormick: true
    11:08 PM - Kenny McCormick: but he was happy
    11:08 PM - Kenny McCormick: with the rocket luancher
    11:09 PM - Majestic Turkey: then you should be happy with the 5 keys i'll offer you for the thing:P
    11:09 PM - Kenny McCormick: D:
    11:09 PM - Kenny McCormick: im quick selling for 18
    11:27 PM - Kenny McCormick is now Offline.
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Sunday, April 27, 2014
    9:51 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: rare is not necessarily valuable:P
    9:51 PM - Kenny McCormick: ik
    9:51 PM - Kenny McCormick: but it looks awesome wanna see?
    Thursday, May 01, 2014
    11:45 PM - Kenny McCormick: hey
    11:45 PM - Kenny McCormick: are you selling strange sapper?
    11:45 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: why
    11:45 PM - Kenny McCormick: i think i saw your outpost add
    11:46 PM - Kenny McCormick: i want to buy one
    11:46 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: erm ok
    11:46 PM - Kenny McCormick: cool
    11:46 PM - Kenny McCormick: also are you selling your max head?
    11:47 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: no
    11:46 PM - Kenny McCormick: ok
    11:47 PM - Kenny McCormick: how much for sapper?
    11:47 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: 4 keys
    11:47 PM - Kenny McCormick: woah
    11:47 PM - Kenny McCormick: why
    11:47 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: you don't have any keys so why does it matter:P
    11:47 PM - Kenny McCormick: i have 18 currently
    11:48 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: hm
    11:48 PM - Kenny McCormick: if you dont wanna sell it fine i was just asking
    11:49 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: best i can do is 3 keys 4 ref, but last i checked you had no keys:P
    11:50 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: what didya do:P
    11:50 PM - Kenny McCormick: k i have no where near what you have but for 600 hours i think i did allright
    11:50 PM - Kenny McCormick: just trading
    11:50 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: seems you sold a bud:P  since 18 keys
    11:50 PM - Kenny McCormick: yeah
    11:51 PM - Kenny McCormick: i tried on outpost but my friends kept screwing around with my post
    11:51 PM - Kenny McCormick: anyway
    11:51 PM - Kenny McCormick: i will do 3.4
    11:51 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: ok
    11:52 PM - You have accepted the trade request from Kenny McCormick.
    11:52 PM - Kenny McCormick: do you have change?
    11:55 PM - Kenny McCormick: thanks man
    11:55 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: thanks
    11:55 PM - Kenny McCormick: do you have any strange parts for sale?
    11:55 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: did you really get the earbuds for a scrap lol
    11:56 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: thats one hell of a trade
    11:55 PM - Kenny McCormick: no XD
    11:56 PM - Kenny McCormick: people enjoy f✿✿✿✿✿✿ with me
    11:56 PM - Kenny McCormick: do you have any strange parts for sale?
    11:57 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: i did the detective work :P  you did get it for a scrap;)
    11:57 PM - Kenny McCormick: ?
    11:57 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: backpack histories and value transfer, its basic logic:P
    11:57 PM - Kenny McCormick: allright well you cant get anywhere if you just do fair trades all the time
    11:57 PM - Kenny McCormick: you oul have same as you sarted out with
    11:58 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: ?
    11:58 PM - Kenny McCormick: anyway man im looking for strange parts for my knife
    11:58 PM - Kenny McCormick: XD
    11:59 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: i never started off with a bud like that -_-
    11:59 PM - Kenny McCormick: i started with 3 keys
    11:59 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: a scrap for a bud is like
    11:59 PM - Kenny McCormick: :P
    11:59 PM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: 1359x difference in price
    11:59 PM - Kenny McCormick: yeah well its not a scam if the person is happy
    Friday, May 02, 2014
    12:00 AM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: i charge a lot but thats pretty excessive man
    12:00 AM - Kenny McCormick: the guy never played tf2
    12:00 AM - Kenny McCormick: anyway!
    12:00 AM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: i guess.....but u do:P
    12:00 AM - Kenny McCormick: yeh
    12:00 AM - Kenny McCormick: do you have any strange parts?
    12:01 AM - MA☝Omgwtfbbqstfu™: not for sale
    12:00 AM - Kenny McCormick: ok
    12:20 AM - Kenny McCormick is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

    CrafterofGenius likes this.
  2. CrafterofGenius

    CrafterofGenius New User

    This very same user was recently involved in shady business involving a killstreak shotgun for a lugermorph trade which when confronted about it he denied it ever existed to the person he made the trade with-his common excuse was "Theres a lot of people with my name" Even though we got his direct steam id from trade websites and tracked the items to him and his user tag at the time was "selling unusual" I give this post a large thumbs up in honesty.

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    SteamRep does not handle "sharking" reports.
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